View Full Version : Supercharger Questions.....new Guy.

02/18/2004, 01:10 AM
Hi there, I'm new to the scene.

I have a 2001, blk on blk VX, 30k, light mods(new Toyo tires), bought it new.

Here's my slew of questions....

I'm interested in a supercharger, I live in Phx. and want to know if there is anyone local to buy/install that bad boy?

Anyone have one?

Is it worth the 3 g's, can you notice the differance?

Any helpful pointers on what to look out for?

Thanks- Jay:D

02/18/2004, 06:33 AM
Welcome - the SC have been out for several years and there are many on here who have them - please use the search feature to find the many threads about it. There is no safer way to add a noticeable amount of HP to this engine and there is no other kit than the Alpine. There is at least on SCed on in Arizona and the install is easy - any shop can do it in about a day or most driveway mechanics can do it in a weekend - download instructions on my page. It is the best mod I have done and enjoy EVERY time I drive.

02/18/2004, 07:48 AM
I have to agree, this is the BEST mod for the money and the truck really takes on a new life with it, of course you always want more power but it really can get out of its own way with the SC.

The kit puts out about 45 more hp with the 4psi pulley and about
55 more with the 5psi.

The install for my mechanic was pretty easy, he ran into no problems. I had a little under 30k miles on mine when got installed.

I had mine custom painted and polished to add a little more flare to the engine bay:



02/18/2004, 08:17 AM
Zu4Two is the Phoenixite with the SC. You can shoot him an email or PM. He shows up to a lot of our get togethers if you'd like to take a peek at it. We have one coming up in April (hint, hint)!

02/18/2004, 10:20 AM
Thanks for the info guys! Zu4Two, they in the book? Is there someone there I should talk to?

Thanks again- Jay

02/18/2004, 10:28 AM
Jay your an amazing artist!

So can I commission you to make a VX monster?

Guys check his stuff out!




02/18/2004, 10:57 AM
Thanks Dave! I'm currently working on a book with Rob Zombie called "The Nail", a four issue series due out in June.

And he already opted the rights to make a movie already....nutty!

Ok, back to my VX....

I looked in the book for Zu4Two, can't find it! Any info would be great on were to go, best buys, etc.

Thanks so much for your help-


02/18/2004, 11:00 AM
LOL Zu4Two is a member... here is his email:


02/18/2004, 11:25 AM
I feel silly.....

I dropped him a line, hopefully he'll get back to me.

Does he have a shop? What's the story?

Thanks- Jay

02/18/2004, 11:26 AM
No I think he lives in Phx. and has a supercharged VX.

02/18/2004, 11:34 AM
Jay, you are definitely a VERY talented artist!

02/18/2004, 12:23 PM
Thanks Bam Bam......surprised you posted that one, did that one years ago!(guess not.....boobies!)

So, all you SC guys......where did you get your SC's from? Are there any deals out there?

02/18/2004, 12:54 PM
I got mine from Tone, his site is Tone Monday and Associates, and is listed in the links section in the top left of the home page here.

02/18/2004, 12:57 PM
got mine too from Tone:


02/18/2004, 02:09 PM
Thanks guys, I called Tone and got the info I needed.

All I need to do is find a good place to get it installed that won't rip me off.

02/18/2004, 02:15 PM
What amazing artwork!!!!

Glad you have good taste in cars too... :naughty:

02/18/2004, 02:16 PM
Oh, just remembered.....

Can you set the psi for the boost(4 or 5)?

I know it rages from 4-5 psi, if I set it to 5 psi will there be any problems from the standard 4 psi?

02/18/2004, 02:19 PM
The kit comes with a 4psi pulley and offered is a 5psi upgrade.

02/18/2004, 02:45 PM
Ok, is there a price diff?

Is there any diff from the 4 to 5 psi and is 5 psi getting close to to running into problems?

02/18/2004, 03:36 PM
I paid about 100 bucks for the 5psi pulley from Tone, it gives you 10 to 15 more hp, our computer really cannot handle any more boost than 5 without a cpu upgrade... which none exists currently.

02/18/2004, 03:39 PM
Cool, sounds good.....I'll go for the 5psi.

Thanks- Jay

02/18/2004, 05:40 PM
What is more popular, 4 or 5 psi? And why. I will be doing the S\C thing soon and would hate to go for the 5 and be sorry afterward

Thanks! TW

02/18/2004, 07:44 PM
*enter ego*

Wow, I tell ya, more and more rockstar artists are joining up. First me, then some others pop up, then Jay. Sweet deal. :p

*exit ego*

Speaking of the S/C, did that clicking sound ever get figured out from the unit? That was the only thing halting my purchase.

