View Full Version : Clicking noise?

03/23/2004, 06:14 AM
Ok I have had my supercharger on for a bit now with NO problems... all of a sudden this morning on my way to work I start hearing a clicking noise when I am on the gas, NOT on idle just when I think I am in boost.

It sounds like there is a card in a bicycle spoke flapping around. I am hoping it is maybe a wire or something that has shifted and is hitting on one the belts?

Has anyone had this problem? Adam I know you were having a click noise from your SC, but you mentioned yours went away when you were on the gas? Mine gets faster as I am on the gas.

Any help would be great. Kinda worried about something blowing up.

Could this be not from the SC? and something else could be going on?


03/23/2004, 06:53 AM
Did you open the hood and LOOK?

03/23/2004, 06:56 AM
LOL yes... nothing visible touching belts and such, but have some nice clothes on for work so could not get under or into it really.

03/23/2004, 06:59 AM
And where did it sound like it was coming from? Put your hand on the SC and rev it to see if it coming from there. Is the belt loose or frayed?

03/23/2004, 10:59 AM
Maybe check the SC oil level, I could see the inside gears sounding like a baseball card on a bike if it was low on oil. Just a thought.

03/23/2004, 01:21 PM
I had a loud clicking/ticking that would "rev up" when I hit the gas, but only in gear and not in neutral or park.

What had happened was one of the bolts that attach the passenger side header pipe to the engine had worked itself loose, so I basically had an exhaust leak. There was no (or very little) noise when not in gear because the cylinders were getting no backpressure. I don't know if I explained that properly, but all the dealership did (or so they said) was tighten the bolt, and it's been quiet ever since.

Hope this helps.
Good luck!


03/23/2004, 02:02 PM
If it sounds more like a diesel engine, check the EGR nut attaching the EGR tube to the bottom of the valve.

NOTORIOUS for coming loose.

03/23/2004, 07:07 PM
Thanks guys... printing this thread out to bring to the dealer tomorrow morning. I'll keep ya posted.


03/24/2004, 07:58 AM
Well it was the NOTORIOUS E.G.R.

Thanks guys fixed in 2 minutes. Silky smooth.


03/24/2004, 08:14 AM
Well, at least that's all it was. Isuzu knows this is a problem as , when I took my VX in to the dealer almost 2 years ago for the same issue, they said they have had to tighten the nut many times on many different models.

03/24/2004, 08:41 AM
Yea the mechanic knew what to look at right away and said that Isuzu V6 motors are prone to have this problem.

03/24/2004, 08:49 AM
where exactly is the egr nut?

03/24/2004, 09:08 AM
From VXRaNgEr's photos...



03/24/2004, 09:08 AM
thank you