View Full Version : Light's ON Warning Buzzer Stopped Working

03/14/2004, 01:46 PM
There has got to be a simple fix for when the "YOU LEFT YOUR LIGHTS ON" buzzer stops buzzing when you leave your lights on after turning off the engine and attempting to leave the vehicle. So, what is it? Thanks :D

03/14/2004, 08:28 PM
Are you saying your buzzer fails to buzz at all?

That can really suck - I drove a rental ford contour for a month and it had a buzzer that sometimes worked, sometimes didn't. Twice I had to get a jump because the buzzer didn't warn me, and I left the lights on all day...

03/14/2004, 09:26 PM
isn't it a steady beep ..not a buz??????????????

anyways...check that bezzle for it to make sure it is pluggedin good...or just replace it...maybe that would work:confused:

03/15/2004, 06:52 AM
... I never payed attention to it until the other day when I noticed my marker lights were on when I returned to my VX. Opened the door and heard no audio warning, but knew their was supposed to be one. Drove home, turned off the engine, opened the door with the lights on, no warning again. Posted the story here, and the issue resolved itself in the morning...MAGIC :rotate:

Must have knoked something loose, but for now all is OK.