View Full Version : Question: Steering Wheel Slop

02/10/2004, 07:38 PM
I have about 3/16" slop in the steering wheel when I grab ahold of it and shake it up/down & right/left. Most notable when force it back and forth on each side like trying to wiggle it off the spindle. Its always been that way as far as I can remember, but my mechanic thinks it may be a bad column bearing. Anyone else have this slop?

02/10/2004, 08:01 PM

There is no play in my steering wheel. If you want to compare sometime, just email me.


02/10/2004, 08:22 PM
I was getting my alignment done and they did not center the steering wheel. After it was done I had to drive down the street with my steering wheel cranked really far to the left, if I let go my VX would swerve dangerously to the right.

So, I went back and told them...to which the guy says no matter what we do it will never be straight because your steering box is shot. He then lamented on how they could replace it and I told them they were full of shizzit and that they had better realign it and they better center the steering wheel this time.

The supervisor told them to do it again and they just cussed and threw their tools around the shop until they realized I was watching them. Then they aligned it right and centered the wheel and whoallaahhhh... I now have a correct alignment and my steering wheel is straight and I didn't have to change my steering box.

Point is...I think all VX's have some play...not sure if the backlash can be adjusted out...but they said their was no way...I didn't belive them.

02/10/2004, 10:33 PM
:mad: It pisses me off that dealers seem to know jack about their own product. The steering play is not only adjustable, it's super easy to do. I figured this out after having been told by my service rep that "there is no way to adjust play in the steering." I'd be happy to post a HOW-TO with pics in the morning. Just say the word.



02/11/2004, 12:58 AM
WOW Mr. Ranger... VERY nice post!

02/12/2004, 09:19 PM
Wow, nice tutorial, Ranger!

My question is not about slop in the steering, but slop in the steering wheel, as if the nut that holds the steering wheel on is loose (it's not). The looseness is in the up and down, and left and right movement of the wheel and column.

Spazz, I got that "you need a new steering box" crap in the past, too. I insisted they just align the front end and they reluctantly did so. Steers fine with even tire wear ever since. Fortunately, the mechanic mentioned above is very trustworthy.

02/13/2004, 08:40 PM
If the whole external tube around the steering column moves, it may be the column mount brackets being loose or broken. If it's just the shaft inside of the tube it's probably steering shaft bearings and might be easier or cheaper to just replace the whole steering column assembly.

02/14/2004, 09:37 PM
doesn't the VX have a collapsable steering colum??????

02/16/2004, 05:08 PM
Think so. The column mount brackets are usually "break-away" units, but do have some adjustability. Since it's a tilt column with a flex joint in the stg. shaft assembly, that throws more complications into the diagnosis.