View Full Version : #1 Cyl. Missfire???????????????????

01/27/2004, 12:03 PM
VX was running great last night. Check engine light came on this morning. Took it to Autozone for the code. #1 cylinder missfire. Engine idles rough. Besides plugs, which will be replaced, is there anything else I should check (if plugs don't do the job)?
Thanks in advance for the help!

01/27/2004, 01:30 PM
Check the coil(red thing on top of spark plug) to make sure its firing.... Also Id check the injectors. But I wouldnt run it too long like that. Could lead to MAJOR problems.

01/27/2004, 02:06 PM
That is not a good sign. That is exactly where the bearing problem starts that I had and Coach just experienced. I replaced my engine with a new 3.5 from Isuzu. Coach is currently swapping a 5.7 liter GM engine (fingers crossed). Take it and get it checked immediately by a reputable mechanic or the dealer. Not something to take lightly. I hope it is the coil pack or a plug and not an internal engine problem.

01/27/2004, 02:41 PM
Call the dealer and tell them what is happening. Doesnt sound like you should drive it. ;eekr;

01/27/2004, 02:56 PM
Check Red #1 Coil. Remove Red coil and check for moisture underneath. The chamber is o-ringed sealed. A little moisture will cause big problems.


01/27/2004, 04:56 PM
When i got mine it had set on the showroom floor for 18mo and only had 158 miles. It quickly developed a #3 misfire which turned out to be an injector. You can swap the coils and see if the miss moves and listen to the injectors and compare the click or lack of. Mine was not working but when i tapped on it, it started working, so I cleaned the injectors and it has been fine for the last 25k. A minor miss will turn the light on but if is really bad the light will start to flash and then it should definatly not be driven then.
D platform (http://www.dodge-wiki.com/wiki/Chrysler_D_platform)

01/27/2004, 10:03 PM
Thanks for all the responses. I will check these things along with change the plugs in the morning. Will let you know what I find.

01/28/2004, 05:29 AM
Hi Billy-- sorry to hear about this. It's probably just your truck's way of asking for a weekend off after that last Chivo Falls trip...

I'll be around Sunday if you need a hand with anything.

01/28/2004, 09:34 AM
Well, all ends on a good note. The VX is once again healthy and running like a thoroughbred. Pulled the plugs. Previous owner had replaced them with cheapo Champions. I put in a new set of Bocsh Platinum 2's and reconnected the battery. Started her up and "damn" same symtems! Disconnected the battery again and tapped on the fuel rail and injectors then reconnected the battery. Started her up and she purred like a kitty!;Dy; Drove her around a bit and no problems!!!
Also noted that all cylinders appeared to be burning equally, all plugs looked equally burned, all were dry and no appearance of oil!!!!