View Full Version : New user with a cladding repair question

Ron Pfeiffer
02/22/2004, 06:29 AM
Greetings to all,

Just got my VX two days ago – 2001 Ironman with 18K on it. Fell in love at the first test drive (truth be told, probably well before that . . . ). A hearty thanks to all who run this place – I’ve learned a whole lot already!
Now the bad news – as (my) luck would have it, some moron put a dimple in my rear bumper cladding the day after I got it. Arrgh!!! Bump-and-run in the parking lot. No actual structural damage, just an irritating vertical dimple in the cladding over the little round red light on the passenger side. Anybody know if there is a way to pop that out (perhaps using a heat-gun from behind so as not to screw up the texture, then a gentle push?), or is it time to order a new piece? If so, where would you recommend I go, how hard is the part to get, and how much do you think it will cost (I’ll install it myself, of course)? Can’t have my new baby looking than way . . .


2001 Ironman #1109

02/22/2004, 06:57 AM
Welcome Ron. I think you've got a good idea with the heat gun. I've had to repair some cladding damage as well. It doesn't take a lot to soften the plastic. Since I had a woodshop handy I used a bandsaw to cut a quick rounded guide for the curve, and once the cladding was slightly soft from the heat I nudged it back into place with the wood guide. Its definetly easier from the inside of the cladding. You probably know, but plastic goes from being soft and maliable to melting into a gooey mess fairly quickly.

02/22/2004, 02:48 PM
Maybe wait for a bit the this material is self healing if the damage is not to deep.

Green Dragon
02/23/2004, 09:44 AM
Rubicon Boulder put a soccer ball sized depression in my rear cladding. Jacked it out with a floor jack. Did not think of softening first, sounds like a good idea. Still another rock punched thru front cladding, put a Fiberglass patch on inside & resprayed with LINE X. You Play you Pay, if you can't go around them and you can't get over them ,then just go thru them.