View Full Version : Izuzu Logo Back Door

11/11/2003, 04:12 PM
Hey, Will you all help share your philosophies as to why or why not to remove the Izuzu logo from the back door!!!!
I'm having trouble deceiding what to do!!!!
How many of you removed them?
Can we get a "NASA Experimental Vehicle" logo replacement??!!!!!!
Dave :)

11/11/2003, 04:43 PM
Some like the looks without the badges, especially the big ISUZU on the back. Or prefer a "cleaner" look without them.

Some like the aura of mystery that surrounds the VX as people crank their necks around trying to figure out what the heck it is.

Some simply dont want to advertise for Isuzu.


11/11/2003, 05:16 PM
sort of what anita said,
i took mine off cause i dont want to advertise, want the mystery and didnt like the big isuzu on the back, i left it on the grill though.

the back is going to get some pinstriping, maybe, or some graphics, but definatly not the isuzu wording

Raque Thomas
11/11/2003, 05:49 PM
Dave, I took all the Isuzu logos off. It's funny watching people speeding past then slowing down and whipping their heads around (driver and passenger) to see if they can see what kind of car it is- whoops! I took that one off too!! Really, I think someone hit it on the head in another thread a few months back - most people think it's a really cool vehicle....then you tell them it's an Izusu and they go "oh", kind of like "oh, I thought it was something special".

Isuzu isn't known for making exciting,cutting edge vehicles. My previous thoughts of Izusu were MUCH less than flattering - I'm still not impressed with other Izusu's (sorry owners!). I've seen too many with wavy sheet metal, hanging bumpers, missing parts, etc, that just gave me the overall impression that they were the Yugo of Japan. Again I apologize to all of you that own other Izusu's - I'm just telling you my impressions. I hadn't put two and two together on the Passport also being made by Isuzu until I got to this site, but I always thought the same about them. For no more of these (Isuzu's) than you see, the percentage that look "junky" is pretty high. It ALMOST steered me away from the VX. Anyway - I had to take everything off the VX that said Isuzu - too many negative connotations for me! And yes - I like the mystery factor!

11/12/2003, 06:21 AM
I plan on removing anything that says ISUZU on mine. Too many bad experiences trying to deal with Isuzu. If I didn't like my VX so much I would simply get rid of it all together, but I don't know of anything else that could replace it without spending over $50 grand. I figure, if Isuzu will turn their backs to their customer why should we advertise for them.

Good luck with your decision.

11/12/2003, 07:12 AM
Thanks for all the input....
I have deceided ....
I' m going to remove the rear logo, grill logo as soon as i have finished getting my window fixed, chrome wheels replaced all under waranty!!

Can we get Toyota to produce the next concept car??!!!!

11/12/2003, 07:24 AM
As a matter of fact, Toyota does have an interesting concept right now called the RSC. Check out the following link for information and pictures of it.


If they build it, I will buy!! ;Dy;

11/12/2003, 08:45 AM
OK, it's coming off the rear on mine too. But I need something to replace it. It might look too bare on an ebony without something there. Any suggestions? Nothing too wild, my wife says I can't make it look like a 20 year old drives it. (all my kids are over 21 ):)

11/12/2003, 09:17 AM
Whatever you can imagine can be made to put in place of the ISUZU logo. You could get a graphic or sign shop to make a VX logo for it, or NASA, or LUNAR, or SOLAR, or TONKA, pretty much anything you can come up with.

Good luck, let us know what you decide to put there.

Simon Templar
11/12/2003, 01:47 PM
I removed mine for a couple of reasons...

First, the VX is such a cool design that I honestly feel that the cheesy ISUZU on the door detracts from its overall looks. Had they spent a little more time and effort on the logo...and it's fabrication...then it would be different. But as it is, its ugly and cheap.

Second, I also agree with those who've had people suddenly lose all interest the moment they found out it was 'just' an Isuzu. Better to keep folks guessing.

And last, I just don't really wish to be an unpaid billboard for the company. Yes, I have had problems too.....but with their dealers, not with the company. I won't hold Isuzu's feet TOO closely to the fire for the indiscretions of their dealers. But, I DO think they should reign the dealers in a bit closer....after all, what the dealers do does reflect on the company to an extent. So, as the company does not wish to go out of its way to take care of me (their customer), I feel no need to sway more customers in their direction.


