View Full Version : 4x4 Broke!!?

01/21/2004, 01:09 PM
Not sure what the hell happened, I went out to go wheeling to the Knik glacier with my Jeep buddy, and when we got out there I made it down the trail with no problems, then when I got to the deep snow I got stuck, then stuck again.... and again! Found that the front tires weren't getting any power in TOD or 4-LO. Ended up getting towed back to the trail and had to drive home early. Now when driving around I have been watching the TOD lights. No blinking check light. Well TOD goes to the first notch as usual once I reach 7-10 mph then I can floor it and spin the rears, with no reaction from the TOD. However sometimes the lights will jump imediately up to 50/50 once I hit the gas but with no 4 wheel drive then it goes back down to the first light, then I can actually continue spinning the rear tires forever with no further response from TOD. I have an appointment on Monday with Isuzu.

I am at 55,000 miles and am the second owner. This should be covered by warranty right? Any thoughts on whats going on? I never heard anything break or any wierd noise for that matter.

I just had a head unit and amp hooked up to all my door speakers.. and it sat in my buddies driveway for 2 days in -25 degree weather.

You don't realize how awesome TOD is until you lose it! ;eekr; It seems like now I am the last person to leave a stop light, and I'm all over the road trying to get going. I guess the bald Mickey Thompsons aren't the best winter tire ;)

I have finally found use for the winter mode button! LOL!

01/21/2004, 01:36 PM
Sorry to hear about your problem...hopefully it's an easy fix and nothing too serious!!....:wtfr2:
Time to get the tools out??

01/21/2004, 01:43 PM
Man, it's sad to hear that your 4 WD isn't working, especially in winter and in Alaska. I hope that there aren't any snow storms forcasted until after you have it fixed.

As long as you aren't over 60,000 miles the powertrain warranty should cover any problems unless they find that the problem was caused by abuse. Good luck and let us know what the cause is.

01/21/2004, 03:22 PM
Your fluid levels are all ok? Have you done anything to the VX in the way of repairs or mods recently? Can you get it inside a heated garage for a day and let it thaw out. Maybe some snow got packed into something electrical and is causing a low resistance across some wiring.

Tod is supposed to electrically engage the clutch pack, the bad news is that 4 lo is supposed to provide a mechanical connection.

Can you get it up on 4 jackstands and test it no-load or see if the front shaft is turning?

01/21/2004, 03:50 PM
Was there any ground wires put in place during the stereo install?

Are they ok and NOT connected to anything TOD related?

How is it shifting in to 4 low for you? does it shift in ok?

I'd also check the fuses for TOD seeing as electical stuff was recently performed. Where was the AMP installed? Under the passenger seat by any chance?

Sounds to me like an electrical problem of some sorts. Then again, you do go off road so I have no idea the type of abuse your VX has been seeing lately :confused:

As you may or may not know, The TOD CPU is under the passenger seat.

That's what I'd check before having a clueless dealer try to figure it out.

01/21/2004, 03:52 PM
Only things done lately is the stereo install, and a rescent oil change. When the stereo was installed it was in a heated garage for 8 hours. But thats what I thought could be the problem. I will see if I can find 4 jackstands and report back. When I was just out doing a delivery the TOD lights seemed to be moving more correctly than before but still no power to the front wheels :confused: Will also try to check the fluids tonight.

I haven't even checked the fuse, maybe I should do that first, thanks VehiX. You would think it would give you the blinking check light if it was something electrical. When they installed the amp and head unit they connected the power to the same power line to my other amp that I have had for 2 years. Not sure where the ground is?

As for shifting into 4-lo it shifts fine, light on the dash light up as normal and I get the lower gearing but no power to the front wheels
:confused: :confused: :confused:

I haven't done any wheeling this winter (except spinning broadies) Last weekend was going to be the first time I went wheeling since fall, but went out there only to find the 4 wheel drive isn't working:(

01/21/2004, 04:31 PM
OK did some searching, and couldn't find where the TOD fuse was. But I did see that TOD and ABS are on the same fuse so it can't be the fuse since my ABS is working (I think)

01/21/2004, 04:34 PM
4 lo is supposed to mechanically lock the tod power split 50/50 front /rear. That's why I think something mechanical may be broken.:confused: Not sure if that mechanical locking still goes through the clutch pack, if so, low fluid could be a cause.

