View Full Version : original VX mudguards on Japan auction

03/23/2004, 07:02 AM
Not cheap, not new, but oem.

03/23/2004, 07:21 AM
Ahhh yes.....I remember when I paid N1 for a brand new set of these, and I was on the "guaranteed list"......of course never got them. What fond memories.
Wish I could still get them but can't figure out that Japanese auction site or the conversion rate, they do look a little beat up too.

03/23/2004, 03:04 PM
http://www.xe.com is the best conversion rate site I've seen.

03/23/2004, 06:42 PM
Would it be possible to use these to make a mold so that one of our resident fabbers could sell duplicates? I'd be willing to put in $50 towards that cause.

03/23/2004, 07:20 PM
Nice idea, but it`s going to be very expensive to duplicate them...

03/23/2004, 09:04 PM
Pardon me for asking, but why would it be expensive to duplicate them? I mean, considering this pair, in the shape they are in, are going for around $234 US... and who knows how much brand new.

I'm no custom fabricator, but that doesn't look like a tough mold to make. And the material just looks like a hard plastic.

03/23/2004, 09:13 PM
You need 4 malls, the front and the rear is different (I thought) and of course there`s left and right.
But hey if you guys can do it cheap..go for it!:D

03/23/2004, 10:00 PM
I'm willing to put 25.00 towards someone who can make molds and duplicate. Then turn around and sell them to us. Has anybody asked Vehicross Concepts or Tone if they are interested?

03/23/2004, 10:50 PM
Aren't the OEM solid, hard rubber?

03/24/2004, 03:12 AM
You would indeed need 4 separate molds (with at least 2 halves each) to produce these and they appear to be made from a solid llow-density flexible plastic (for less weight) with a solid skin that's closer to the cladding. I'm not sure what process was used to originally make them. They could be reproduced through an injection mold (expensive) or some type of lay-up, but I'm not sure how rigid or forgiving they would be either way. To reproduce these would be very expensive, I think.

Carbon fiber could be an option but I would hate to see what these would look like after a year of road crap being slung against them. They do add tremendously to the look and functionality of the VX.

-- Best, John

03/24/2004, 05:38 AM
Will the seller ship?

03/24/2004, 05:55 AM
Honestly the aftermarket mudguards I have cost me $60 for all four, fit/look pretty good, and work very well.


03/24/2004, 05:57 AM
Will the seller ship?

Only inside Japan. so that`s plus an extra 10 bucks just for shipping inside Japan, and then another buck for a beer for me for the trouble;)

I`d go for these though, if I`d need mudguards

03/24/2004, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Daver
Honestly the aftermarket mudguards I have cost me $60 for all four, fit/look pretty good, and work very well.


Hey Daver....what brand and/or model # are you using? Any pics available?

Very curious........thanks!!