View Full Version : Fuel line location - engine replacement

02/25/2016, 02:16 PM
Hi there folks,

So I am replacing my engine (it blew) with an axiom (6ve1) variant engine. In my service guide for the vehicross it says to remove the fuel line from the passenger side of the transmission. However, it almost seems that the line goes above the tranny. In addition to that, I cant see being able to hoist the engine out with 3 feet of fuel line sticking out the back.


Im pretty sure I know which line it is, but there are several locations that it could be potentially removed from the engine. And the metal line going into the tranny must be a fluid or vac line?

Anyone willing to share their thoughts with me are greatly appreciated!



02/25/2016, 03:00 PM
This is just a theory, but would it be possible to disconnect the fuel line where it connects to the fuel rails (which hold the injectors)? That way you could get the engine out of the way and they you would be able to see the fuel line a little better to disconnect it at the transmission.

02/26/2016, 08:23 AM
Interesting though. I will take a look at that this evening.

I hope it works. :)

02/26/2016, 10:54 AM
IIRC the fuel line have fast connects right at the transmission bell housing making it a nice place to disconnect. They are covered by a plate that need to come off first, then it is obvious how they come apart. Unfortunately the steel lines are bolted to the back of the intake manifold so just removing the hose to the fuel rail will not allow the engine to be removed.

Equally nice is the electrical connectors in the left front of the engine bay. No need to disconnect the components on the engine just those big three in the corner. Wish I had known that... There is a wire on the power steering pump, don't for get that one.


02/29/2016, 08:02 AM
Excellent. Thanks Dan for the information. I appreciate it a lot!


03/15/2016, 05:45 PM
Well, I got this issue taken care of. Now I just hope this damned Axiom engine works. The so called ironman VX genius let me down severe. There was a lot more to switching engines than intake and electrical. Mother ****.

04/06/2016, 07:39 AM
NOTE: 6ve1 Axiom Swap is complete! Runs very well.

04/06/2016, 07:57 AM
Congrats on the swap completion! Not something a person likes to consider having to do, but it's great to hear of success stories like yours that let others know it's possible. Well done.

06/23/2016, 02:41 PM
Thanks a lot! It was a serious battle but me and my boys did it. :)

Runs better than ever.