View Full Version : #### Moab 'zu Zoo Xvi / Vehicross Meet 2015####

11/16/2014, 12:40 PM
Looks like the Apache motel is the new venue for "Stoop & Sleep"

Dates will be 10th May - 16th... plus or minus your own plans!

Just had a long chat with Sharon, the manager at the Apache.

1-800-228-6882.. if this line is bad/static..call:-


CALL AM..before noon..and talk to SHARON the manager.

Mention you are with the Isuzu VX Group.

She is going to do her best to put us all together at far right of the front of Apache...
...both upstairs and downstairs.

This should set us up fairly "Stoop" like ...

Dub has booked...so have I :thumbup:

So call and book!



Front View :- https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&t...classic&dg=brw

Maybe book Rooms at far right?..its a "Stoop" like setting ?? ...
...or possibly at the back..for a more stealth approach !

Reviews on Yelp are certainly "mixed'...
...sounds like same standard as Red Rock was......
..tired, a bit shabby...but basic and Ok for our needs.



Here are the "Cliff" notes :-

Plenty of rooms available...discount negotiated for group.

Single bed KING rooms @ $79...instead of $89
Twin bed Queen rooms @ $85.. instead of $95

Suits ( dont know $$;s) and rooms with kitchenettes ( plus $5 per night)
are available.

RV's and Fifth wheels can be parked up/used , but no hook ups.
Cost for this to be negotiated if required. :thumbup:

No space for tents :thumbdn:

Pool closes at 9:00
Has BBQ area :thumbup:
WiFi throughout :thumbup:

PET FRIENDLY :thumbup:

NOISE... !!
I explained we hang out, chat..etc
She was cool.. basically said "nothing overly boisterous" that disturbs other guests after 10:00 pm ....
...... so thats a bit of a worry....and open to "experiment" !!

And YES...Milts is two blocks away!


I suggest we jump on this...
It may not be perfect...but its got rooms for all which is great.
We can scout town for following year (maybe Rustic?)

Apache closes/off season November 30th... but Sharon ( manager) does monitor the e-mail if you have not booked by then.



11/17/2014, 06:20 AM
So is the Red Rock toast? or did they get too snooty?
I like it. What rooms are you guys in?

11/17/2014, 07:01 AM
So is the Red Rock toast? or did they get too snooty?
I like it. What rooms are you guys in?

It's gett'n scraped off the face of tha erf this winter from what I've heard.

11/17/2014, 08:52 AM
I'm in. Sharon suggested people just call her cell phone (the second number listed). We had major static when I first called her at the 800 number.

Yee Haw. Moab again. Can't wait.

11/17/2014, 09:52 AM
i have had this trip planed for some time.
Denver CO to Nome Alaska and Back
taking only money for gas. i will be camping and trying to stay with people for rest of the trip, im putting a documentary together might call it good will toward man. or something. while in the military i kinda lost respect for my fellow man and im trying to prove to myself that there are still good people out there.

VX crazy
11/17/2014, 10:42 AM
Greg and I will be there......but we are actually staying in town at a VRBO so we can walk to eat etc, and get away from you loud asses!:p

11/17/2014, 10:50 AM
Lisa that is rude. I like to think if us as "whisper challenged". You're apart of that group btw. Also I do believe someone was giving someone a piggy back ride when the Police showed up, juust sayin :D .

Btw room #19 woot.

VX crazy
11/17/2014, 12:25 PM
Lisa that is rude. I like to think if us as "whisper challenged". You're apart of that group btw. Also I do believe someone was giving someone a piggy back ride when the Police showed up, juust sayin :D .

Btw room #19 woot.

This my friend is why we are staying elsewhere teeheeehee, to stay out of jail, and the hospital, oh and the keep the sheep out of our room......

11/17/2014, 01:20 PM

Greg and I will be there......but we are actually staying in town at a VRBO so we can walk to eat etc, and get away from you loud asses!:p

....the anti-shocker spell I conjured up worked !

