View Full Version : Need some help on wire routing

06/01/2016, 11:52 PM
Hi hoping someone on here might be able to shed some light on a few problems I am having. I took my VX apart about 3 years ago to do a frame off restoration I took many pictures at the time documenting it for reassembly and have since lost the phone they were stored on. I am finally putting truck back together but need some assistance and hopefully some pics of how a few wires and vacume lines go.

Was wondering the following
-routing of battery harness to alternator
-Battery harness to starter
-Transmission harness to body harness behind left head light
- transmission harness routing
-Vacuum lines to and from the small brown solenoid on left rear portion of engine close to brake booster
- also a picture of the left and right side of Engine bay would be great.
Anyways just wanted to say thanks in advance I have spent hours searching the forum for pictures to help but am now hoping someone could give me a few perfect pictures of the locations in question.

Mile High VX
06/02/2016, 06:59 AM
I have these. Hope it's helpful.






06/02/2016, 07:37 AM
Thanks for pictures I should have mention pictures of motor with engine cover off, and for the under hood was hoping for birds eye view. Really appreciate the help though so far

Mile High VX
06/02/2016, 07:53 AM
Sure thing...lots of other pics in my gallery that might be helpful.

06/03/2016, 04:14 PM
Hi hoping someone on here might be able to shed some light on a few problems I am having. I took my VX apart about 3 years ago to do a frame off restoration I took many pictures at the time documenting it for reassembly and have since lost the phone they were stored on. I am finally putting truck back together but need some assistance and hopefully some pics of how a few wires and vacume lines go.

Hi Mantis465

Here is a link to download the workshop manual which includes all circuit diagrams and locator diagrams for the harnesses, components and connectors:
Hope this helps,

06/03/2016, 04:18 PM
Hi Mantis465,
Here is another link to download the workshop manual just in case the first does not work:

06/04/2016, 12:21 AM
Thanks mile high some great pics there found out were the vacuum line goes but still stumped on the rest.

Thanks for the tip Jays-s but I have access to all-data and Michell on demand and neither were any help. can't see that online source being any better?

No body has any other pics as mentioned above? :(