View Full Version : VX wow factor!

07/20/2013, 11:38 AM
My local NAPA auto supply store had a mini car show today. About 50 to 60 really nice customs, rods and muscle cars from the 30's thru the 70's. All American made. I thought I can drive thru the rows easily, lets see what the reaction is to a rice burner among the American metal. Even before I turned into the driveway heads started turning my way away from the high dollar paint and chrome. I cracked my window enough to hear anything that might be said, deragatory or otherwise. Nope, got all kinds of positive comments about the VX. The eyes followed me as I passed, viewing the car all the way to the rear bumper. I have a feeling that if I would have parked it there would have been a crowd around it in short order asking questions. Made me feel pretty good, my low dollar car got as much attention as the $50,000 cars on display. Wow, didn't really expect that.

07/20/2013, 12:52 PM
Yeah, once again while at a local convenience mart someone who had paid for their gas at the pump then actually came into the store to find out who owned "that black vehicle" outside because she wanted to know what it was and if she could take a few pictures.

She wanted to use the pictures to try to stump her husband and son with what kind of vehicle it was because they run a family body shop, she dealt with all kinds of vehicles day in and day out, and she'd been stumped herself about what it was because there were no badges to give her any clues.

And without even knowing it, she provided an idea for a custom license plate if anyones' been trying to come up with one. SWEET. I don't know how many times she used that term to describe my VX as she was walking around it snapping her photos anyway. :)

07/20/2013, 10:25 PM
The most common two questions I get is: What is it? and then: Its not new?

07/21/2013, 02:21 PM
I bring mine up to the Northeast kingdoom (northern Vermont) I guess I have the only Vx in VT??Every place I go someone makes a comment or asks about my Vx. :)

07/21/2013, 02:37 PM
I bring mine up to the Northeast kingdoom (northern Vermont) I guess I have the only Vx in VT??Every place I go someone makes a comment or asks about my Vx. :)

I've had a couple of people ask me if I wanted to sell it just this month. Thats not counting other offers I've had over the years. Can't think of what I would replace it with, so NO!