It is indeed a long way to walk from the Apache...
..... to Milts , or the pool side BBQ :confused:



VX crazy
11/20/2014, 07:01 AM
We are only 1/2 mile away on Center Street, totally walking distance, evening running distance lol:bgwb::yesgray:

11/20/2014, 08:20 AM
Yes, but is it crawling distance. That's probably the state that you'll be in so running or walking distance really doesn't matter. :biggringr

VX crazy
11/21/2014, 09:31 AM
Yes, but is it crawling distance. That's probably the state that you'll be in so running or walking distance really doesn't matter. :biggringr

We need an adult size stroller.........lol

11/21/2014, 05:28 PM
We need an adult size stroller.........lol

Shopping cart :D

11/24/2014, 06:23 PM
I'm bringin BBQ again... maybe a little more this time :bgwb:

11/24/2014, 06:54 PM

I'm bringin BBQ again... maybe a little more this time :bgwb:

SAUSAGES too this time???



11/24/2014, 07:03 PM

SAUSAGES too this time???



yea yea yea lol.... i'll bring ya some lol... I'm still hoping I can drive my VX out there again... I've thought about shipping it and then flying separate since it would have costed about the same, and then of course I had thought of NOT bringing the VX and just flying out and hitching rides with anyone who will put up with me lol... I'm coming... just don't know if I'm going to afford to bring the VX.

It was like $1000+ in gas alone :freek:

11/24/2014, 09:05 PM
$1000?? Surely your VX gets better than 9 mpg!

11/25/2014, 06:11 AM
$1000?? Surely your VX gets better than 9 mpg!

Hopefully this upcoming year... gas prices will continue to be 30% lower than early 2014. In a way, that's equivlant to increasing VX MPG from 15 to 19.5. :naughty:

11/25/2014, 06:36 AM
I was using $3/gallon when I calculated 9 mpg, 3000 miles Louisville to Moab and back, for $1000 fuel cost. Gas price was probably higher last time though.

I heard a "forecast" that gas would be under $3/gallon for all of 2015, but that is about as reliable as a long-range weather forecast.

11/25/2014, 09:28 AM
Booked! We arrive on Monday/depart Friday.

11/26/2014, 12:46 PM
Booked as well!!!

12/10/2014, 08:15 AM
BTW this is ZuZoo XVIII :)

12/10/2014, 10:46 AM
Yup...My bad!

BTW this is ZuZoo XVIII :)

I was fixated on Vehicross/Moab... VXI :thumbup:


12/11/2014, 06:44 AM
Coupla guys over at the Planet have booked at the Apache...wonder how many rooms we have taken so far? Just idle curiosity...

12/11/2014, 08:44 AM
I'm booked! :thumbup:
WOHOO! :dance::dance:
Sharon said they have 35 rooms total, and there's still some available.

12/17/2014, 10:18 PM
gas price here in Salt Lake is $2.10 at costco/sam's now... :D

01/01/2015, 05:40 PM
I am hoping you might be bringing these to Moab this year I would like to get one but I am not sure which color, I am leaning toward orange or red, it would be cool to see what each color looks and then pic one. If you have other small stuff to sell please bring it I might be interested in other stuff too.


01/02/2015, 06:26 AM
I'm in. Sharon suggested people just call her cell phone (the second number listed). We had major static when I first called her at the 800 number.

Yee Haw. Moab again. Can't wait.

Y'all just KNOW that Moab is about the most fun a body can have, when the normally reserved Craig gets all "Yee-Haw" in a post... :rotate:.:yesgray:.:laughing:.:yes:.:thumbup:

01/06/2015, 08:32 AM
For those of us who have never gone to Moab; what's the plan? Is each day it's own loop? Is the first run on Monday? I'm not sure I can be there the whole time so I'm trying to figure out the best days to be there. I will burn a full day driving to and another driving from. For those that are camping; where are you staying?

01/06/2015, 11:02 AM

Did anyone else notice Jack's (pbkid) post at the top of the thread? Did I miss another thread where he relayed this fantastic news to us?

Super duper congratulations to Jack and Whitney!! :dance:

01/06/2015, 11:12 AM
OK, now that that's out of the way...

ahdoman, historically ZuZoo (as it used to be called) started on the Tuesday of the week that we are out in Moab, at least for us, with a "VX Only" run. We still, sort of, keep to that tradition with a newbie run on Tuesday that is meant to showcase to new off roaders just what our VX's are capable of. We usually try to pick a trail that a stock VX can get through so we don't scare anyone.

In general, there are usually multiple runs on multiple trails going on simultaneously throughout the week. We usually meet up at The Stoop (the Apache Hotel this year) in the evenings to chit chat, meet and greet, and just generally hang out with the VX fam. During the multiple, mostly adult beverage fueled conversations groups will start to form for the next days trails. Some "trail leaders" will pick harder trails and others will pick easier trails. It all kind of ebbs and flows naturally and usually everyone gets to do a trail that they are comfortable with.

