View Full Version : Using DropBox for forum images

11/11/2017, 11:27 AM
OK, so I finally found a way to get images onto the forum. Use DropBox!

1) Upload your image to a folder in DropBox, doesn’t matter which one.
2) “Share” the image. Make sure you get the link from DropBox
3) Your link will look like - https://www.dropbox.com/s/npfalr3wjb5y7u1/Photo%20Nov%2011%2C%201%2059%2029%20PM.jpg?dl=0

This is where is gets fun. The “?dl=0” tells a browser not to download the file, but to try to render it in the browser. This DOES NOT work for the VX forms.

If you set it to “?dl=1” it will try to force the file to download. This also does not work for the forum.

However, if you change it to - “?raw=1”, the image will display.
This code:


Will display:

11/11/2017, 11:31 AM
It should be noted that in “preview” mode, the image may look massive and not fit. Once submitted the images renders just fine.