View Full Version : 2000 Silver For Sale - TX

02/18/2004, 11:35 AM
Asking $12,000

2000 Silver VX For Sale
61K miles
All original equipment
Roof rack
Llumar window tinting
Excellent condition inside/out!


Please e-mail me at
or call 281-588-6241

Houston, Texas

Please let me know if interested.

05/11/2004, 06:43 AM
Now for $12,000

Will be on Ebay later today!

05/11/2004, 07:01 AM
OH NO!!!
Why are you selling it???


05/12/2004, 07:32 AM
Julio -

I would like to keep the VX, but

1.- Promotion at work requires entertaining (need a big 4 door)
2.- Cannot justify two car payments + insurance
3.- Need more cargo capacity

If you know of someone interested in my VX, let me know...It's in excellent condition!

05/12/2004, 07:58 AM
cargo capacity may be the one issue that ultimately forces my hand ......
it is not an issue until I have both kids in the back ....... and then I'm stuck ........
I probably did underestimate this requirement .......... but after driving a VX, I found myself looking for ways to modify or hide these 'requirements' ................
plus, we do have another vehicle with more cargo capacity ...... my folks have a truck ........ (there I go again) ........

05/12/2004, 08:07 AM
btw .........
VX959 ........... you don't have a 959 - do you ? ...........
Your 00 VX with 61K should bring more than $12,000 ........
Don't rely soley on the NADA and Edmunds (etc) guides to determine the price - not for the VX. They can be a starting point - but the low number of VX's sold - and the fluctuation in prices cancels out total reliance on these published numbers.
It is basically impossible to locate a dealer that will sell a VX for 'book price'.
Also - I would look into advertising the VX on Autotrader - before Ebay. The VX's (for the most part) do not appear to get decent prices on Ebay ..... good place to for a purchase though ......

05/12/2004, 09:29 AM
Speaking as someone who's trying to sell his '01 now...

Autotrader will get you lots more serious inquiries and reasonable offers than this board will. And you will notice that most of the bids on eBay say "Reserve Not Met" and the bids on there are just stupidly-low. Really stupid. People bid but it doesn't look like many actually sell.

I'd do Autotrader if I were you.

05/12/2004, 02:51 PM
Thank you all for the advice...I'll try Autotrader...

BTW..I tried to ignore most of the "requirements"...but it is very hard to "squeeze" clients and co-workers in the back seat!
(funny, but once you reach 35 there aren't a lot of places you can "squeeze in" anymore....unless you are a contorsionist!)

I don't own a 959...don't even know what are you talking about....

05/12/2004, 03:04 PM
The Porsche 959 - introduced in the 80's - is simply one of the finest automobiles to ever grace the planet.
It has been referred to as a 'rolling laboratory on wheels' ......
and maybe more appropriately 'the greatest automobile of the century'.