View Full Version : Still outta the game....

12/30/2003, 04:28 PM
Well, it's been roughly 2 months now, and still no VX. I was supposed to get her back last Tuesday, but when it went next door to the mechanics shop for the front end alignment, the steering box was found to be damaged. So, that was put on an overnight order, and well, with the holidays in effect, overnight may as well be defunct. I was then told last Wed that the part would be in by yesterday, installed, and pickup would be set. Nope. Didnt happen that way either. The part that was ordered from never left the dealer. The shop owner contacted the dealer, who said it would be sent out first thing today. So, now I am being told perhaps it would be done by this Friday. I have stopped crossing my fingers since they are sore from all the crossing now. I am best guessing by the middle of July at this point. And I tell ya, driving this damned Ford Focus rental around has reminded me of how pitiful it must be driving such a lowly POS.

Hating life is an understatement....

12/30/2003, 05:00 PM
see what happens when your blinker fluid runs out!!! just kidding...hope you had a Merry Christmas and you have a Happy New Year and be back on the road again soon with your VX...I know what it feels like to have major carnage inflicted on VX and can feel for you on yours...

12/30/2003, 06:35 PM
...Well, hopefully the bulk of the wait is behind you, and you'll get your VX back soon. Heck, it's high time for another local mini meet. When you get your VX bak why not gather the locals to welcome the injured beast back to the heard? What say :naughty:

12/30/2003, 09:59 PM
Sounds good to me Nav. Given I have it back in time for the end of the world. ;)

12/31/2003, 12:01 AM
You'll appreciate your VX more when you get it back. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Or is it: Abcess makes the fart go honda?:)

12/31/2003, 10:16 AM
I know how you feel. I't only been a month for me and I am going through withdrawal. They tell me a few more weeks before I get my baby back..........

12/31/2003, 10:58 AM
Worm, what happened to your truck? I guess it's only when we lose what we hold most dear that we realize truly how lucky we are:rolleyes: ... that reminds me... maybe with this (knock on wood) 60 degree weekend I can finally wash my filthy beast...

01/05/2004, 06:25 PM
She faught a concrete wall and lost.


Turned sharp to avoid some prick coming in my lane and spun into the wall. mashed up the front drivers side, guts and all. It's been in the shop since early Nov. The good news is, the body work is all done and she is all painted up. The bad news is, it's been in the mechanical shop for 2 weeks now awaiting a new steering box. APPARENTLY, steering boxes for the VX are as rare as a $2 Ferrari. :rolleyes:

My rental has already hit the $600 mark and it's been so long that I now have to go in tomorrow to negotiate a new rental contract since my insurance stopped paying their share for it. I tell ya, if I don't get the VX back by this Friday, I am going ahead and getting it back and doing the steering box on my own. I have been all over the shop for it, but all they can do is finger point. They blame the dealer they go through for parts, the dealer blames a major distributor for their parts, and the distributor blames the postal service. At this point, I say they are ALL arseholes. I just want my VX back. It's become a coffee coaster for mechanics these past 2 weeks.

01/05/2004, 06:52 PM
your problem wormgod is that the mechanic has it all done

he is driving it off-road but telling you that more and more problems have arised

he knows how fun the Vx is...

01/05/2004, 08:40 PM
Check out http://car-part.com/ - lots of matches for VX steering boxes - looks like Trooper II and Acura SLX may be interchangeable.

01/07/2004, 02:24 PM
The mechanic shop that the body shop sent my VX to for the steering box repairs got a friendly call from me today. I wanted to know why the steering box has taken 3 weeks to install. The woman who handles car/owner relations took my call but when I told her what kind of car I drive, she told me to wait while she got the mechanic. That didnt settle me very much. But, the mechanic was very cool about the whole thing and explained that he wasnt the hold up, State Farm was. When they estimated the price of a new steering box at $1700, State Farm told them to find a used one. HA! Ya, right. So, he had to humor State Farm and hunt for one. Not a single one turned up, but State Farm insisted he keep looking. So, the looking for 2 weeks and the week delivery of a new one took all this time. He was very apologetic, but you can't rightly blame the guy for doing his job. He was very informative and polite, so that was a plus. He said he would finish it tonight and "personally" drive it back to the body shop in the morning. The body shop (whom I called today and they were VERY rude to me) is to detail it and I should be able to pick it up. Now, I have learned through ths whole ordeal, never to count the eggs just yet. Every time I do, the body shop throws egg back in my face. And having taken back the Ford Focus rental last night (since the body shop SWORE it would be ready today), I get to drive a family member's lovely Buick Rendezvous for a day.

So, I am just asking my fine VX family here, to keep your fingers crossed for me and hope that no forther problems arrise. :\

01/07/2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by ScubaSteve
Worm, what happened to your truck?

He faught the wall and the, wall won.

01/07/2004, 02:29 PM
Hang in there...thanks for keeping us posted.


The VX candle in the window is lit for you too...

01/09/2004, 07:57 AM

I know it was a hell of a wait, but DAMN..... they did a near perfect job. The only drawbacks being a slightly larger gap between the front fender and the door. They are gonna take care of that next Friday when I take it back in.

The paint is better than the rest of the car! They only had to do a blend on the hood, but he said they saw some scratches on the hood and decided to just take care of the whole thing. Excellent, EXCELLENT job indeed! Of course, the final estimate came to roughly $8,100. That's why we have insurance though, right?! ;)

So, next step is to get some more ClearCorners. They got smashed up and I am back with the ambers again. Kinda eyesores against black.

In all though, if you live n the MD area, and are ever looking for GREAT quality repairs, and can manage a possible delay (no thanks to my insurance company), Mt. Airy Collision in Mt. Airy, Maryland produces top quality work. I have been a body and paint tech for 8 years and the work they did blew my mind.

01/09/2004, 08:09 AM
Great News! be careful out there...


01/09/2004, 08:24 AM
...See I told you it wouldn't be much longer :blab:, now go get it Super Charged ASAP :naughty: