View Full Version : Which Lady Has The Most Milage on Her?

11/08/2003, 03:57 AM
Mine has 59900.
I just wonder how long I can drive my VX.

11/08/2003, 06:14 AM
It's an Isuzu! They're good for at least a million miles or so!;Do;

11/08/2003, 06:16 AM
As long as her piston doesn't blow! ;eekr;

11/08/2003, 06:41 AM
64587....monthly trips to miami and a nice road trip to new york in april ;Db; ...x

11/08/2003, 07:33 AM
thought blowing pistons was a good thing??

better tell my lady to stop then

11/08/2003, 08:02 AM
I'm just about to turn 67,000 on mine. She doesn't look a day over 30,000 though.

11/08/2003, 04:36 PM
At the moment, 55,997.

Calling a VX a Lady reminds me of calling Airwolf "The Lady" on the show. And recently I was cooking up a VX video idea along those lines. Although ideally an ebony should be used.

11/08/2003, 04:36 PM
I just passed 93,000. She's still not burning any oil, but shes had both of the intake manifold gaskets replaced, timing belt, and some new wheel bearings. Currently she has a problem with a high idle when I come to a stop about 40% of the time. And I have a whining noise coming from the front passenger side. But she takes me through 100+ miles of mountain highway almost every day. I love my VX and plan to drive her until the wheels fall off!!!!!;Dr;

11/10/2003, 09:45 AM
I know there are a few VXers that have over 130K without problems...

11/10/2003, 01:06 PM

No real problems...

4 sets of tires, battery, spark plugs, pcv, filters, etc.

11/10/2003, 02:51 PM
62,000 miles and only a blown motor. Getting that replaced this week, should be rolling by Nov. 17, 2003.

I had a 1988 Honda CRX with 215,000 miles on it and only had to replace alternator, battery, and a few sets of tires. Just sold it 2 weeks ago. If I had known the VX's motor was going to blow, I'd of kept it.

I plan on running the VX at least a half-a-million miles if it makes it. Theoretically it should make it, right?