View Full Version : Engine turns of sometimes

04/06/2020, 05:30 AM
While driving, the engine could suddenly just turn off. I have to coast in neutral and turn it back on. All liquids fine and temp fine.
It is completly random and can be every two weeks or every month.
Could be fuel pump?


Mile High VX
04/06/2020, 05:28 PM
Sounds like a dead short in the wiring. I had a 69 Camaro that had the Tach wire shielding wear a hole in it on my firewall...occasionally it would just dead short out and the engine would just die. Check with the Facebook group too...lot's of help available there as well.

10/26/2020, 06:30 PM
Does it tirn off while u are stopped at a light or when your cruising?

10/26/2020, 06:34 PM
Sorry re -read your previos post and says its when your driving not stopped! What speed does it normally happen and is your foot on or off the accelerator.

Might be a bad TPS?

10/26/2020, 06:35 PM
If it shuts off while idling at a light the most probable cause would be a dirty throttle body.