View Full Version : Marker lights

12/16/2003, 09:29 PM
I kidded Scott about having to replace the bulb on my rear-passenger side marker light. I'm a geek, yes -- but not really auto friendly.

Alas, I successfully changed the bulb (Thanks to Scott's Moncha site which gave me the correct bulb part # -- I looked like a pro at the Auto store) :D

But, a day later after giving my VX a rinse -- the light wasn't working again. I took it to the dealership and we ordered the bulb-socket part -- as apparently water had corroded it.

Question, how could water make its way into the socket? Plus, when I removed the original bulb, it was half-filled with dirty water. The marker light on the driver's side seems fine. Just one of those curiousities that keeps me awake at night. :D

12/17/2003, 04:18 PM
Sure, water finds it's way into everything.. So, yes, it's possible and it causes lots of problems especially if your live in a saltier area.