View Full Version : Starts perfectly, but stalls when starting again when engine "warm"

11/07/2013, 09:37 PM
Hi gang,

I've read many similar topics over the years but they always involve extremely erratic idle speeds typically bouncing up to surprisingly high RPMs so this isn't quite the same thing.

When cold, my VX starts and runs perfectly as expected. Idle RPM is at about 750.
When hot, after a long drive... same thing - NO problems.

But... if I go for a quick trip (only driving for 5-15 minutes), get out for a few minutes and re-start -- my VX will fire up immediately but then stall out immediately. I'll turn the ignition again and the RPMs do seem like they fluctuate between 750RM (normal I think) and about 500 RPM before it levels out to 750 within a few seconds. Then it's business as usual again and behaves as expected. (AC is off by the way.)

This issue has never left me stranded, but I am becoming concerned since it's happening more and more frequently.

Any ideas? Where should I start with troubleshooting? No engine codes.


11/08/2013, 05:48 AM
I'd start with the easy stuff first & work my way to the more complicated.

1. Dump some injector cleaner into the tank at your next few fuel stops.

2. Remove spark plugs, Clean them (or replace), Gap to .032. Mebbe crank the engine a little with all the plugs out before re-installing plugs.

3. Clean MAF, TPS, FPR, & EGR

4. Have a muffler shop check your exhaust system for any clogs/leaks (your cat may be on it's 9th life).

11/08/2013, 06:08 AM
Your VX just wants to be driven longer! :D

Good luck finding your problem.

11/08/2013, 08:46 PM
Thank you, guys!

11/09/2013, 07:21 AM
This is the first thing that popped in my head reading your post and I'm not even sure why, but I'm throwing it out there anyway. Improperly seated gas cap? Like t4b said, start off with the easy stuff first.