View Full Version : Transformers Screening at Paramount

07/21/2014, 02:55 PM
So last week I was invited to Paramount Studios to watch the new Transformers movie and listen to the music supervisor. As I rolled up to the main gate in my Proton, I told the security guard, "I'm here for the Transformers screening." He said, "Really? Is this one of the Transformers?"

Yeah...this is replacing Bumblebee cuz GM just recalled him. :)

07/22/2014, 03:54 PM
That is so freaking awesome!!! 15 years old, and they still look futuristic!

07/23/2014, 10:40 PM
Hey Baldwin - I'm in Santa Clarita. We need to hook up at some point.

A guy that I ride with is one of the techs / audio coordinators for the Transformers at Universal. He gave me a tour of the costumes and how they do the voices and everything. Absolutely amazing. If you've never been to universal and seen the characters they are quite intimidating. They stand about 9 feet tall!

07/29/2014, 01:28 PM
Hey Baldwin - I'm in Santa Clarita. We need to hook up at some point.

A guy that I ride with is one of the techs / audio coordinators for the Transformers at Universal. He gave me a tour of the costumes and how they do the voices and everything. Absolutely amazing. If you've never been to universal and seen the characters they are quite intimidating. They stand about 9 feet tall!

Yo! That's awesome! Would love to see that if you can hook it up. I'm in LA.