View Full Version : Building a VX02 !............ 1/4/15 .... :)

04/01/2015, 05:25 PM
Someone had to do it....

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11102961_10205494944549806_1173123359567018088_n.j pg?oh=50ae89924a9a5638decac7348d948ece&oe=55B3F643&__gda__=1437986734_d9055fd5979ad0afc769c1b68a219c1 3

....and what a day to start :rolleyes: !



04/01/2015, 05:47 PM
This is what is known as the Big Balls Dance. This dance is usually performed after some outrageous shot/run/block in any sport. I think it is appropriate for this thread :D


04/01/2015, 05:54 PM
WOW Jo! I always wanted to get a junked VX and attempt this. Kudos to you for going for it.

04/01/2015, 09:04 PM
I thought that the... " what a day to start" ..

...would be a dead giveaway !

Actually..doing this:-

https://scontent-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/t31.0-8/11075194_10205495995896089_3984823795011932000_o.j pg

making a trailer from a twisted frame VX .

Yea Yea... Lame April Fools .. I know!

04/01/2015, 09:10 PM
WOW... 49 facebook motorhead/VX friends fell for it.

Obviously a more discerning bunch here :)

Back to work on it..
..Moab looms!


04/01/2015, 11:15 PM
Man that is gonna be one sturdy trailer!

Side note: Are there any "leftover" parts from the removed top half? I am looking for replacement sunvisors (after I got over zealous with Gorilla Glue). Also an overhead light?

04/02/2015, 05:32 AM

You gonna swap out the posi rear end for an open unit or just gut it to limit the drag?

Are you going to build in a surge brake system that uses the OEM brakes? That'd be pretty sweet.

I'm looking forward to watching the progress & see the final product. Of course if the ORW is any kind of an indicator - there will never be a 'finished' product ... just stages of development.:)


04/02/2015, 06:13 AM
I thought that the... " what a day to start" ..

...would be a dead giveaway !

I knew your plans for the trailer already and I even missed the April fools joke. I held off on commenting for fear of embarrassment. :laughing:

Looks like you're well on your way. Just need to stay on top of that 5 week deadline.

04/02/2015, 09:00 AM


You gonna swap out the posi rear end for an open unit or just gut it to limit the drag?

Are you going to build in a surge brake system that uses the OEM brakes? That'd be pretty sweet.

I'm looking forward to watching the progress & see the final product. Of course if the ORW is any kind of an indicator - there will never be a 'finished' product ... just stages of development.:)


Probably just pull it with extra drag for now... unless time allows.

No surge brake system yet... I dont think it will ever be loaded up enough to justify / require.

This project WILL Finish.... one day :eek:


04/02/2015, 09:01 AM
Am I the only one in pain seeing this VX chopped in pieces? I almost cried.. although a VX trailer would be cool to pull behind my VX...

04/02/2015, 09:02 AM
Sorry Doug...

Side note: Are there any "leftover" parts from the removed top half? I am looking for replacement sunvisors (after I got over zealous with Gorilla Glue). Also an overhead light?

... but all parts I want to get rid of are gone.

Everything else becomes part of my own spares stash.



04/02/2015, 09:36 AM
Am I the only one in pain seeing this VX chopped in pieces? I almost cried..

Frame was twisted. It would have been scrapped if Jo hadn't parted it out & saved the hiney for his own demented purposes.

04/02/2015, 09:55 AM
Yea... lets be 100% clear on this!!

This VX was crashed.... :(

It was driven under the back of a lifted F150 by previous owner...
..... and suffered VERY badly.

Entire drivers side front was wiped out, frame was twisted, windshield surround was
badly bent...and drivers side door frame was compressed...stopping door closing.
And the radiator,radiator support, front and drivers side cladding and sheet metal were all TOAST :(

It was NOT a viable rebuild

The bonus is...
Even in death, it has given new life to one VX..with the engine ...
..and the Tranny, plus many other parts now live in / on other VX's.

Plus... I have amassed a huge stash of parts for me to use if and when the ORW requires them.

Once stripped... I couldnt handle seeing the shell get crushed....
... so the trailer project seemed like the ultimate way to re-cycle even more of her.

The only part not used... was the windshield forward, once stipped of everything useable.

So.. fear not... she gave her life so other VX's may live !


04/02/2015, 10:42 AM

When you get to Moab, you should put a seat in it for some photo-ops at the Stoop!!!


04/02/2015, 10:48 AM
If all goes to plan... ( :eek: )


When you get to Moab, you should put a seat in it for some photo-ops at the Stoop!!!


It will have a hard top...so headroom would be a touch limited!!


04/02/2015, 11:36 AM
Yea... lets be 100% clear on this!!

This VX was crashed.... :(

It was driven under the back of a lifted F150 by previous owner...
..... and suffered VERY badly.

Entire drivers side front was wiped out, frame was twisted, windshield surround was
badly bent...and drivers side door frame was compressed...stopping door closing.
And the radiator,radiator support, front and drivers side cladding and sheet metal were all TOAST :(

It was NOT a viable rebuild

The bonus is...
Even in death, it has given new life to one VX..with the engine ...
..and the Tranny, plus many other parts now live in / on other VX's.

Plus... I have amassed a huge stash of parts for me to use if and when the ORW requires them.

Once stripped... I couldnt handle seeing the shell get crushed....
... so the trailer project seemed like the ultimate way to re-cycle even more of her.

The only part not used... was the windshield forward, once stipped of everything useable.

So.. fear not... she gave her life so other VX's may live !


Fsheeww... I feel a lot better now.

04/02/2015, 11:47 AM
If all goes to plan... It will have a hard top...so headroom would be a touch limited!!

OK. I assumed that you were leaving it open.

Are you cutting the hard cover from the roof material or are you making something more lightweight?

04/02/2015, 12:11 PM

OK. I assumed that you were leaving it open.

Are you cutting the hard cover from the roof material or are you making something more lightweight?

Roof is way narrower than actual trailer width.
But it may/wil be "incorporated" if possible.... :smack:

And in fact...its not that heavy..


04/02/2015, 12:12 PM
Fear not...

Fsheeww... I feel a lot better now.

... I would NEVER kill a VX that could be saved :eek:


04/02/2015, 04:22 PM
Jo, My comment still stands. Kudos to you for taking on this project. I understand that the VX was trashed, but I don't know if I would have the testicular fortitude to actually cut into a VX. :eek:

Can't wait to see the trailer in a few weeks.

04/07/2015, 03:52 PM
Subscribed, this is too awesome to miss anything.

04/08/2015, 09:49 AM
H O L Y ! !

This is awesome, Joe!


PS - This is the same thing I want to build for my Trooper with an early LWB 2dr.

04/08/2015, 03:15 PM
So are you building a VX-02 or are you building a trailer? or are you building a VX-02 themed trailer?

04/08/2015, 03:47 PM
If ya read post #4...

So are you building a VX-02 or are you building a trailer? or are you building a VX-02 themed trailer?

...that should give you the answer :rolleyes:

