View Full Version : Who is actively admining the forum nowadays?

12/28/2015, 10:28 AM
Hi folks, just wondering, who is actively admining the forum? Scott you out there, buddy? I ask because there is a new guy who is trying to get access to the forum and he is telling me that his account has been pending for weeks. I thought I would post here and try to help him out.

Thanks- Bart

01/04/2016, 07:00 AM
I wondered this myself recently, but in general. I still come here daily while sipping my morning coffee and notice.... crickets. Activity has withered on the forums in the past couple of months. Did the FB page tackle the mountain and take the crown?

01/04/2016, 08:29 AM
I've noticed it also. What's the deal with Facebook?

01/04/2016, 10:02 PM
I really hate this new layout, so haven't been on as much lately. However, I still check all the ISUZU/VX sites, and VehiCROSS.info will always be special to me.

01/05/2016, 06:24 AM
I'm always checking. I don't have much to post since I'm on a holding pattern with installing an engine. Its a bit cold for garage work. I don't care for the FB. doesn't have things I like that the forum does.

01/05/2016, 06:48 AM
I think the new layout is taking some getting used to for some people. I am guessing thats the slow down.

01/07/2016, 07:59 AM
Not sure if this helps anyone or not, but I monitor this link for new posts....


Its the closest to how I used to keep an eye out for new posts in the old layout

01/07/2016, 08:41 AM
I use this URL - http://www.vehicross.info/search.php?do=getnew&contenttype=vBForum_Post

01/07/2016, 04:43 PM
The new layout severely hinders the search function. That's because link IDs weren't transfered to this new database. I have as good (or better luck) using Google to search for information now.

One of the things I USED to admire with this site was how well things stayed cataloged and deduped. Broken links killed that "structure". Kat and Dub were as good as any referring people to the information they needed. Since last summer's conversion, that all went out the window. Where I used to check in daily, I'm down to once a week -- for the same level of activity.

It's still the best historical depository for information -- but it's WAAAY more difficult to find.

I've never been a member of Facebook. Was does it have to offer for VX owners?

01/07/2016, 05:52 PM
AFAIK...Scott hasnt completed the transition from the old format to the new yet...
...and things here took a back seat ( rightly) .... as he was not well.

Regarding the Vehicross facebook page...


Ryan.."Littlebeast" set one up..its got about 850 members..though as here, a smaller , regular active group.

Really good for quick feedback/answers...pic & vid posting and bull****ting over a cocktail :)

But, for lots of the questions raised.... people are invariably pointed back over to here for answers !


01/08/2016, 07:29 AM
Yep, unfortunately we're missing some crucial information on here that was available before the site upgrade (how-to's, service manual). I even tried to edit my signature a while back to update the "SAS in progress" to something more fitting... I quickly found that urls were not allowed and I wouldn't be able to link my build thread anymore.

I still check-in almost daily but have been looking at the FB page more and more.

01/08/2016, 11:06 AM
Yes indeed, I setup the Facebook group, but it is hard for me to filter out on the members request who is real and who just wants to spam the FB group. Most of the time people do reference back to this site and the wealth of information here, but it seems for whatever reason that the FB group is a little more globally accepted. If there is ever someone not added to that group just contact me on FB through a PM and I will add them as soon as I can. I don't check FB on my phone or at home, but when I am at work I glance at it on breaks.

I don't post on here as much because I am not familiar with the layout or how things work on the new system.

01/08/2016, 11:30 AM
So getting back to my original question, it seems Moncha is not actively monitoring the forum and new user requests, nor is anyone else, correct?



01/08/2016, 11:32 AM
You added me today!! Thank you.
Yes indeed, I setup the Facebook group, but it is hard for me to filter out on the members request who is real and who just wants to spam the FB group. Most of the time people do reference back to this site and the wealth of information here, but it seems for whatever reason that the FB group is a little more globally accepted. If there is ever someone not added to that group just contact me on FB through a PM and I will add them as soon as I can. I don't check FB on my phone or at home, but when I am at work I glance at it on breaks.

I don't post on here as much because I am not familiar with the layout or how things work on the new system.

01/08/2016, 05:55 PM
I just sent an email about my image upload problem to the forum admin through the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page. I guess we'll see if anyone replies. Is Scott ever on FB?

I really do NOT want to be forced to have a FB account if I can help it. :)

01/08/2016, 05:58 PM
I just noticed that the most recent new member is rockman, with a "born on date" of 08/12/2015. That means no one has been added in almost 5 months!

01/09/2016, 10:29 AM
I just hope Scott is doing well and getting better, as that's the main thing.
I too don't like the new software and can't find a format I like, and don't visit it much (can you believe that :freek:)

I'm on FB, but I hate it....still hate it! Since there's no database format available, it's really just for conversations, not long details. I see the same questions asked over and over and feel bad the users don't always try or can't find it on .info in its current status.

I'm sure he'll fix it all when he's able, and the huge database of info will be accessible again.

...and thanks Jon and cobra...that link is helpful. It shows "new posts"....but it's weird because after entering a post on an existing thread...it does NOT pop up at the top of the list of "new posts"...(like it would before).

01/09/2016, 12:06 PM
So Anita isn't admin-ing either? I thought she also approved new members back in the day?

01/10/2016, 09:31 PM
I just sent Anita a msg.

01/10/2016, 11:37 PM
Hey guys,

Yes, I still am an admin for certain portions of the site -- not sure why I have not received admin notifications. I confess that I've not been here as of late. I will find out what I can about Scott and get back to you here.

I am usually the on front line against spammers with the ability to ban or alter/close threads. I will look into new members though I may not have permissions to do anything in that respect.

