View Full Version : what removes tw trim restorer

09/14/2013, 01:04 PM
I put Turtle Wax Trim Restorer on the cladding today and got a little on the paint. It's really oily and doesn't just wipe off. What would work to take it off the paint? thanks!

09/14/2013, 03:22 PM
With products like that, I'll usually get a microfiber cloth wet in some soapy water (Dawn dishwashing liquid or similar) then wring it out so that it's just damp to wipe off the excess trim product. Dishwashing soap usually cuts through that kind of greasy product pretty well.

Mile High VX
09/14/2013, 04:56 PM
I use that product and the suggestion above is right on!

09/14/2013, 07:44 PM
thanks guys.