Once you get to Moab and meet everyone and check out their rigs you'll get a good feel for who you want to run with and when.

I really hope that you can make it out because even if you don't run a trail at all it's still great to meet everyone and hang out with a bunch of other VX nerds.:thumbup:

01/06/2015, 11:13 AM

Did anyone else notice Jack's (pbkid) post at the top of the thread? Did I miss another thread where he relayed this fantastic news to us?

Super duper congratulations to Jack and Whitney!! :dance:

This ended up at the bottom of the page so I wanted to re-post it on the new page.

01/06/2015, 11:23 AM

Did anyone else notice Jack's (pbkid) post at the top of the thread? Did I miss another thread where he relayed this fantastic news to us?

Super duper congratulations to Jack and Whitney!! :dance:

I believe he announced it on Facebook,

With that said...

Big congrats!!!


01/06/2015, 01:34 PM
Ahdo...most campers stay at pack creek campground. Wen-Sat are the main days but several come early and/or stay later.

01/06/2015, 03:08 PM
Many arrive over the first weekend...and stay a week

For those of us who have never gone to Moab; what's the plan?

Monday is usually a short run..then back to the "stoop"...
.... greet the afternoon arrivals with a cocktail!

Tuesday was always the "VX" only run... now more of a newbie run.

Other days people tend to break up into "like minded/similar skill-crazy" groups..
...and go do random trails..usually 4-6 max per group for ease and speed.


Many take a full day or much more of driving ....
....so people are always coming and going depending on their situation.

Usually a core group there for about 7-8 days.

I'll be leaving San Diego Friday...drive about 700 miles and stop overnight
at a place I use every year...then a wee ride of about 100 miles into Moab on Saturday.

Looking fwd to seeing "The Pearl"


01/09/2015, 01:01 PM
This maybe year #3 without Dumkinator :( ... Youngest has a 1400 procedure for his tooth, will keep you posted. May need a Vxer to get my room that needs it (I am beside Jo) so as to keep out the stranger dangers out.

01/09/2015, 02:28 PM
Hope ya make it...

May need a Vxer to get my room that needs it (I am beside Jo) so as to keep ouot the stranger dangers out.

...but this wont help get rid of your room :eek: :cool: :dan_ban:



01/12/2015, 08:29 AM
while in the military i kinda lost respect for my fellow man and im trying to prove to myself that there are still good people out there.

You'll be hard pressed to find a better group of folks to hang with than this crowd Jake. Also looking forward to meeting you for the calendar shoot.



03/25/2015, 10:55 AM
May 10th is my birthday :( i envy you guys and gals

03/29/2015, 11:14 PM
Just booked mine since I'm a habitual procrastinator. She said I got the very last room and she was going to move someone else to get us closer to the group. So if you haven't booked already, sounds like you will have to fight for Dumke's room if he isn't able to come.

Really looking forward to seeing the family again!

03/30/2015, 03:47 AM
She said I got the very last room

Well, poo. I have been lurking for months and not saying anything, but dreaming of Moab. Day late and a dollar short as per my usual M.O. :winky:

I suppose it's for the best; my girl is getting older and she not only consumes oil but burns it now too when I really get on the throttle. Should probably go easy on her, even though I don't want to. Soon will be a rebuild...soon. Until then, boyfriend and I are working on selling some of our SIX cars.

...anybody want a WRX? ;Dy;

But seriously, I wish I could go :sady: I graduated last year and all I ever do is work now. Before I had time and no money; now I have money and no time.

I might still be able to work it out though. My nurse manager is awesome, I could probably get the time off if I were to ask. Lisa, where are you staying?

03/30/2015, 06:42 AM
Buy a case of oil and get on the road! :)

Lisa and Greg are renting a condo.

03/31/2015, 06:11 AM
Buy a case of oil and get on the road! :)

Lisa and Greg are renting a condo.

