View Full Version : Fuel Door

06/01/2016, 08:16 AM
Does Any Member Have A Photo For The VX With The Fuel Door Open ? I Had Mine Chromed & When I Removed The 7 Screws There Were 2 Metal Pieces That Dropped Down From The Left Side - One Being A Little Black Grommit. They Must Go Somewhere Behind The Left Screws ?

Mile High VX
06/01/2016, 11:26 AM
The lock plate goes in the left center space. The one with the rubber stopper goes in the space above the lock plate. The both have a circular shape that fits nicely over the interior mounting ring.

06/01/2016, 12:28 PM
Thanks So Much. My Educated Guess Was That They Were They Came Off The Left Side. I Guess The Gold Metal Lock Plate Is For When The Key Is Turned That Locks The Fuel Door. Not Sure What The Purpose Is For The Rubber Stopper ? Thanks, Again AL

Mile High VX
06/01/2016, 01:23 PM
The rubber stopper holds pressure against the door so that when it's locked it doesn't flop around and create noise.