01/21/2004, 06:07 PM
Where was the second AMP installed? Under the passenger seat?

01/21/2004, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by AlaskaVX
OK did some searching, and couldn't find where the TOD fuse was. But I did see that TOD and ABS are on the same fuse so it can't be the fuse since my ABS is working (I think)

Pull the fuse, start up, and see if the abs or tod light flashes or lights steady.

01/22/2004, 12:01 PM
Well couldn't get around to do anything yesterday but will get to it after work today.

2nd amp was installed right next to my other one connected to the box.

And the ABS does work for sure

01/22/2004, 02:06 PM
ABS had its own fuse. Lots of people full that fuse when it snows and they still have TOD.

You should try posting over on the 4X4 Wire Isuzu Tech board. Those guys know Isuzu's inside and out.

http://www.4x4wire.com/forums/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=UBB86 (http://www.4x4wire.com/forums/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=UBB86)


01/22/2004, 02:40 PM
Thanks deermagnet, I actually visit that forum quite often, but before I bring it up over there I want to check my fluid level and see what Isuzu has to say. My brothers 21st birthday is tommorrow :clap: ;puke: so I won't get to do much with it this weekend.

01/23/2004, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by VX_PA
Man, it's sad to hear that your 4 WD isn't working, especially in winter and in Alaska. I hope that there aren't any snow storms forcasted until after you have it fixed.

Well sure enough we had a snowstorm yesterday. YOU CURSED ME!!!! J/K
I was trying to get onto the highway and cars were pretty conjested, I was just merging when a truck that was halling *** cut the car in front of me off (really bad) which forced him to slam on his breaks, along with the 3 people behind him while I am trying to merge into the middle of all of it. I was forced to stay on the side of the road, which is where I hit a snowbank doing about 50-55. I climbed the snowbank until I was actually driving on the guardrail. Once I reached the end of the guard rail my tire hit a piece of metal sticking out and spun me in a 180 off to the side of the road. Luckily no damage except a popped front passenger side tire!

So didn't get to checking the fluid again since I had to change my tire and I was too pissed to do anything else with it last night.

01/23/2004, 02:18 PM
Damn AlaskaVX, you need to get a beater to save your VX. I should've known better than to mention anything about a snow storm. Now I'll probably get one in PA too.

Look on the good side, now you can replace those worn out tires.;)

01/25/2004, 09:14 AM
The first thing I would check is to jack up one front tire and give it a spin by hand.....then the other tire.
Take note of if the CVs turn in relation to the tires and also the front drive shaft.
my guess is the front outer splines at the CV axle (where it meets the drive flange) could be stripped out. Or the CV birdsfield joints could be shot (but this would be noisy)

next guess, is the spider gears in the front diff

third, front ring and pinion (very noisy)

lastly. the transfer case itself (unlikely)

Good luck and let us know what the verdict is


01/26/2004, 04:46 PM
Alright just heard back from Isuzu and was told that they have never seen anything like this! They say the CV pulled out of the hub, the teeth off the CV and flange are gone but the snap rings are still in place. They say the repair costs around $1500 but should be covered under warranty since there are no signs of abuse. However unless I want to pay the $250 to have it air shipped to me then it will be 3 weeks until I get it back. They told me it's unsafe to drive and said that the front end could come apart at any time? And to think I have been driving with that little donut up front for a couple days. ;eeky;

Thank god the 4x4 went out before my warranty was up! :angel:

BTW- Am I the first VXer to have their 4 wheel go out on this forum?

02/03/2004, 10:50 AM
Just wanted to post that they fixed everything and I only had to pay $175 for shipping. Took them about a day and a half to finish it. Didn't say a word about the SC.

Sorry coach wish I knew how they got that CV axle out. Didn't get to watch them due to insurance reasons.