View Full Version : Replacing damaged brake hose

11/13/2014, 06:23 AM
So I was removing rust and scale while the old ladies VX is up on jack stands and I damaged the rear passenger side brake hose with the wire wheel. I am going to tackling replacing the line this weekend and wanted to ask the group should I expect any issues changing the hoses? My biggest fear having problems braking the connector (nuts) loose. Any advice?

I have read the work shop manual about bleeding the brake lines and understand ABS fuse must be removed before the bleeding process and the engine needs to be running while performing the bleeding process. Is the ABS fuse under the hood or dash? Is there anything else I should be aware of?



11/13/2014, 06:33 AM
since the lines are rusty I would be prepared for the other lines to break when bleeding if they are very rusty.

11/13/2014, 08:21 AM
Sounds like an ideal time to upgrade to these:


As far as what to be aware of (generally speaking because I haven't done the VX ... yet), other things are likely to break when removing rusty brake lines. When I was putting SS brakelines on an old Samurai, the mounting bracket broke and one of the hard lines. The bracket wasn't bad because I was able to 'redneck engineer' a fix (foam pad & zip ties). The hard line was more interesting but I was able to salvage the old line by using a plummer's flaring tool to make a new connection.

I can't remember where the ABS fuse is. Someone else will have to chime in on that.

11/13/2014, 08:29 AM
I wish I had the extra $ right to upgrade, but I just dumped $1300 into new tires and powder coating the OEM rims. My wife blew up her Benz and my daughter turns 16 December 25 and wants a Jeep. Anyone want to front me a loan?

11/13/2014, 08:49 AM
I feel ya. I always have too much month at the end of the money.:_crying:

Don't forget to spray everything down with PB Blaster the night before you start your repairs.

11/13/2014, 09:23 AM
10-4 on the PB...........do you think it would do any harm to use some freeze off also if the connections do not break loose easily?

11/13/2014, 10:57 AM
Don't know. Never used it.

I did pick up some stuff locally that is in a green spray can. It's basically a foaming penetrating oil. My experience with it so far is that it's MUCH better than PB.

11/17/2014, 07:35 AM
Got'er done. I couldn't brake the nut loose going from line to hose from underneath. So I cut the damaged hose at the metal band, then cut as much of the band as I could with at cutting blade on the grinder. From there I ground down the remaining portion to the top of the brake line flange and removed the metal brake line, at that point the nut that was giving me the issue loosened freely. I was able to reuse the brake line as it was not damaged nor was the nut. Bleeding the line was easy using the shop manual, The 40 amp ABS fuse that needed to be removed before the bleed was located in the fuse box under the hood.