A condo?! That's awful fancy. I spent too much on my vacation in Feb to rent a condo...there must be some kind of cheap lodging somewhere. ;Dy;

A case of oil would work all right, but the trick would be getting my hood open if I have to brave the open road alone again. Something is wrong with the latch and I need two people to open it because one has to put pressure on the hood while the other pulls the lever. I need to have her fixed up a bit; my poor girl is falling apart. :sady:

...didn't help that a deer jumped right out of the ditch and into the fender of my X-90 a couple weeks ago, and now that oddball needs fixing first. There's just never enough time in a day...or a month for that matter. :laughy:

03/31/2015, 09:22 AM
Kat, The last time I was in Moab it looked like the Red Rocks will be open again very soon. They ended up NOT tearing it down and have been giving it a face lift. I guess they just didn't want us to come back. :_confused

As for your hood; you'll probably need to adjust the rubber bumpers that push your hood up. I think there are a couple of threads on the fix around here somewhere. They just "unscrew" from the upper radiator support to make them taller, which puts more pressure on your hood so that when you pull the hood release the hood will pop up (or should).

Found one of the threads: http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?t=26567&highlight=hood+release

Now, grab that case of oil and get on the road.:p

03/31/2015, 02:14 PM
Next time you get it open hose everything down with WD40...

04/01/2015, 09:20 AM
So this is my first time going to Moab. Any suggestions. What to bring what not to bring stuff like that would be great to hear.

04/01/2015, 09:39 AM
So this is my first time going to Moab. Any suggestions. What to bring what not to bring stuff like that would be great to hear.

A quick search using "moab prep list"....
I compiled several lists into one post:

04/01/2015, 11:21 AM
Awesome ..... :thumbup:

So this is my first time going to Moab. Any suggestions. What to bring what not to bring stuff like that would be great to hear.

Thats great news Jake :clap:

Kats list is a good starter point...
... plus...Bring a sense of humor.. a spare liver... and a chair for the stoop !

looking fwd to meeting and wheeling with you :_steering


04/01/2015, 01:19 PM
So this is my first time going to Moab. Any suggestions. What to bring what not to bring stuff like that would be great to hear.

So you have decided to go, that's cool it should be fun.

04/09/2015, 12:48 PM
I just put in for my vaca time. Lookin to wheel Wednesday thru Friday, goof off Saturday, & head out Sunday.

Wed & Thurs I should have an open spot in the CJ-7... the dog may drool on you tho. :p

04/09/2015, 01:13 PM
Me too...

, goof off Saturday, & head out Sunday.

Maybe a quick goof off trail like last year?..then Milts and a nap :)

I'll be heading out 10:00 ( ish!) Sunday for Vegas.


04/10/2015, 09:09 AM
Sounds like a plan, Jo! Eli and I will be packing our RC crawlers. A fun little trail & goof off spot is the washout on the way to BFE. It is part of the Britney Spears trail. That's where I'm thinking of going Saturday. We can hit some random obstacles & have a Pocco & Whore photo-shoot! Haha

04/10/2015, 09:27 AM

& have a Pocco & Whore photo-shoot! Haha

Will you be fluffer :eek:


04/14/2015, 02:58 PM

Because of this, this year may be a good time to return to Elephant Hill before the option to do it as a large group is lost. Not sure when the permit proposal would come into effect... hopefully not before we get down there next month.

Thoughts? Remember, dogs are not allowed in the back country where this trail goes... :(

04/14/2015, 09:30 PM
I'm really hoping to make it to Moab. Unfortunately I won't know until the first part of May if I can make it. But, for a first timer like me what would be the best days to be there with the best option for making the drive worth while. Also, is there anybody beside Jo driving from SoCal?

04/15/2015, 11:33 AM
In my opinion...

But, for a first timer like me what would be the best days to be there with the best option for making the drive worth while.

Best days for a first timer are Tuesday/Wed/Thurs & Fri

Many people roll in Sun & Monday... then leave following Sat/Sun.

Traditionally Tues has been the VX only run..
..but the increasing numbers made that a really long drawn out affair!

Last year IIRC we split into smaller groups..with several of us leading new "Moab'ers" on various trails..
..from real ( stock ) easy.. to more adventurous.


I'll be heading out from San Diego on Friday 8th.. do about 700 miles..
..then stop for the night.
That leaves an easy run into Moab the next day for a noon-ish arrival.
If you can swing it.. lets convoy ... but be aware, I'll be dragging a trailer..hopefully!



04/15/2015, 12:41 PM
... but be aware, I'll be dragging a trailer..hopefully!



