View Full Version : Lifespan of Intake Gaskets?

04/07/2004, 10:11 AM
How often do you guys replace the intake manifold gaskets? I did mine in November and the engine ran flawlessly until about a month ago. (Rough idle when cold, surging, stalling when first depressing pedal). I inspected the old ones, but didn't see any cracks in them. Could they be bad again? Can they leak if they aren't cracked?

Am I chasing another problem? (No codes, problem only when vehicle is cold-started).


04/08/2004, 08:50 PM
The gasket should not have limited life span. Good technique to check for leaks is to use piece of rubber tubing, hold it to your ear and use other end to listen around edges of manifold for vacuum hiss engine has to run for this procedure. You will hear all kinds of noises but vacuum leak is very distinctive.
It sounds like you took it apart already maybe inspect old gasket watch for irregular surface appearance, inspect manifold and heads surfaces too.

more here (http://www.vehicross.info/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3309&highlight=refrain)

04/09/2004, 08:35 AM
I replaced them when I was doing the thermostat. It was throwing a code and running cold. Strangely, the gasket that seals the thermostat closed was deformed and leaking (from the cold side to the hot side).

Anyway, I did intake gaskets as a matter of prudence (since the intake was coming off anyway and the gaskets are notorious).

The truck had about 50000 miles on it last November, and had this cold start problem since a little while after it was new, but no one could ever find the problem. The problem went away after I replaced the gaskets, so I thought maybe it was related.

Now, I have about 55000, and the problem is back...

Anyway, the truck runs fine after about 60 seconds, so I've almost gotten used to it. That's not to say it doesn't bother me, though.


Green Dragon
04/09/2004, 09:36 AM
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