View Full Version : Bling Bling(ed)

11/23/2003, 06:53 AM
I never saw it coming....
Tone & company were returning back from the Kemah outing with me when, already into the evening, I noticed something next to me on the freeway. Specifically, flashing strobe like lights reflecting off the cement barrier on the road. The conversation in the VX went something like this:
Cary: Something is going on under your car. Lights are flashing.
Me: Yea. I know. I been seeing it for a while now.
Cary: Is something broken? You have your flashers on?
Me: Nope. Something is broken. Damn.
****I got blinged****
Before coming into mi' casa earlier in the afternoon it seems that the motley group put "fireflys" on my valve stems. For those unaware, these are the worst of all bling blings- tips to valve stems that flash as you accelerate or slow down. Geeez they're horrible. Got 'em off before anyone I knew saw me.
Tone-1.....George-0 (end of 1st inning)
Gm 122 engine (http://www.chevy-wiki.com/wiki/GM_122_engine)

11/23/2003, 06:56 AM
Come on George, it wasn’t THAT bad and we made sure to use HPD colors!

11/23/2003, 08:11 AM
LOL! Geez, don't make me laugh that hard... I got tea up my nose. :-)

11/24/2003, 11:43 AM
****I got blinged****
That has to be the first time I've heard this phrase LOL!:laughr:
I like those flashing wheel dealey's ;Dr;

11/24/2003, 04:13 PM
I recently inherited a set that might be able to be sold at dealers wholesale cost....for your driving pleasure. Beat the long Christmas lines. I'll include a Houston booklet on proper seat settings for "How To Do The Gangsta' Lean...Word".
You might be the first kid on your Alaska block to own this trendsetting goodie. :coolb: :winkr: :dance:
VICODIN REHAB FORUM (http://www.rehab-forum.com/vicodin-rehab/)

Jolly Roger VX'er
11/24/2003, 04:35 PM
Now all you need are Spazz's purple neons and you'll most likely be mistaken for that "Back 2 the Future" Delorean seen in the movies..LOL.

11/24/2003, 04:58 PM
I'll include a Houston booklet on proper seat settings for "How To Do The Gangsta' Lean...Word".
Hey I already have that booklet! It came with my old Honda Civic! LOL:laughr:

VX crazy
11/24/2003, 08:14 PM
George, you know we were only trying to get you pulled over! As anal as you are about your vx, and rightfully so, I thought for sure you would have seen them before getting into the car...

11/25/2003, 04:27 AM
You're right...silly silly me. From now on the valve stem covers are first on my pre-flight inspection list. By the way- Tara was able to keep it a secret all the way back until she busted out laughing in the driveway. ;Db; . Almost as humorous as me walking the bill at Landrys. I'm still trying to live that one down too. Focus problems perhaps?
Dick Sucking Lips (http://www.****tube.com/video/34602/latina-wife-with-perfect-dick-sucking-lips)