11/12/2003, 01:57 PM
hummm am I the only one with it still on?

I kinda like it, it breaks up the rear little, with out it on kinda looks like it's wearing a big diaper.

But Isuzu does suck big time.


11/12/2003, 02:06 PM
Nah, there are lots of us left.

I still have mine on as well. I like the silver to break up all the black. IMHO To each his/her own!

11/12/2003, 03:07 PM
The VehiCross is a pretty damn cool vehicle, and the best thing you could do to help change the bad rep is to keep those badges on there to put that thought in the minds of all those who see it that Isuzu may not quite be what they think it is.

If your VehiCross is debadged, someone will eventually ask you what it is. And when they do, what are you going to say? If you make something up, chances are they'll recognize a line of BS when they hear it, so there goes all your trying to be cool right down the drain. If you tell them it's an Isuzu and they go "oh" and it sounds like they mean "oh, I mistakenly thought it was something special", take the opportunity to follow up by telling them how it IS special, for goodness' sake! We can either hang our heads in shame or we can do something about it! Heck, it takes less effort, too.

If you debadge because you want a different look or whatever, fine. If it's because you don't want people to know its an Isuzu, that's just silly and you oughta be out there fighting it. That is, after all, why Isuzu built your VehiCross in the first place - to challenge those notions and defy convention!

This isn't being said just to prop up the company. But we should at least stick up for ourselves and our particular trucks if nothing else. If you succumb to popular opinion that Isuzus suck, that is tantamount to admitting you're a raving idiot for buying one. Now why would you do that?

Just my two cents.

11/12/2003, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Cyrk
hummm am I the only one with it still on?

I kinda like it, it breaks up the rear little, with out it on kinda looks like it's wearing a big diaper.

But Isuzu does suck big time.

I have been thinking about putting mine back on just for this reason.

11/12/2003, 03:28 PM
When people ask, I tell them that it is an Isuzu concept vehicle which made it to production for a limited number of lucky owners. Second question usually is, "Do you like it?"

Just a smile seems to make the point clearly.

What really is noticeable and sort of dangerous are people who strain to read the Vehi CROSS on the sides. They end up drifting in my lane.

Jolly Roger VX'er
11/12/2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Heraclid
The VehiCross is a pretty damn cool vehicle, and the best thing you could do to help change the bad rep is to keep those badges on there to put that thought in the minds of all those who see it that Isuzu may not quite be what they think it is.

If your VehiCross is debadged, someone will eventually ask you what it is. And when they do, what are you going to say? If you make something up, chances are they'll recognize a line of BS when they hear it, so there goes all your trying to be cool right down the drain. If you tell them it's an Isuzu and they go "oh" and it sounds like they mean "oh, I mistakenly thought it was something special", take the opportunity to follow up by telling them how it IS special, for goodness' sake! We can either hang our heads in shame or we can do something about it! Heck, it takes less effort, too.

If you debadge because you want a different look or whatever, fine. If it's because you don't want people to know its an Isuzu, that's just silly and you oughta be out there fighting it. That is, after all, why Isuzu built your VehiCross in the first place - to challenge those notions and defy convention!

This isn't being said just to prop up the company. But we should at least stick up for ourselves and our particular trucks if nothing else. If you succumb to popular opinion that Isuzus suck, that is tantamount to admitting you're a raving idiot for buying one. Now why would you do that?

Just my two cents.

I was wondering how I was going to express myself as far as finding the right words and along comes Heraclid with exactly what was on my mind! Touchet! Couldn't have said it better myself!

P.S.--I would like to go Tonka's route with the ISUZU logo on the back door as seen in his gallery pic:



11/12/2003, 06:11 PM
Since the repairs from the roll, my VX is debadged except the Ironman on the hood insert and the Isuzu logo on the rear.

I am undecided whether I like it that way or not....but I am seriously thinking about leaving it unbadged and changing that grill Isuzu to "JEEP"......just so I can get in good with all the Jeep guys then break it to them after they have complimented the new type of "JEEP" that it is really an Isuzu. ha ha ha ha!!!!

nyc #1 ironman
11/12/2003, 06:31 PM
I took all mine off , first of all i would never give them the satisfaction of advertising for them, second, i wouldn't want anyone to buy an isuzu and go through the headaches that most of us have been through with customer service...

