View Full Version : N1

01/22/2004, 05:38 PM
11/02 Albert wound up in hospital with knee injury. I haven't heard from him since then (anyone else?). The money sent for CF hood insert I'm sure is gone. Too bad for us all. Still I hope the guy is OK. In the correspondences I had with him he seemed like a legitimate guy.


01/22/2004, 08:51 PM
Yup... it's been a while. Either the guy was in really bad shape, or he is gone. Either way, I stuck up for him for the longest time, but it would be REALLY nice to figure out where my mirror covers (that he said were not only shipped, but gave me a tracking number for) are.

01/22/2004, 09:09 PM
Same here. How much does it cost to hire a Japaneese private I?:eek:

01/23/2004, 02:40 AM
How much does it cost to hire a Japaneese private

If he were in Japan I`d know:rolleyes:
I found an old letter of correspondence between him and his supplier, addressed to N1.
I wrote a letter to this Add, but until now, without result.
There`s no real add but a PO box

Just in case here`s the add.
Albert Mak
PO box 4682
Dubbo East NSW (new south wales) 2830

Maybe an Australian PI would do the job....:(

nyc #1 ironman
01/23/2004, 07:45 AM
Remember the TV show "Unsolved Mysteries" with Robert Stack? At the end he was always like "If youuuu have any information leading to the disappearance of N1 please call us now" Ahahahahaha,,,,, Well, I'm also out some money from him, but it was so long ago now I'm over it, don't even think about it anymore. Why worry yourself sick, it's been like 1 1/2 to 2 years so I just forgot about it. When he was good he was gooooood, he was rollin in with the goodies. He really got the board "hyped" with all the mods. Wish someone else can take his place. Any volunteers? We can call you "N2".....(lol)

01/23/2004, 08:33 AM
I agree... to a point. The money is a non-issue as the mirror covers really weren't that expensive. I guess I felt like he would eventually come through for everyone, no matter how long it took.

Now, I feel like (unless he has amnesia or something) he is avoiding us and has stolen our money. He isn't even trying to make good, no matter the cost to you or me. I don't miss the money, but unless he is unable to do anything to clear this up, we should all feel at least a bid scammed.

Jeez. I can't believe I'm saying this. I mean, I feel for the guy and all, going through what we've heard he's had to go through. I guess I'm just getting tired of seeing this posted over and over. Again, I've stuck up for him every single time, but after a while, you have to accept the fact that, not only is nothing going to be returned to you, but he may be intentionally avoiding the subject.

For what it's worth, I hope he finally comes through at some point. I hate feeling that anyone from our "family" would do this intentionally, so I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt.

01/23/2004, 10:47 AM
I had a chance to meet N1 (Albert) and Dutchie in California a little over a year ago. They were real cool guys. I do remeber that Albert had packed and brought a few carbon fiber mirror covers and a hood insert. It seemed like he had it all lined up to create some cool VX stuff. Like my friend says "it is what it is...":( I just hope he is alright.

Hey Dutchie I might still come visit you sometime... ;Dy;

Simon Templar
01/23/2004, 01:57 PM
The real pity of all of this is that this is now the second or third time that someone has done this hereabouts. Not saying it won't get resolved.....but I agree, at this point it is questionable.

The next time someone has a great idea...legitimately...nobody will take a chance on him or it. I know I won't....and I didn't even lose any money in the N1 scandal nor in the Don Moody fiasco.

Everyone loses.


01/23/2004, 11:52 PM
I thought Albert had mentioned on his posts that he was getting ready to move? Wasn't he going to move from Oz to Japan?

01/24/2004, 04:33 AM
From OZ to Hong Kong....:(

01/24/2004, 05:30 AM
you know guys i've been following this saga and this is my take on the matter..i believe he played people of what is called a "confidence game",show people the goods,sell them a few items that peple want and make people believe that he is a straight-up guy..then people starts ordering plenty of accessories that costs hundreds and hundreds of dollars..then he disappears never to be heard of again sans purported nephew who wrote the worst 'selective' pigeon-english ever,,i believe that there's no nephew and that was n1 who posted that..secondly,i created a poll before,just out of curiousity,of how many people and how much money they sent to n1 for the items,but some people took issues w/ that..i guess people at that time did not want to admit that they got taken for a ride and that created a pestering wound.i would not be surprise if the carbon fibers accessories that are being sold now came from n1 although a board member will deny this because he seem to be the closes person to him.

01/24/2004, 06:35 AM
Retter to Mr. Fishfook

sans purported nephew who wrote the worst 'selective' pigeon-english ever,,i believe that there's no nephew and that was n1 who posted that..

Wrung tat was Dutch Englelsih....I rote zat not N1

i would not be surprise if the carbon fibers accessories that are being sold now came from n1

They cum frum N1, but it`s secret...shhhh, Naoki=N1 (Zey`re both asian after all)

although a board member will deny this because he seem to be the closes person to him.

You are rait I got catched with my pants down(by a fishfook?), I admit zu mai msitake and repent.(N1 and me are very closes..maybe my baby iz not my baby but ...?) Vere is a lawyer when you need one?:(

I`ve hear whispers.maybe N1 is Saddam Hussein, maybe this is truth, there was VX in Iraq I hear through the windmill.

I`m sorry Mr Fishfoock me no speaking Englez very very good , but my reading very very good, I see you`re very clever He-bitch.
you have good brain, I applaud you clap clap clap!


01/24/2004, 07:15 AM
Dear mr. Fishfook,

I found piktures some, from LA meeting, zere are many many piktures with N1,I look again and more again and I see big surprise......
I start zu understand you are doubting N1 now..you must be very clever he-bitch, because nobody see N1 is Saddam Hussein and Dutchie is Sharif Ali Bin Al.;)

By the road, wazz is Nip?

01/24/2004, 08:16 AM
Hey Dutchie!

That is some way funny ****e!

Everyone has an opinion. Mine is that Albert has fallen on some bad times and this board is probably the last thing on his mind. But maybe I'm really N1 too?

-- John

01/24/2004, 08:16 PM
Dutchie!!!!...Now play nice...

01/24/2004, 09:45 PM
You funny-funny man

I pray Albert is OK

01/26/2004, 08:37 AM

01/26/2004, 01:28 PM
Lets all get along... They are just good friends that live in separate countries. ;Db; HEY THATS ME! with the white hat and the blue vest w/the yellow stipe. I should have known about Sadam... ;Dr; LOL!