Sweet! :luck:

04/15/2015, 01:37 PM

Because of this, this year may be a good time to return to Elephant Hill before the option to do it as a large group is lost. Not sure when the permit proposal would come into effect... hopefully not before we get down there next month.

Thoughts? Remember, dogs are not allowed in the back country where this trail goes... :(

I'd be up for an Elephant Hill run. We did this as the VX Only run a few years ago with Todd Adams and I don't really remember much about the trail, but it looks fun.


I do remember it being a loooong day due to how far out of town it is.

Jay Dunford
04/15/2015, 02:16 PM
I'd be up for an Elephant Hill run. We did this as the VX Only run a few years ago with Todd Adams and I don't really remember much about the trail, but it looks fun.


I do remember it being a loooong day due to how far out of town it is.

I'd be down for that as well. Always has been one of my favorites. It is a long day, especially with a larger group.

04/15/2015, 02:27 PM
Its one I've never done..

..so count me in if its a go (y)


04/15/2015, 03:01 PM
I won't be wheeling until Thursday & I have the dog so if Elephant Hill fits best on an earlier day, go for it!

04/16/2015, 12:30 PM
Its one I've never done..
You should, it's a wonderful trail. Difficult enough to be interesting to drive, but no lockers needed...in the middle of unbelievably beautiful scenery.

04/16/2015, 02:49 PM
Lead the way...Oh fearless one.

You should, it's a wonderful trail. Difficult enough to be interesting to drive, but no lockers needed...in the middle of unbelievably beautiful scenery.

I cant disconnect my Aussie Lockers...
..but hey..an nice easy-ish scenic is always good :thumbup:

I'm sure we'll figure it out on the new Stoop !
Are you coming in Sat /Sun ?


04/16/2015, 03:24 PM
The plan is to arrive Saturday. But a few of us might head out again Sunday for a wilderness overnighter, back Monday.

04/16/2015, 04:53 PM

See ya Saturday Steve.....all being well :_steering


04/17/2015, 08:52 AM
Not to harp on Elephant Hill, but I've been doing some research because I remember it being WAY out there. This doesn't need to be the VX Noob run, and we could really go any day, but we'll probably have to go early. To get to the trail head you have to drive 40 miles out of town, take a right then drive another 34 miles to the entrance station. After paying the day use fee you drive another 3 miles to the trail head and then the trail is 22 miles long if you go all the way out to the Colorado/ Green River confluence overlook. The guide book says it will take 5 to 6 hours to complete the trail alone. That's a 175 mile day and who knows how many hours. :eek:

Don't get me wrong. I'm totally up for an Elephant Hill run. It's incredibly beautiful out there and I think everyone would have a good time. Just wanted everyone to know what they were in for.

Getting excited for Moab!!

04/17/2015, 09:00 AM
I'd love to do Elephant Hill, always heard so much about it and how beautiful! Thanks Mark for outlining the details so I can plan for it. We'll be in the FJ....any problems with the longer wheelbase? Jay?

04/17/2015, 09:16 AM
Kat, no issues with long wheelbase...there is a turn that will require you to back down to the next turn (normal way to do it) but that is about it.
It is much better to keep the group at about 5-6 vehicles (maybe do a couple groups on different days if more want to do it) so you can make good time and still enjoy everything. When Swede led us through there I think the whole trip took about 9-10 hours (from memory)...that included lunch with some climbing around at the Devils Kitchen, the side trip and hike to the confluence overlook and hiking through the cracks.
It is a beautiful trail and worth the long day!

04/17/2015, 12:30 PM
Yeah it's 75 miles each way, good idea to leave early-ish, and keep the group size on the small side.

Might be my #1 favorite trail though.

Kat, my Trooper is just as long as an FJ (I have both now). In fact one year I took a 2-door Tahoe through EH. No worries there.

Jay Dunford
04/17/2015, 12:36 PM
I'd love to do Elephant Hill, always heard so much about it and how beautiful! Thanks Mark for outlining the details so I can plan for it. We'll be in the FJ....any problems with the longer wheelbase? Jay?

FJ is a long wheelbase? :p I wouldn't try it in the Raptor, but you will be just fine in the FJ. Like Billy said there are two turns that require a multi-point turn or on one of them you can back up to the next switchback and then continue.

04/17/2015, 12:40 PM
I've always wanted to run Elephant Hill, but seems like the long travel time is always the deterrent... and we can never seem to leave the Stoop before 10AM!

