View Full Version : Trans slipping

02/24/2004, 04:45 PM
I had the trans fluid flushed today and when I got my ride back both the front and the rear slips, the front tod indicator shows the wheels slipping but there noty and when I go from reverse to drive it hesitates and then slams into gear, Is it possible they did not put the right amount of tranny fluid back in or could there be some air in the system, the Dealer did the work so I assumed they new what they were doing, by the time I got home the dealer was closed so I thought someone could give me a heads up.

02/24/2004, 04:58 PM
I think when you fill it it needs to be running or you will be a couple quarts shy of full and cause what you are experiencing. Did you also change the filter? I think you should have that done when you change the fluid. not just flush and fill.

02/24/2004, 06:27 PM
AlaskaVX is right it might be filter. Also check fluid level while engine running and warm.

02/24/2004, 07:05 PM
Definitely check the level. Eng warm and running and on a level surface.

Since flushing is supposed to relace the same amount of fluid that is removed, if it IS a fluid level problem I'd have to question whether you got a flush or just a drain and refill and customer hose job.:eek:

02/24/2004, 09:34 PM
if it was not doing it before ,then check the fluid level. if the filter was the problem it would have done it before. shawn