View Full Version : engine heat

Triple X
03/03/2004, 01:30 PM
I asked this question in my introduction to the group, but not sure when anyone will see that. I just bought a '99 VX 2 days ago. The temp guage is consistently in the normal range (even in stop and go traffic), but the engine puts out a lot of heat and requires a long time for the heat to disipate after it's shut off. Is this normal for a VX? I've never owned a vehicle before with an engine that puts out that much heat.
Any comments appreciated.

rocket man
03/03/2004, 02:25 PM
Hi Triple X


Your probably out of warranty, but if your are still in? Maybe you should just take it to a dealer and have it checked out. I havn't noted a lot of threads of over heating with this car. But I would still check, as that could be a good source of information and peice of mind.

Questions I would ask myself and check out are:

Does it continue to "diesel" or run after you turn off the ignition?

Does the expansion tank fill up and overflow.

Are you losing coolant?

Does the gauge always show in the mid range...even when you first start in up?

If your unsure of any of this take it to a radiator shop and have it checked, here in the LA area its a $20-40 pop to get it tested.

Don't trust me, but me tinks your just a little edgy cause she's your new baby;)

Enjoy your new toy!!

Triple X
03/03/2004, 02:34 PM
Rocket Man - thanks for the quick reply and suggetions. I've got no deisling, no overflow, no coolant loss, the system was just flushed, and the guage starts out just to the right of 'cold' and moves over to dead center. It really doesn't seem to be a problem, I've just thought it strange. I'll keep an eye on it, but not too worried right now. And, if the stove goes out, I can always roast hotdogs over the VX. Thanks again.

03/03/2004, 02:53 PM
Only once in 3 years when I was in Moab, after a series of hard climbs on a hot day did my temp gauge start creeping toward the red. It never went into the red and given a few minutes rest at idle, quickly cooled down.

Sounds like yours is running fine. If you have a concern have someone give it a look.