View Full Version : CD Manual for VX

rocket man
02/04/2004, 11:55 AM
Looking to buy a VX manuel in CD form. I used to see them on e-bay, where can I get them now?:cool:

02/04/2004, 12:00 PM
You can download it for free from Tone Monday's site. There are some tricky things you have to do to download it though. Do a search on CD manuel and some threads explaining what to do should pop up.

rocket man
02/05/2004, 01:51 AM
Thanks Alaskavx!!

I tried it(Tone Mondays) and got the Mongollian version...:mad:

I will peruse the threads and see what I am screwing up on the download....

02/05/2004, 09:57 AM
Name the cd copy the same as original file.

rocket man
02/06/2004, 11:14 AM
Yep..thanks all

One needs a tad more equip. than this ole relic of a computer of mine has :( This was state of the art stuff back when the pilgrims landed at Plymouth rock!

I will get one from Tone later