11/13/2003, 06:19 AM
If the future of Isuzu rests on the fact that we should keep their logo on our rides then they are already in more trouble then we can help. Besides it's not our burden to change their reputation. I wouldn't want to help them with their rep or their advertising. I've tried for 2 weeks solid just to talk to someone at Corporate Isuzu and all I ever get is a voicemail. If that's the service they offer to all the Isuzu owners then that's on them. I will never purchase anything ISUZU ever again and I won't send any customers their way either. I'll admit that I shouldn't have bought an Isuzu and I tell everyone that when they ask me about my VX. Sorry but I don't have one good thing to say about ISUZU. That's just me though.

Raque Thomas
11/13/2003, 06:34 AM
guys, Isuzu is the oldest truck mfg in Japan, I don't think there's much chance of them going out of business. They've never made a serious effort at selling passenger cars in the US, so I guess there is a possibility of them closing that division in the US - not sure where that would leave us. I guess in the short term it would be OK, as they would have to provide parts and service, but long term?

What other vehicle is there that so few were produced, but they still don't have much resale value? That's because of the reputation (or lack of) of Isuzu. I don't think there's any real chance of VX's becoming valuable one day. Don't get me wrong, I love my VX, and appreciated the fact that it was exotically priced when I bought it. I debadged it as soon as I could!

11/13/2003, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by VX_PA
Sorry but I don't have one good thing to say about ISUZU. That's just me though.

I do.


Like the earlier post said, too bad Isuzu Japan couldn't resolve the crappy customer service of Isuzu America. Isuzu should be applauded for bringing the VX into production.

11/13/2003, 07:22 AM
AREA 51.. True true, we have this cool machine cause of those bastards...;)

11/13/2003, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Jolly Roger VX'er
I was wondering how I was going to express myself as far as finding the right words and along comes Heraclid with exactly what was on my mind! Touchet! Couldn't have said it better myself!

P.S.--I would like to go Tonka's route with the ISUZU logo on the back door as seen in his gallery pic:



I didn't like the rear silver ISUZU but didn't like it blank either, so i went to stickercity.com and made my own. Looks even better in person! I really suggest this simple mod.

11/13/2003, 03:41 PM
Heres what i want :D


Simon Templar
11/13/2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by AREA 51
Isuzu should be applauded for bringing the VX into production.

Upon this, we agree. Isuzu SHOULD indeed be applauded for this move. One nice big solid 'Attaboy' to them for it.

However, this is tempered by the knowledge that although they brought it to market....they immediately cast it, and the customers who purchased it, into that dark and murky abyss that is company non-support and dealer apathy/ineptitude/profiteering. And they intentionally did so without hesitation, and without any visible remorse.

That in mind, the 'attaboy' is more than sufficiently cancelled out.

One must also note that this does not appear to be a VX-specific action....but rather a broad and far-sweeping motion against ALL Isuzu customers, regardless of product. It just stings a little more if you're a VX owner. Everyone else bought a vehicle. We bought an idea, a concept, a dream.

As stated by someone else previously, Isuzu is one of (if not THE) biggest producers in Japan. Perhaps they feel that they needn't bother with US customer support.....I can't say. If so, more power to them. It is their company and they are within their rights to enter or leave any market they wish.

I'm sure the fact that I'll never again purchase anything else with the word Isuzu on it has little if any meaning whatsoever to them. I, you, we all, are well below their noise-level. Take off those rose-coloured glasses....they just don't care. And there is no logical reason to ever expect that to change....so get used to it.

The best we can hope for is better luck and a wiser choice in the makers of our next vehicles. I know I have learned MY lesson.

If you wish to make ANY impression at all about the matter...show your next new vehicle to the Sales Manager at the dealership which is presently causing you the most trouble. Be sure that he understands that your money (and HIS commission) went to his competitor because he and his service department sent it there. Granted, there will be very LITTLE impression made by this....but, perhaps, there might be some. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn now and again.


11/13/2003, 07:08 PM

You've said it exactly as it should be said. The VX is a great vehicle, but the company has abandoned us. With all the problems and expense that is going into my VX, I'm keeping it. But, it will become the beater - four-wheelin' here I come :clap: - and I'll invest in a Toyota or Nissan truck for my daily driver.