You can email me at anitappc@aol.com or find me on Facebook's VX page in the meantime.

01/11/2016, 08:49 AM
Thanks, Anita. I do hope Scott is doing OK. It seems that some notifications might not be working anymore under the new layout, I know I have gotten a couple PMs that I did not get an email for, but that could be an issue on my end too.


01/11/2016, 11:13 AM
Update on Scott:

Scott is home but it suffering from what is turning out to be a continual, non-stopping migraine. Some of you probably remember he went through severe migraines in the past. What I can tell you is that he is home, the headaches are keeping him from working and at looking at a computer monitor for more than a few minutes at a time. He is trying to do some work on the FB and .info sites, but sporadically as his headaches allow. Having to go through this once again has been incredibly hard affecting everything he does or tries to do. He does check his email and I am happy to do what I can in the meantime. He is undergoing a new procedure to halt or just to lessen the pain. Keep your fingers crossed, send some positive vibes or pray some big prayers as you feel led.... he needs it. His lovely other-half, Laura needs them as well.

01/11/2016, 11:40 AM
Anita, thanks for the update on Scott. I'll be sending as many positive vibes as I can to both he and Laura. I know that he has been battling health issues for a while now and I hope that they (he and the doctors) can get them figured out soon.

01/13/2016, 09:09 PM
When the look of this site changed I was confused and put off by it. I still am. It's been months and months since I posted. I liked the simple, homey look and function of the original site. Maybe because I'm simple. Why was it changed? Why wasn't there a beta site test and a member vote? This one is too slick, cold, unwelcoming and leaves me flat. :confused:

01/14/2016, 02:10 AM
When the look of this site changed I was confused and put off by it. I still am. It's been months and months since I posted. I liked the simple, homey look and function of the original site. Maybe because I'm simple. Why was it changed? Why wasn't there a beta site test and a member vote? This one is too slick, cold, unwelcoming and leaves me flat. :confused:

Hey Bob! How are you doing down South...in the WARMER weather these days!? It sounds like you are TOO used to being warm! That's why you think this site looks COLD! You're not used to looking at ice blue any more! LOL

I think you're overdue to fly/drive back to KC and have tacos with me! :-)

Regarding this site, I wouldn't call the appearance significantly different than before. I think most functions are just shuffled around a bit. But the beta test WAS a great thought! I bet the "obstacle" to beta-testing is that technology often FORCES users to update versus lose support (or function). I'm saying staying with the old might not have been an option!

Example: Windows 10 is probably going to obsolete our Windows 7 machines one of these days. I'm not thrilled about that either! But, ya cope...

My concern is that SO much time has gone by that the old site's thread IDs will never be converted to this new database engine. Maybe the site Mocha thought it would be a simple update to numerically update the old thread IDs to the new ones. I'd think that's how it would work...but it didn't happen. Maybe it's impossible? If so, it's a shame that years and years of linked threads may forever be "broken". Considering Mocha (Scott's) condition -- as updated above -- and in this thread (http://www.vehicross.info/showthread.php/27202-Update-fo-Moncha), I'm not sure Scott is aware of the broken link issue? His update only mentions fixing email -- as I took it.

Without links, it's still possible to find things...It just takes a lot more digging.

BTW, Bob. VXII is still running great for me! LOL I've thought about selling (at the 5 yr mark), but I can't get myself to turn loose of it!!!! Thanks again, for selling her to me!!!

01/19/2016, 08:40 PM
I don't care to have a Facebook presence as well, too corporate. I hope this site can soldier on, there is a lot of great history here.

Leon R
01/27/2016, 06:13 AM
I have now seen several forums convert from the old VB format and as result loose a number of members. Sad to see these admins put all this work into upgrading the forums, only to get negative results :(.

As for Facebok, sadly it is wining the batter for the next communication media. It is simply much easier to go to one place and get updates from most of your “clubs” and groups. Like it or not, most activity is migrating in that direction (until “the new best thing” will come around). So if you have resisted FB thus far, you might reconsider because aside on missing out on “friends” family vacations, you will also be missing out on your car club activity. And if you think that this forum has bad search features, you will really dislike FB search feature :). Yet, it is continuing to expand and take over!

03/16/2016, 08:53 AM
As I just posted over on Facebook...
I think VehiCROSS.info is an important and priceless source of information that Facebook will never have ("check VX.info" is a constant comment). Plus, there are the separate forums for specific topics (MOAB!!!), the gallery, how-tos, etc. I know you have been through a lot Moncha, but the VehiCROSS comunity would surely suffer a great loss if VehiCROSS.info ever went away. Fact.

This site is an invaluable asset for anyone that owns or loves the VehiCROSS. The Facebook page is nice for socializing, but can not compete with the collection of pics, info., and forums. I might not prefer this new layout over the old one, but it is still better than Facebook for keeping up on topics. Plus, there is the search function that is super helpful. Thank you again Moncha & admins for this great VXer hangout in cyberspace.

03/16/2016, 09:30 AM
Please please please don't take this the wrong way, and I respectfully ask this question.....is it possible to go back to the prior format for vx.info?

I thought it was just me, but was surprised to see how many members said they have difficulty using the new system, and therefore, rarely go there anymore.

It has all the vital data on this very rare truck we're so passionate about, and is truly invaluable.

Like Gill just said, Moncha is the sole reason this awesome forum exists, and it kills me to see it sit idle, when many of us longtermers know just how much incredible value it has. I'm so afraid it's going to just die on the vine, only because of the software.

03/17/2016, 06:55 AM
Agreed w/ VX KAT. Or, perhaps a different default skin that is more readable...