View Full Version : gas disappearing?

11/22/2014, 07:33 PM
Well we all know the vx is a gas hog averaging around 15 mpg. However, my last tank, I averaged around 11 mpg, and this tank is looking even worse! I can smell gas in the exhaust like it's not all burning.. Any ideas or suggestions? Anyone else having fuel economy this terrible?

11/22/2014, 08:00 PM
I was thinking of asking the same question. I get a gas smell around my VX after I drive it.
Maybe one of my cylinders isn't firing and just pushing gas out the exhaust? Is that a thing?

11/22/2014, 09:07 PM
You would notice a misfire if an entire cylinder shut off. It would run very rough with a noticeable loss of power and probably a check engine light. I just feel like maybe not all of the fuel is burning, or like maybe fuel is somehow being injected during an exhaust stroke? Anyone ever heard of this?

11/23/2014, 03:50 PM
Check all your fuel lines and the actual fuel tank under the vehicle.
Especially if you live in a snow area that uses salt on the road.

Lots of corrosion in little hidden crevices and you don't necessarily see the leak because it evaporates quickly.


11/24/2014, 03:31 PM
My guess is fuel pressure regulator.

11/28/2014, 05:04 PM
My guess is fuel pressure regulator.

And the winner is.....OhioVX!

My wife wouldn't let me drive it anymore with the gas smell, so into Canadian Tire we go.

It's the regulator leaking sure enough. The mechanic says that the #6 fuel injector may have a leak as well but he can't tell if its just the leak from the regulator which is leaking all over the injector. Once he gets the part and cleans it up, he'll know. It's the difference between a $400 fix, or a $1000:confused:.

Also, he said I shouldn't drive it until it's fixed as, apparently, it's a fire hazard ;eeko;! Fuel dripping on exhaust manifold. Seemed legit to me.

So now my VX is sitting at the garage, waiting for the part.:(

11/28/2014, 05:20 PM
I know it's at the garage right now, but changing out the fuel pressure regulator is a super easy job.


If you are so inclined, you could get your VX home and do the fix yourself.

11/28/2014, 09:55 PM
I would definitely take this on if a) I had a garage to work in, or b)it wasn't -32 (89 fahrenheit):sighgray:

Thanks for the link though. That's a pretty thorough walkthrough!

11/28/2014, 10:09 PM
Oof! Understood. I guess the good thing is that at those temperatures the gas should just freeze so no more gas leak issue.:biggringr

11/29/2014, 07:25 AM
Oof! Understood. I guess the good thing is that at those temperatures the gas should just freeze so no more gas leak issue.:biggringr

Sorry, my conversion was off. I meant -25 Fahrenheit. Anyway, stupid cold!

12/06/2014, 06:19 PM
So the regulator came in and my VX was fixed. Drive from the garage to Safeway, go in, do my thing, come out and it won't start.

Turn the key and it sounds like a sewing machine. The little I know about starters still lead me to believe that that is were the problem was.

Sure enough, the starter was toast. AAA towed my VX back to the garage and a new starter is in now. I was hoping this was the fault of the garage somehow but nope, just a coincidence.

The mechanic told me the flexible exhaust coupling is disintegrating so that is my next fix after Christmas.

Still love this vehicle though!

12/07/2014, 05:40 AM

Had this same issue at or about 10,000 mi maintenance mark (this past few weeks or so).

The gas smell on mine felt like it was exhaust bound but really came from under the hood. It was a loose psgr side hose to the fuel rail PLUS the fuel rail was a lil bent pulling my psgr side middle cyl AWAY from the manifold!

I pulled the manifold and retourqued to BOARD specs (13 ft. lb NOT 18 ft. lb per the manual!!!) I also replaced the Injector O-Rings (soak the upper ones in clean motor oil before you install them!!!!)

I used a Victor Reinz Manifold gasket (Fel-Pro was "good enuff garbage!" up until that point) and I used Nippon Reinz O-rings.... I'm between 16-18 MPG now and I got a ton more torque/acceleration out of her to the point I'm shopping H3 manual trannys now for next the swap/upgrade.

I hope this helps you

PS TONY! That damned flex coupling on the driver side exhaust... oy don't even get me started man! ;)

12/15/2014, 01:43 PM
no way changing the fuel pressure regulator should cost $400 - mine was $30 and took me 45 minutes start to finish - maybe less

12/16/2014, 08:45 AM
$80 just to look at it. Then another $80 to look at why the battery light was still on after I changed the battery. Then the regulator and labour and 5% goods and service tax (Canada) and you got yourself a $400 bill. So that's all I'm doing with Canadian Tire from now on.

12/18/2014, 06:47 AM

Had this same issue at or about 10,000 mi maintenance mark (this past few weeks or so).

The gas smell on mine felt like it was exhaust bound but really came from under the hood. It was a loose psgr side hose to the fuel rail PLUS the fuel rail was a lil bent pulling my psgr side middle cyl AWAY from the manifold!

I pulled the manifold and retourqued to BOARD specs (13 ft. lb NOT 18 ft. lb per the manual!!!) I also replaced the Injector O-Rings (soak the upper ones in clean motor oil before you install them!!!!)

I used a Victor Reinz Manifold gasket (Fel-Pro was "good enuff garbage!" up until that point) and I used Nippon Reinz O-rings.... I'm between 16-18 MPG now and I got a ton more torque/acceleration out of her to the point I'm shopping H3 manual trannys now for next the swap/upgrade.

I hope this helps you

PS TONY! That damned flex coupling on the driver side exhaust... oy don't even get me started man! ;)

Thanks Sin! I will check it out when I get a bit of time (which is hard to come by these days). I have a feeling I may have a bit of a leak at the intake manifold gasket anyway, so I've been meaning to pull it off and replace the gasket. Now I have an excuse to do it. I may also replace the fuel pressure regulator just for kicks. Before you replaced the O-rings and fixed the fuel rail, was your VX idling a bit rough? Mine almost feels like it has a small misfire. No codes to speak of so it has to be mechanical. Mine has an aftermarket straight pipe exhaust and I also think it may not have enough back pressure, which may be the cause of my rough idle. I also need to replace the exhaust manifold gaskets, as I'm beginning to hear a slight exhaust leak. Hopefully after all of this, I will get a little bit better FUEL ECONOMY!!! :_steering