I would love to run the trail with a small group this year. :thumbup:

04/19/2015, 07:07 PM
Anybody have input on what it would be like in an atv? (assuming the weather was reasonable) 90" L x 52" W (with my tires), Clearance 10.25". Good idea, bad idea?

The ATV version of the Wells book doesn't list Elephant Hill...made me think maybe it's not adviseable?

This website has many pics along the trail....

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/DSCF0035.jpeg (http://s1099.photobucket.com/user/photokat4/media/DSCF0035.jpeg.html)

http://i1099.photobucket.com/albums/g386/photokat4/DSCF0040.jpeg (http://s1099.photobucket.com/user/photokat4/media/DSCF0040.jpeg.html)

04/19/2015, 09:11 PM
I don't think it would have any trouble with the trail...can't say I've ever seen ATVs on EH though, wonder if there is a reg against it?

04/20/2015, 09:57 AM
I'm down for this one, looks fun.
ElephantHill (http://www.traildamage.com/trails/index.php?id=65)

04/20/2015, 01:49 PM
I just made my reservations for Moab! I'm stoked to be doing this. I just finished my sliders and skid plates! Just an FYI... I spoke with Sharon and she was just barely able to fit me in. The Apache may be completely full.

04/20/2015, 03:51 PM
Elephant Hill is the most scenic trail in the Moab area, imhp. The scenery begins even before you reach Canyonlands Natural Park. Smaller groups are better because of the maneuvering required near the entrance and the short back up requirement.

This year at Easter Jeep Safari, two groups ran the trail at staggered intervals--one to the Joint, the other to the Confluence. Guess who one of the trip leaders was. If you guessed Linda Adams, you're right.

It's important to leave at 8:00 a.m. It's a long day even without any problems on the trail or mechanical issues. FJs and VXs can do this trail no problem. No dogs.

04/20/2015, 04:38 PM
Do correct me if I am wrong Professor ..

Elephant Hill is the most scenic trail in the Moab area, imhp. .

... but all I heard , was you offering to lead a trip out there :clap:

:dan_ban: :_steering :thumbup:


04/20/2015, 05:01 PM
What trail did we do last year that Swede (I think) led. Had a long drive to get there, really tight turns at the start, and a short hike through notch canyons or cracks in the wall. That wasn't Elephant Hill was it?

04/20/2015, 05:56 PM
That would be Elephant Hill Bartman.
Craig...EH definitely gives lots of bang for the buck.

04/23/2015, 05:41 AM
Hey Jo, this is one I'm thinking might be fun - Tenmile Wash:


Probably not for those who are adverse to brush pinstriping though.

04/23/2015, 08:55 AM
Justin, would you be willing to lead Elephant Hill if we waited until later in the week to hit the trail? I've been out there, and it doesn't look too difficult, but the last time I went it was my second year in Moab so I really wasn't paying attention to where we were going. I was just trying to keep the VX rubber side down.

04/23/2015, 12:03 PM
This sounds great :thumbup:

Hey Jo, this is one I'm thinking might be fun - Tenmile Wash:


Probably not for those who are adverse to brush pinstriping though.

Water/sand/rocks...scenery .. :_steering

For sure


04/23/2015, 12:56 PM
I could probably lead EH again if needed...sounds like we'll need more than one group anyway.

That Land Cruiser guy Jon who did Metal Masher with us last year contacted me through Expedition Portal; they will be in Moab same time as us again this year. He wants to do EH this year.

04/24/2015, 12:15 AM
EH sounds fun but we do not have anyone to watch the dog so we have to bring her with us and if no dogs can go on the trail we won't be able to go, unless there is some kind of dogie day care or someone whats to dog sit her that day.

04/24/2015, 06:58 AM
Yeah, they don't allow dogs in the backcountry of the national park.

But there are doggy day cares in Moab.

My dog is old and mellow enough I will just leave her in the room, hang a Do Not Disturb sign on the door so the maids don't go in, and she will snooze the day away on her dog bed, just like when I am at work.

04/24/2015, 07:07 AM
Catfish...Sue (VXKat) has used one of the dog day cares there and I am sure can recommend one.

04/24/2015, 12:03 PM
Justin, would you be willing to lead Elephant Hill if we waited until later in the week to hit the trail? I've been out there, and it doesn't look too difficult, but the last time I went it was my second year in Moab so I really wasn't paying attention to where we were going. I was just trying to keep the VX rubber side down.

