View Full Version : MLVX of the Caribbean

02/17/2004, 09:24 AM
Well gang(cult members) I'm off to the Caribbean for 2 weeks. Had enough cold/snow as I can stand for 1 winter season. During this time I will be in search of the infamous lone VX of the Caribbean aka: "Missing Link VX(MLVX)". Its gonna be tough having to deal with the elements of weather such as Sand, Sun, Turquois Sea water which makes you want Sex on the Beach - The cocktail of coarse. By SHOOTING it with my Camera that is, I hope to CAPTURE the MLVX on film in its natural habitat. I heard that it is a wild ferocious beast with Fangs, Big Paws, that loves uneven mountainous terrain and cannot be tamed. Hope to make it back to tell the tale in 2 weeks, wish me luck.

02/17/2004, 09:39 AM
I dont know Mercer.. sounds like you will need other experienced trackers with you... ;Dr;

At least a film crew!

Or someone to keep track of how much sex on the beach your having.. (the cocktail of course ;Dr; )

02/17/2004, 10:04 AM
Man, that sounds like a hunt we should all participate in. Who's paying??? Well seemed like a good idea.:D

02/17/2004, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by VX_PA
Man, that sounds like a hunt we should all participate in. Who's paying???
Maybe we could contact the "International Wildlife Soceity" or the "Center for Endangered Species" for funding.:D

03/10/2004, 08:51 AM
Well Gang, I'm back.
Mission Accomplished.

It was a greuling 2 weeks but I found the missing Link Vx of the Caribbean.

03/10/2004, 09:20 AM
It's always good to see a hunt end successfully. Now that's some satisfaction!!:D