11/14/2003, 05:01 AM

That decal should qualify you for all the Handicap parking you can handle:laughb:

David Wiltshire
11/14/2003, 09:08 AM
Perhaps we should all try people power and send a combined letter or e-mail to Isuzu to let them know that there are a large number of owners who love their VX but think everything else to do with the vehicles support once bought sucks. I for one feel their attention should be drawn to the fact that the 10 or so U.K. owners have no support at all from the main importer International Motors. Before buying mine I looked carefully at all the implications of ownership and decided to take on the challenge which to date with the help of this forum plus being a bit of an 'anorak' has proved to be very rewarding. I would like to keep my VX for a long time and plan to buy such things as the poly body parts to ensure the VX can run for years. I have had made some LUNAR ROVER badges made to fit the front and the same size one has been stuck to the rear petrol tank cover just below the poly rear bumper. It is funny to watch people read the name and scratch their heads.

11/14/2003, 05:51 PM
I believe you'll find the results of a failed attempt at this, if you search under "petition".

11/15/2003, 07:03 AM
Hello across the pond.....David Wiltshire!!!
I loved the way you made the "lunar rover" badge.
What did you make the front one out of?
And the side ones?
I'm curious why you did not place one on the back where you removed the izuzu logo?
Anyway....way to go!!!!
Dave USA!!

David Wiltshire
11/16/2003, 04:25 AM
Hi Sgt and drdavid,
Having looked through petition I can see that a large number of members put their name to the petition. Did Isuzu Japan respond?
I have just posted some pictures of the new badges ( in my gallery as I still do not have the knack of posting them here) I have had made, the first ones were too expensive and the lettering when examined close up were not correctly lined up, the new badges were only £8 each and so far have weathered really well. As far as the removal of the word Isuzu from the back I too agree that it somewhat detracted from the whole look and concept of the vehicle because over here in the U.K. the troopers are a bit agricultural which I suppose is what they are designed for. I also think that the curve of the rear area looks better without the letters. I have kept the Vehicross on the side because I think thats quite a nice design. The other day I parked it outside a furniture outlet and about half the young staff came out to look at it all saying it looked amazing etc and most found out it was an Isuzu by looking through and seeing it on the steering wheel Which reminds me to get a VX badge made to cover the name Isuzu.

11/16/2003, 12:11 PM

i cant get the damn ghost image out of the back. Ive tried rubbing compound, but its not working. even have blisters on my fingers from rubbing it so damn much


David Wiltshire
11/17/2003, 12:22 AM
Strange because on my dark blue VX the word ISUZU does not appear at all, all I did was to remove them with a heat gun then polish with a standard mettalic paint wax. I can't imagine that the USA spec model has stickers any different from my Japanese spec one!

11/17/2003, 08:03 AM
It all depends on length of time they were on and the weather they were submitted too. If you live in an area where the sun is bright and hot 355 days a year (oh, like say the Arizona desert) it will fade the paint much worse than in other areas. Also the darker the color the quicker it will fade, thus leaving the areas under the stickers protected and unfaded.

11/18/2003, 11:58 AM
Try having it buffed with a high speed buffer, by a professional, so you don't burn the paint.


11/18/2003, 03:10 PM
Ok...I'm convinced .....I'm going to remove all traces of Izuzu as soon as I get my serviceing done..
Here is the story....
I met a date at the mall today. We had a nice chat, grabbed some food and were walking thru the mall toward our cars. Since her car was on the opposite side of the mall I asked her "can I drive you over to your car in my new Lunar Rover"?
With a puzzled look she asked" Your what, what is that?" I told her its my lunar rover, the vehicle NASA designed to explore the lunar and martian surface!! Her eyes lit up and we walked out the mall doors to my VX. She picked it out right away and seemed very excited. THEN....SHE NOTICED THE IZUZU LOGO AND SHE SAID" OH, ITS AN IZUZU.............." At that point she lost that interest that peaked in her.....DAMN....


11/18/2003, 06:05 PM

11/19/2003, 06:57 PM
If you didn't lead her on like that, her reaction may have been different.

11/20/2003, 03:30 PM
It was worth it just to see her expression when I told her I'd give her a ride in my rover!!!
Anyway...she's comming over tonight so I guess the Izuzu logo didn't totally turn her off!!!

