View Full Version : more questions please

09/15/2013, 12:46 PM
Sorry, I know newbies are a pain...

I just got back from getting the tires balanced, she was vibrating pretty good 65-70. The tire guys had never seen a VX and told me they think it needs struts/shocks... said the back tires are leaning in like this / \ Is that norman or could it need aligned? Our first vx needed shocks bad and was real bouncy the first test drive (I loved it lol) but this one doesn't seem that way. It seems to have a stiff suspension but idk. My dad thought maybe it was just out of align as the tires are wearing on the back some.

Also, to the OK people, can you recommend a reasonable but good mechanic to work on these? I have a check engine light and the readout is the 401 ERG thing. I've just starting doing some mechanican on my bike... not sure I'm gutsy enough to try on this yet though.


09/15/2013, 04:41 PM
Hmmmmmm - first up, I would change the tire place you are using.

The VX does not have "strut" type suspension, and shockas will not change the alignment even if they are bad.
The rear axle is a solid axle housing with no adjustment for alignment, so unless the VX has been dropped from a great height and bent the axle housing, or the rear axle bearings are missing, the rear wheels cannot lean in.

If your VX has been lifted, that can cause other alignment problems, but certainly not leaning in.

Makes you wonder if they even looked underneath????

Others will chime in with their thoughts, but I would be getting a second opinion from someone you can really trust.

Good luck.


09/15/2013, 05:42 PM
I agree with PK. If I had to guess, I'd say that the guys in the shop you went to probably saw abnormal tire wear on your rear tires and that made them think the tires were leaning inwards.

It's more likely that any abnormal rear tire wear actually happened when the rear tires were on the front, then they got rotated to the back. If that's what happened, then if your front tires aren't already wearing like that, they will over time unless you do get a front-end alignment. On a VX, an alignment and properly inflated tires are the best way to keep tires wearing like they should.

As far as your 0401 EGR problem goes, some have had luck just taking it off, giving it a good cleaning with a product like CRC throttle-body and air intake cleaner, then simply putting it back on (new gaskets seem optional). It's located at the back of the engine on the passenger side near the firewall.


09/15/2013, 06:09 PM
I agree with the all the above.

09/16/2013, 04:18 AM

Get your front end aligned & don't worry about the rear. I'm 99% certain that the odd wear on your rear tires occurred when they were on the front.

Here's a couple of pix that might help you get started with maintaining your VX.



09/16/2013, 10:38 AM
Thank you for all the help. I will check into an alignment. I may need to get some tires first, this place said nothing about the condition of the tires or needing new ones even though I specifically asked them to check them for me. My dad, however, said he saw some weather cracks. :(

And tom4bren... thank you so much for the detailed diagrams.... that puts it all in perspective for me. lol

09/16/2013, 11:34 AM
And tom4bren... thank you so much for the detailed diagrams.... that puts it all in perspective for me. lol

No problemo. If you search deep enough for info on cleaning the EGR, you'll find those pix. We did them about a year ago.

09/16/2013, 06:15 PM

See email - my brother-in-law & his father own an import repair business in Lawton. :)

09/16/2013, 07:19 PM
did you send pm or email? Neither came through. Sent you one though.

09/17/2013, 07:42 PM
PM sent!

09/17/2013, 08:04 PM
LMFAO! Leaf. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

09/17/2013, 08:13 PM
If you decide to get new tires make sure you get all 4 at the same time. If not that's a whole nother can of worms.