View Full Version : Head to toe inspection

12/15/2014, 11:28 AM
So here's my dilema.

I have this 1999 Silver Astra Vehicross with 137,000ish miles on it.

I am not a mechanic, but I do have the determination to learn and fix what I can. The problem is, where do I start.

I'm pretty sure that all the belts need replacing. I know the flexible exhaust coupling has to be replaced. The alignment could use some realigning. There are other squeaks and wheezes that are a mystery to me.

My plan is to take my VX to a shop and get an inspection done and get a priority list of what needs to be done in order - safety and roadworthiness at the top of the list, making it pretty at the bottom (not that I wouldn't try to make it pretty right away).

I've been told that the engine is made by Toyota. I've also heard (and I could be very wrong) that Isuzu and GM have a relationship when it comes to maintenance.

Question: Should I take my VX to a Toyota or GM dealership for this inspection, or find an independant shop?

Any other advice would be much appreciated.


12/15/2014, 11:49 AM
independent to verify an overall list. GM made the engine because at the time Isuzu and GM had a partnership where GM owned a good bit of Isuzu stock. This actually hurt GM as their idea was bring down Isuzu to GM level of quality to increase GM sales instead of improving GM. I would use a quality independent as Isuzu has left the market and GM sucks.

12/15/2014, 04:18 PM
The "detailed questionnaire" may also give you and whatever mechanic/shop you select, a heads up on certain known problem areas to check.


Mile High VX
12/15/2014, 05:56 PM
When I bought mine I looked up the old Isuzu dealer here in Denver.

They are a VW dealer now and had the old Isuzu guy still there that had all of the factory VX training.

I didn't have any work done by them, and the VX really needed very little, but at least I felt good about who looked it over.

I talked to the mechanic for a bit about the VX and he helped me understand it and confirmed many of the things that I had already learned on this great forum.

12/16/2014, 09:04 AM
Always get great advice here! Thanks a lot guys!