View Full Version : ####... Sneak Peek...2015 Vx Calendar.... ####

10/10/2014, 07:38 PM
Last shoot today for 2015 VEHICROSS CALENDAR..... :thumbup:

Here is just a wee teaser of whats to come in 2015 .... :p

http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/JENN_TEASER_.jpg (http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=25203)

GO HERE...and order :thumbup:




10/11/2014, 07:19 AM
Are the breasts of the girl in this photo showing? Possible to get a calendar with no women?

10/11/2014, 07:42 AM
Last shoot today for 2015 VEHICROSS CALENDAR....




Are the breasts of the girl in this photo showing? Possible to get a calendar with no women?


10/11/2014, 08:00 AM
Whose red VX is that Jo? Looks like we have similar style taste :yesb:

10/11/2014, 08:04 AM
Sorry Rick, there is not a non-risque version of the calendar.

10/11/2014, 08:55 AM
Hiya Rick....

Are the breasts of the girl in this photo showing? Possible to get a calendar with no women?

Yup..there are 'exposed' ( . ) ( . ) 's in this Calendar :thumbup:

I'm happy to censor one with heavy black marker prior to mailing....

...otherwise, nope...its a Car / Girl Glam calendar as stated in the order thread :)



10/11/2014, 10:17 AM
Rick you can order one put it up at my shop and come vist anytime you would like... :happyface.

10/11/2014, 02:55 PM
Don't get me wrong, I like the ladies, just have no place that this would be appropriate. :upsetgray

I could, very easily and quickly put together a calender from forum member vehicles. If people would be interested. All I would need is 12 high res photo's sent to me.

10/11/2014, 03:24 PM
Hiya Rick...

I could, very easily and quickly put together a calender from forum member vehicles. If people would be interested. All I would need is 12 high res photo's sent to me.

We used to have a vehicle only " VX calendar " , many years ago.
I offered up a few Garage Glam shots for it , and then this fully
Girls & Cars calendar evolved and the Cars Only died a death due
to lack of demand.

My theory was that most great VX Only shots get shared here and can
easily be d/loaded as screen savers / home made calendars etc.

I have floated the idea of duel calendars a couple of times since then
but the demand didnt make it viable...
...BUT, thats not to say it isnt viable again now.

If the demand is there again, I'd be happy to help if you need it....
...I use a very high quality print service that does my commercial
photographic stuff, and I have a calendar template that can be
modified to include a Vehicle only style "banner" instead of "Pin Up".



10/11/2014, 11:07 PM
My theory was that most great VX Only shots get shared here and can
easily be d/loaded as screen savers / home made calendars etc.

Ya but the resolutions suck. Not good enough for print. I would not care about it being viable, but just do it for fun at my expense. Maybe I will throw up a post and see the response.

I was wondering how much do the women get paid in the calendar? Is it per hour or cash or a six pack? Just curious.

10/12/2014, 07:26 AM
I would go for a regular calender too (along with the pin-up). I hang the pin-up in the garage where it's more appropriate "guy-space". It would also be nice to have a calender to hang in my office at work.

Mile High VX
10/12/2014, 09:29 AM
I'd go for a regular one...

10/13/2014, 10:12 AM
As would i, i like to give rick crap but he is right. a regular one would be nice.

look rick you started a movement.

10/13/2014, 11:47 AM
that be my vessel :) arrrrgggggg hajaha :bgwo:

Whose red VX is that Jo? Looks like we have similar style taste :yesb: