View Full Version : engine is breaking apart

01/30/2004, 04:16 AM
Please read my story

2-3 month ago, engine started to make a "loud noise".
I checked EGR tube, I changed engine oil from cheap one to expensive one.

3 weeks ago, I noticed "high idle problem, fluctuating idle problem"
Then I went to a mechanic, he said wait until "check engine light"
came on.

Today I drove VX about 200 miles. I tried not to but I had to use my VX. When I got home "check engine light" came on, so I went to the mechanic.
When he opend the hood, we heard "steamy noise" from the engine.
He found that noise came from between upper and lower portions of "common chamber"
Engine is Breaking Apart!

Please Give me your opinion.

01/30/2004, 11:26 AM
Use the search button and look for intake gaskets.

01/30/2004, 03:39 PM

John C.

01/31/2004, 04:11 PM
There are several coolant lines that run under teh intake manifold thatt could be leaking under there and it may be in combination with an intake manifold gasket leak.

02/17/2004, 06:52 AM
Being a girl, I must admit I'm not very good with the mechanics of a car. My 2000 Vehi-Cross has been idling very strangly and over the last week it keeps killing on me when I first start it up and then the check engine light comes on. I'm leary about taking it in knowing that the mechanics could tell me anything and I would have to believe them. It sounds like others have experienced this. Can you give me some advice on what to do?

02/17/2004, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by dragonfly22design
Being a girl, I must admit I'm not very good with the mechanics of a car. My 2000 Vehi-Cross has been idling very strangly and over the last week it keeps killing on me when I first start it up and then the check engine light comes on. I'm leary about taking it in knowing that the mechanics could tell me anything and I would have to believe them. It sounds like others have experienced this. Can you give me some advice on what to do?

It could be a bunch of things..the crew here will be better with those specifics than i could be.. but i will say, if you take it to the shop, DONT let them intimidate you. ask to see printouts of the trouble codes, tell them you want to inspect any "old" parts they replace, including hoses and such, etc.. make them justify any work they perform and
ask for specifics... If their on the ball, none of this should be a problem for any good shop... if not, pull the vehicle out and take it someplace else..it may cost a bit more, but far less in the long run..but if they do a good job, buy the mechanics a pizza or something..good ones are hard to find, theyll appreciate it...and remember you for it in the future if you need them again..
good luck!!

02/17/2004, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by dragonfly22design
Being a girl, I must admit I'm not very good with the mechanics of a car. My 2000 Vehi-Cross has been idling very strangly and over the last week it keeps killing on me when I first start it up and then the check engine light comes on. I'm leary about taking it in knowing that the mechanics could tell me anything and I would have to believe them. It sounds like others have experienced this. Can you give me some advice on what to do?

This problem sounds like a vacuum leak. Have a friend help you check all of the small rubber hoses connected to the intake manifold. Pull the plastic cover up and it will come loose. then check each end of the hoses for cracks, splitting or being disconnected. Pull one end off at a time check it and if good put it back on before going to the next one. that way you won't miss one.


02/17/2004, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Tone
There are several coolant lines that run under teh intake manifold thatt could be leaking under there and it may be in combination with an intake manifold gasket leak.

There are metal fittings under there also. some of the clamps/screws could have loosened up.


02/21/2004, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by dragonfly22design
Being a girl, I must admit I'm not very good with the mechanics of a car. ........ Can you give me some advice on what to do?

Story: My better half drives Rodeo and some time ago she needed some paint job on it, so I took it to cople of shops for quote, both quotes were in $1200 range. She deemed that to be too high estimate and decided to take over the issue. She dressed up to kill and estimate she got was $400. With me being a guy I failed misserably did'nt I LOL. Anyway Maverick is righ with his advice.

On technical end a good way to detect leaks is to to use piece of rubber tubing (stetoscope will not work) with one end held to the ear and other scanning around potential leak points. If there is a leak it is very audible.


02/22/2004, 10:10 AM
Thanks for all the help and great advice guys. I took her in and brought the guys a big bag of donuts and they fixed her right up and even washed her by hand for me and brought her back sparkling. It was the intake gasket and they said I'm still under warranty so they didn't charge me a dime. They also thanked me for the donuts and were very sweet.

Is there anything else I should watch out for or have looked over because my bumper to bumper warranty runs out in about a month.