View Full Version : Purchased VX #4....From Cyrk :)

08/24/2013, 10:45 AM
Just Purchased my 4th VX.... !!
( I'll have 2 1/2 of them when alls done!)

Actually...an interesting multiple person deal :thumbup:

Purchased Davids (Cyrk) VX....essentially between myself and two others.

Vx will be shipped to me in San Diego.

Super Charger will be put on Chris's (44ficus) VX, and his bits used in place of
S/C on Cyrks.

Bunch of custom bits ( OEM wind deflectors/Skid plates/seat sliders/Razo stuff etc etc) will go to Daniel (VX-man)
to add to the mods on his VX.... that already has my "Version #1 bumper" on it !

And .....the $$'s I get from that , and some parts from the wrecked 2001 VX I purchased...
.....will go to Cyrks ..now my VX...and fix the issues he was having with it.

Great deal for all involved, and Cyrk gets to go car shopping...:dance:....
....and his VX gets to live on !!

We all know it was tough for Cyrk to have to sell....and we wish him nothing but good times from here on...
.....and the full extent of the "Silver Lining" these situations eventually bring.
And dont be a Stranger here David...:_beer:

Big thanks to you Cyrk, 44ficus and VX-Man :thumbup:

Only on this forum would people work so well together, for the benefit of all.

Cheers to you guys.


08/24/2013, 11:14 AM
Only on this forum would people work so well together, for the benefit of all.
Well, that's a bit of a stretch as I see the same kind of thing happen on many of the different forums I visit, but glad it worked out for everyone involved in this particular deal, especially Cyrk as I'm sure his decision wasn't an easy one.

08/24/2013, 11:50 AM
Will the chrome side mirror covers be up for sale? If so, I would love to make an offer.

08/24/2013, 12:04 PM
Maybe ...

Will the chrome side mirror covers be up for sale? If so, I would love to make an offer.

...not sure if Daniel or Chris wants them.

I'll keep you in mind if they are available...I dont need them.

And just a heads up for all...

NOTHING ELSE is for sale .

If / when I end up with spares I dont want after stripping the wrecked one and rebuilding Cyrks..
..I'll put the parts up for grabs here.



08/24/2013, 12:11 PM
just glad we can bring back the VX and not just junk it. plus it helps us all. and im sure you can now finish that trailer you wanted to make with the wrecked vx jo.

08/24/2013, 12:11 PM
Will the chrome side mirror covers be up for sale? If so, I would love to make an offer.

pass on my part. im going in a black and red direction now :)

08/24/2013, 12:14 PM
Sounds like a sweet deal. I've always thought about doing the same for a low priced VX with many rare mods.

...and Jo, you may hold the record now for most Vehcri purchased. Maybe just behind Richard Payne. :_beer:

08/24/2013, 12:42 PM
I have no idea....

and im sure you can now finish that trailer you wanted to make with the wrecked vx jo.

....what youre talking about :p :cool: :p


08/24/2013, 01:01 PM

Sounds like a sweet deal. I've always thought about doing the same for a low priced VX with many rare mods.

...and Jo, you may hold the record now for most Vehcri purchased. Maybe just behind Richard Payne. :_beer:

...it worked well for all.

The availability of parts from the wrecked VX I have really made it viable for me...

...so I couldnt say no.

As for the most VX's....Yea, Richard certainly has me there.

I'm :whiteflag: on buying more..............

....for now :cool:


08/25/2013, 12:35 AM
I didn't say anything... ure seeing things jo......

I have no idea....

....what youre talking about :p :cool: :p


08/25/2013, 08:41 AM
As said above... Thanks to Jo and Chris for sharing on the effort...
Many Thanks to Dave that now can get his Juke.. [Somehow still in the VX family of design..].

Happy to share on the Mods and good work of Dave, Here...

And no, I am not interested in the Chrome Mirror covers, happy to see them go perhaps to JN, a fellow Florida VXer.. That is if Jo has no use for them...
Like Chris, adding to my Red and Black VX... happy with the theme here...:bgwo:


08/25/2013, 05:24 PM
SUPER SAD to see it go, i truly thought i would be buried with it. LOL
Lots-o-changes in this past year...

Was not able to swing the numbers on the Nissan Nismo Juke. :(

I did make it work on a 2013 Kia Soul ! Loaded with everything.
Fun car. Will do for now.

Jo been a pleasure and I am happy that she will live on with my VX family.

I will forever have the VX in my heart absolutely the coolest vehicle I have owned.

Some pics of my SoulTrooper. My god the VX is AWESOME looking!!!! argh. Stupid chick car I have now LOL!!!!






08/25/2013, 06:24 PM
Hamsters included? :D

08/26/2013, 12:35 AM
hajajajaj hamster... classic

08/26/2013, 05:02 AM
Looks like it comes with Half Chrome mirrors? or are you already moding the Soul? :)
Looks nice my friend.. and I bet the windows are working as intended?

Nice ride.. Happy you are set.. [For now or until the next VX!]

08/26/2013, 07:12 AM
Parting Cyrk's ride to fix up your beaters!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :confused:

HERESY!!!! :p ;) :bgwb:

I keed.... I keed....

08/26/2013, 09:37 AM
:eek:...not so much!!

Parting Cyrk's ride to fix up your beaters!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :confused:

HERESY!!!! :p ;) :bgwb:

I keed.... I keed....

Putting Cyrks back to original, and fixing its issues...
...and spreading/using Cyrks VX's DNA , to enhance two others.



08/26/2013, 09:49 AM
Nice David..

I like the Soul..and excellent for what you need right now :thumbup:

I'll be in touch on shipping..still haggling / getting quotes.

Glad youre all mobile!!



10/17/2013, 06:14 PM

Would the inside passenger door handle be up for sale? If so, what's your price?

Thank You,


10/17/2013, 07:09 PM
Sorry, cant help.

Please see post #4 on this thread.


Would the inside passenger door handle be up for sale? If so, what's your price?

Thank You,


I'm not parting out Cyrks VX..its a beauty...
....just a few issues to take care of.

And all the spares from the crashed one are in my private stash....
...cause I'll need them all one day !!


Scott Larson
10/18/2013, 08:12 PM
Sorry Jo but you forgot to add the "Mwahaha"...THE CREATURE LIVES!!!!