Raque Thomas
11/21/2003, 05:10 PM
Dr. Dave - try this next time....what it should have been all along!!


;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy; ;Dy;

11/21/2003, 08:30 PM
That maserati looks pretty good. I bought some lambo bulls and a nameplate from a defunct dealer earlier this year but have yet to install them.

Wanted to mention that using .png is overkill, you could probably do .jpg versions of your images that are one tenth the size of the .pngs and still look identical to anyone but a professional computer graphics designer.

Raque Thomas
11/22/2003, 07:14 PM
I thought about doing the Lambo thing, but the VX didn't meet the image. Maserati has a history of "pretenders" - most notably the 180 hp BiTurbo (which this logo came from), the Citroen SM (spelling?), and the 4cyl turbo Chrysler TC by Maserati. So I thought I could maybe get away with a Maserati logo - of course whenever I'm asked, I fess up to being a pretender!

As for the pic posts - hey, I was patting myself on the back for finally joining the 21st century and figuring out how to post - now you tell me I'm still in the dark ages?? :waag: Actually, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing - my computer gave me the option to save a file compressed, and that's what I chose. Where can I go to get some info on doing this sort of thing? I don't mind reading and figuring it out, but I don't want to spend 20 hours trying to find out where to get the info!

11/22/2003, 08:14 PM
Yeah, I haven't decided if I want to put the lambo nameplate, or just liberaly sprinkle the bulls around (sounds kind of appropriate) - I figure that the bull logo is not so well known so that anyone seeing it is just as likely to keep wondering what brand the car is anyway.

As for the web and graphics, I don't have a good link to send you to. It is just info that people pick up after a while or use in their daily work. I actually had a very small, teeny-tiny part in the creation of the png format back in the day, so all the docs I learned this stuff from are probably roadkill now. But I did do a google for you and after looking at a couple of dozen hits, this one looks like the best balance of detail and usefulness:


Raque Thomas
11/22/2003, 09:45 PM
Thanks - I'll check it out. I don't use the computer much at work except for e-mail and spread sheets, so I don't get to play with all that cool stuff. I'll catch up though!

11/23/2003, 01:16 PM
Well the ISUZU came off the back door today. With a little help from my wife, a hair dryer, and dental floss it came off easily. Used Goo Go to clean up the residue and a light coat of cleaner-wax to finish it off. No shadow left on the Ebony finish.

I took off the I and U and thought of leaving S U Z (think about that one Sue777). But I felt it wasn't worth answering all of the questions.

I bought a sticker that says 4wd in a nice furturistic style, but it looks very nice with nothing back there. Even my wife who thought I should leave the ISUZU on, thinks it looks much better without it.

So, for now, I will stay bare a$$ed. Sorry, couldn't resist.

11/23/2003, 08:47 PM
Well Today I 2 took that step. I peeled off the ISUZU logo off the back and the front aswell. I finally put the Limited edtion on the front and I to say Damn it looks better. I even started the work on making my own custom grill. I am gonna gonna custom paint it Bright red once I done with it. I'm still looking for a custom paint shop around here to get painted. If that ends up being a no go, Then I guess it's back home to the boogie down to hit a friends shop. I'll post up the pics ASAP.

Raque Thomas
12/05/2003, 08:31 PM
Well I've got to say that the VX is garnering even more attention since the addition of that Maserati logo on the back. I pulled into a parking lot today and was on the phone, so I sat in my car to finsh the conversation. I caught a glimpse of someone walking up behind the car in my mirror - he looked it over top to bottom, front to back for like 5 minutes - looked right at me, but made no motions to roll down the window, or ask me any questions, then walked off. Then I passed a Tiburon, and he caught up with me at a light & motioned for me to roll down the window. He said "man that's a beautiful car - what is it?" Well I'm sure he saw Maserati emblazoned on the back - but I said "it's a VehiCROSS" and he asked what motor it had, he said "is it a V8?"- I said "no a V6", and he said "it sure sounds like a V8!" (I have the cone filter, which does add to the sound). The light changed, and he said "nice ride man" before speeding off. I'm used to people rubbernecking to see what kind of car it is, but I'd have to say that it has increased 5 fold since I put that logo on the back door - I'll just keep them guessing!!:D :D :D