02/18/2004, 07:52 PM
I don't think the clicking is actually a problem, and I'm not sure if anyone is exactly sure what it is... but the best assumption is the ball bearings in the older nose cones. I have a new(er) one with what is supposed to be cartridge bearings, even though they just look like ball bearings in a steel race to me.

I will be putting that on, probably along with a 5lb pulley, pretty soon.

02/18/2004, 09:24 PM
Called Tone and asked few questions.....

He told me about the "rattling" of the sc, "sounds like a diesel".....

That's a scary thought, is it that bad?

02/18/2004, 09:34 PM
I'm assuming that isn't all that Tone said since he is selling the SC kits. This noise (I believe) is only noticeable on the older kits, and from what both John (Featherfoot), others at Alpine, and Tone have told me is that it is the bearings, or a clearance of the splines...

Anyway, check both these threads:



Still, I am assuming Tone didn't try to make you weary of the SC because of the noise it makes... right?

By the way, very nice artwork! I got a little excited when I saw that you had done some Spawn work. I have some of the first Spawn comics and, well, I haven't collected or even really LOOKED at any in like 15 years. I have a lot of Image and Valiant comics just sitting in my attic!!!

02/18/2004, 09:58 PM
Read the tread, very interesting....

It makes me nervous now, I'm all set to get a SC....but then I hear about this rattling stuff.

So when I spend all this money and pop open the hood to show it off....my buds say. "Dude, you put that thing on right? Sounds like it's about to fall off."

I'm scared now...:confused:

And when you put the kit on(after reading the other treads) you have to run out and replace seals and gaskets(more $).

The kit should have ALL of this stuff.

Somebody ease my tention and give me some good news.

02/18/2004, 10:12 PM
Here's the good news... I've had mine on for about a year and 4 months... never a problem. I had a shop install it, which was about $600, and they did a great job.

From what I understand, not only is the noise not a problem (they say many SC's make the noise), but the new kits supposedly don't make any noise due to cartridge bearings being used.

I must say, it was the most expensive mod on my VX... and it makes me the most happy, every single day!!

I wish I had it with me right now. I'm traveling for business, and I will be in Phoenix and Tucson next week. Wish I could show you that it isn't really anything to worry about.

02/18/2004, 10:29 PM
That makes(snif) me feel(snif, snif) a little better, thanks.;)

So, I have to make sure when I get the new kit that the sc has the new cartridge bearings in it.

Where did you buy yours from?

02/18/2004, 10:46 PM
I bought mine from Featherfoot (John) when he was selling them. They are and were from Alpine Developments, and a couple changes have been made since then, but not many.

Tone is selling the Alpine kits, and Alpine has worked with me with any questions or issues I have had.

02/19/2004, 06:43 AM
I have one of the newer kits form Tone and I have no noticeable clicking noise, might have some noise but the sc does make some noise at idle, when she gets going she makes a great whooossshhh!

02/19/2004, 10:12 AM
Feeling better....

02/19/2004, 10:27 AM
I have one of the new kits and there is no noticeable clicking. You can hear the "extra" bearing moving but that's just like any bearing or any supercharger. Don't be scerred, makes everyday driving that much funner! I have had mine on for over 10,000 miles. $750 install, I'm sure labor up here costs more than down there.

02/19/2004, 11:01 AM

02/19/2004, 11:16 AM

You need to buy one. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The "problem" (if you want to call it that) is just an audible tick that happens on many SCs. There is no real problem (as far as I hear) concerning this noise.

There. Now, can I get my Spawn #1 signed by McFarlane?

02/19/2004, 11:49 AM
Ok, Ok...

Just a little gun shy....3g's is'nt chump change.

I'll be seeing Todd in a few days, send me your address and I'll send you some stuff.

02/19/2004, 12:01 PM
Thanks dude... that would be sweet! I'll email you my info.

02/19/2004, 02:30 PM
So, this clicking in the S/C is pretty much just a fluke sound that should have no worry attached to it? Hmmm, hell, I may as well just whip out the credit card now. What the heck. ;)

Jay, tell Todd he needs to make room for the guys at Bethesda Softworks. His crew was gonna design toys for our game Morrowind 2 years ago but ended up getting swamped with other stuff. We have another BIG project going on right now and will probably be hitting him up again to see if his boys can fit us in for this time. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one. :thumbup:

02/19/2004, 02:52 PM
I just got done working on a few video games.

Soul Calibur 2

Spawn Armaggen

McFarlane's Evil Proficy(should be out in a few months)

Worked on all the charactor designs....fun projects!
