View Full Version : Vday blues...

02/14/2004, 06:27 PM
Yup its that time of year and just broke up with my girlfriend of 5 1/2 years.... Love is really strange. It can make you feel like youre at your best or break you down till you have nothing left. I also understand the saying "theres a thin line between love and hate" alot better now... I just dunno what Ill do now.

02/14/2004, 06:30 PM
Any single female Vxrs out there?(early 20s)

02/14/2004, 07:10 PM
It's times like these when the immortal words of Crosby, Stills and Nash can have new meaning - Love the One You're With (http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=1981)

02/14/2004, 07:20 PM
Eckstream, sorry about that - that's a long time to be with someone and then have to part ways, but hopefully (if you don't already), you will eventually see that it was for the best. There are plenty of great young ladies out there... don't rush yourself - take the time to find the right one. There's a saying that says that what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger - you can use what you've learned through this to make things better than before, even if it may not seem that way right now. Good luck!

02/14/2004, 07:53 PM
I know how you feel... two words...KY;Dp;

02/14/2004, 08:00 PM
On the plus side....you just saved a butt load of $$$$$$ not having to buy the card, flowers, diamonds, dinner, etc.:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

VX crazy
02/14/2004, 08:17 PM
James, you know what KY is????? ohhh you WOULD know! :)

Sorry to hear about your break-up, give us the juicy details....or you can wait until the pain passes.

Seriously, that sucks! But Valentines day should not be any different than any other day for how we treat the people we love, tomarrow is not guarenteed!

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

02/14/2004, 08:26 PM
Hey Eckstream...totally feel-n ya about the "love is really strange" thing!! Sorry to hear that it happened to ya right around the day of "love!" As they say, lifes an open book, you just ended one chapter of it and now your on to the begining of another. You claim you don't know what you will do now, well I know, we all know what you'll do, you will continue to move forward! You will carry with you the good times of the past as well as some of the bad and that should encourage you to make the next relationship you may be in that much more special. I only hope you split on good terms because after 5 1/2 years together not only does it suck lose-n a girlfriend but it would double suck if you lost a friend. Hang in there man, keep your head up......you never know who your gonna meet tomorrow!!

Happy V-day to all the ladies out there:heart:

02/14/2004, 11:49 PM
Thanks guys..... You guys have all good points... We talked a lil after I got home and actually a decent conversation for once... Still not lookin too good for us as a couple but I would really hate to lose my best friend at the same time.... Yes it was a mutual thing and I guess it would be good to be able to stretch my legs for once.... Well see what happens... I hope everyone elses Vday was a lil more interesting. As for me I went 4wheelin to blow off some steam and had a great time... Lots o mud cuz all the snow is meltin so I guess Ill have some cleaning to do....;Dy;
Spazz??? Whats your favorite? Regular or warming sensation?

02/15/2004, 12:19 PM
well...um...warming is better..but if you mold some mashed potatoes in ...say....a turkey..etc...then you can just preheat it and you don't need the warming stuff;Dp; ...

hmmmm...some one has been deleting my post...wonder who that is????:confused:

02/15/2004, 01:54 PM
Not I but many of yours certainly should be deleted.

02/15/2004, 05:09 PM
I don't get it How is Kentucky,two words??? Warming up there? That's not what our weather dood sez...

02/15/2004, 07:01 PM

02/16/2004, 09:57 PM
My husband and I have been through some incredibly tough stuff and we're still together and survived. If you want to work things out with your girlfriend and she wants to work things out with you but you are at an impasse, perhaps I can help. Email me if you, or your sweetie need to talk. I'm sorry for your pain. I really am. I can point you to what God has to say about relationships and making them work. Being as he is the one who invented the relationship, he should know what works and what doesn't, eh?

02/17/2004, 06:07 AM
Well, for what its worth. Ive been divorced three times.

And ending up with Half of Half of Half really sucks.

so, count your blessings you didnt marry her.

02/17/2004, 10:09 AM
Be glad you weren't married. I lost 70 grand in my divorce 4 years ago. Now that hurts!!;eeky;