I would except that I will have Menace with me. I forgot how much the fine was when I got busted with him back there before. $75? If everyone is willing to pitch in if I get fined then so be it! :bgwo: Daycare is not an option for me.

Getting more & more excited for the "ZU!!!

04/25/2015, 10:26 AM
What's the cost for doggies daycare? Probably close to $75.

04/25/2015, 02:08 PM
Shoot a msg off to VXKat. She should be able to answer ???? about doggy daycare in Moab.

04/26/2015, 11:00 AM
I'd be happy to lead Elephant Hill. Tenmile Wash looks interesting, too.

04/26/2015, 11:03 AM
I will just see how it goes when we get there I want to see the dogie day care place before I will leave my dog with anyone. The EH trip looks like a 12 hour trip so I may or may not go just based on the length of time and distance it might just be too much for me and the dog to be left with strangers, she is kind of old and I want to trip to be fun for her too. My VX was crashed a little while back and I am not sure we have all the bugs worked out that have come up after the crash so I may have to limit the difficult trails.

04/26/2015, 05:48 PM
EH isn't (normally) 12 hours, but 10 is common. A lot depends on keeping the size of the group manageable.

04/27/2015, 03:01 PM

Milts ..Moab :thumbup:

https://scontent-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11014885_10205691294218425_6973349862763501986_n.j pg?oh=8678fd42bdedab7f5e1ffe4a0f3a9cd3&oe=55E5D24E

04/30/2015, 10:18 AM
Won't be long now.

Completed on board air system this week. (Yes, WITH air horn.)

Can't wait to have red dust coming out the air vents in my dash.

04/30/2015, 10:21 AM
Won't be long now.

Completed on board air system this week. (Yes, WITH air horn.)

Damn you Craig!

04/30/2015, 11:21 AM

I'll be staying at Pack Creek RV campground. I'll be towing "AirAmigo!" with my RV again. We will be arriving Sunday May 10th, and leaving Friday May 15th. Thanks to this forum and Matt Dixon, I have working turn signals again, with the purchase of a new switch. So ready to be out of the range of work! ;0)

04/30/2015, 11:32 AM

Milts ..Moab :thumbup:

https://scontent-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11014885_10205691294218425_6973349862763501986_n.j pg?oh=8678fd42bdedab7f5e1ffe4a0f3a9cd3&oe=55E5D24E


Milt has to point to his mouth ... like the customers wouldn't know what to do with the burger after buying it!!!

Antique advertisements are funny.

04/30/2015, 12:02 PM
Im getting excited!!!! just got the VX back yesterday with a new engine and will be driving my *** off to get her broken in before the 8th. Kinda sucks ill be driving 10hrs on my birthday but its worth it. Cant wait to see old faces, really old faces "cough"…. joe and Dub….. "cough" and new faces.

04/30/2015, 12:12 PM

really old faces "cough"…. joe and Dub….. "cough" .

....age and experience will trump youth and exuberance any day !




04/30/2015, 12:14 PM

....age and experience will trump youth and exuberance any day !




HAHAHAHAHA :laughing:

Jay Dunford
04/30/2015, 04:24 PM
Won't be long now.

Completed on board air system this week. (Yes, WITH air horn.)

Can't wait to have red dust coming out the air vents in my dash.

Well . . . That blows!

04/30/2015, 07:29 PM

Milts ..Moab :thumbup:

https://scontent-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11014885_10205691294218425_6973349862763501986_n.j pg?oh=8678fd42bdedab7f5e1ffe4a0f3a9cd3&oe=55E5D24E

Yum, can't wait!!!

The best thing about the Apache Inn... it's across the street from Milt. :cool:

05/01/2015, 10:57 AM
Moab T-Shirt Shop has the files for this years logo...

...and as usual will have transfers for shirts available :dance:

REMEMBER... you can buy shirts from them... OR...
..... they will apply logo to your own NEW shirt :thumbup:



05/01/2015, 09:52 PM
OK I checked and confirmed my reservation at the Apache Motel and we are booked for the night of the 10th through the 16th.
We are leaving around 9am on the 10th if anyone in the Denver area wants to caravan up with us. We are flexible on the time to drive up so let me know if you want to get together and drive up with us.

05/02/2015, 06:22 PM

....age and experience will trump youth and exuberance any day !




ABSOLUTELY!!! Old dudes and dudettes RULE! ;)

05/04/2015, 07:43 AM
Unfortunately several things have changed, and I can't make it this year. :(

If anybody needs a room at the Apache, I'll be cancelling my reservation this morning.

Can't wait for the pics!!

Jay Dunford
05/04/2015, 08:25 AM
Unfortunately several things have changed, and I can't make it this year. :(

If anybody needs a room at the Apache, I'll be cancelling my reservation this morning.

Can't wait for the pics!!

Bummer Kat, we'll miss you guys!:(

05/04/2015, 09:02 AM
X2.. big bummer Kat... gonna miss ya :(

Family first though... all good vibes to ya & your Mom.


05/04/2015, 09:19 AM
That stinks Sue. :( Going to miss seeing you guys in Moab, but hopefully we'll get to catch up soon.

05/04/2015, 12:05 PM
Hope it's not because you caught the VX on fire using the heat gun on the cladding????

Just kidding...

Edit: I know I saw that post with picture this morning now I cant find it

05/04/2015, 04:25 PM
Hope it's not because you caught the VX on fire using the heat gun on the cladding????

Just kidding...

Edit: I know I saw that post with picture this morning now I cant find it

I saw that yesterday also :laugho:.....That was Lisa (VX Crazy) over on the Isuzu Vehicross FaceBook page.

05/04/2015, 05:48 PM
Sorry Kat

VX crazy
05/04/2015, 07:02 PM
Gonna miss my boobie buddy Sue!! Hope all is ok, sending good thoughts!

05/05/2015, 09:19 AM
We'll miss you Sue!

05/05/2015, 10:26 AM
This sucks, but I can't make it this year.

I still haven't figured out my electrical problem and I'm afraid to drive the VX that long of a distance until it's fixed.


05/05/2015, 05:55 PM
Not OK... :thumbdn:

This sucks, but I can't make it this year.

Bummer Tyler.. but there are plenty of shotgun seats if decide to come :thumbup:

I flew one year when I bust a diff 90 miles into the trip!!.....
...... basically same price as gas !


05/07/2015, 09:45 PM
I know it's late in the game, but if any Denver/Front Range peeps are leaving for Moab Saturday morning, I'll be driving my VX out with my friend Joe in his 5th wheel again and another friend Sean with his camper trailer all in convoy. We're meeting at the NW dinosaur lot at I-70 and Morrison Road if any want to convoy with us.

I think most of you have my cell, so text me if you're wanting to meet up.

See you all soon!!!! We'll be in an RV park down the road from the action, but we'll make it to the New Stoop (Noop?).


05/08/2015, 07:21 AM
We are leaving Sunday morning the 10th.

05/08/2015, 08:26 AM
Tom, I'll be leaving from Carbondale (Glenwood Springs area) sometime on Saturday but I'm not 100% sure when. Still have a few things to do to the VX on Saturday morning (treat the seats, re-install skid plate, Invisible Glass the windows, etc.) so I can't give you a definite time. I don't have your phone number, but if you could PM it to me I will call/text when we are getting on the road to see where you guys are.

05/08/2015, 09:32 AM
We are leaving Sunday morning the 10th.

Meet at the dinosaur parking lots at 10a on Sunday?

05/09/2015, 08:45 AM
All I can think if is Moab, Moab, Moab, Moab.....I know some of you are rolling in today......wishin' I was there too!
Six years in a row is a hard habit to break! :wave:

Have fun, be safe and try to keep the shiny side up, well, at least most of the time!! :thumbup:

05/09/2015, 09:01 AM
Meet at the dinosaur parking lots at 10a on Sunday?

I think that will work, we have each others phone numbers so we can talk in case the time to meet needs to change. We are not taking the dog because of the restrictions so we can go more places whi;e we are there.

05/10/2015, 12:20 AM
I really want to run EH this year, but in the interest of keeping a small group, could we put together a a second run on Thursday? A seasoned veteran needed to guide the trip. My daughter really wants to go on this ride, but she is arriving Wed night.

05/12/2015, 12:16 AM
:( all I could think of today was you all and the new stoop...and the monkees, and the trails, and the jokes, and the fun, and the fam......

Missing this year's fam gath really blows! ;puke:

Hope yuz all havin' a ball!! :dan_ban: :thumbup:

Mizz ya all!