View Full Version : Sgt Batguano Rollover ?

04/22/2004, 07:41 AM
Curious (again) ........
I have seen a few pics of rolled over VX's ...... but the pics of the Sgts rolled over VX are nasty ...... Ouch !
I understand he is ok - good to discover that.
Was this rollover a result of a multi car accident ..... single car accident ...... off road ?

04/22/2004, 08:16 AM
As far as I know Sgt's VX was a result of a road crash. I am sure he can fill you in a bit better. There is a tread that tells the story behind the pictures.
The only roll over from off roading that I know of was Spazz. There are pics in his gallery of that one also.

04/22/2004, 09:51 PM
Yup, Pics are in the gallery but I could not find any stories on it.

Spazz- could you read us a bed time story?:zzzg:

04/23/2004, 06:15 AM
I was able to get some info from one post, but little detail.
I would bet that SPAZZ has more than a few intesting 'bedtime stories' .........
It appears SPAZZ fixed his VX after his rollover - you don't see that too often ..... many/most cars are 'retired' after a rollover ....

04/23/2004, 03:20 PM
I'm pretty sure his original comments on his crash stated that it was a single vehicle accident and that he lost control and spun out, hit a pole or fence or something like that, and flipped. I don't know if anyone else caused him to have to swerve or anything that may have helped to cause it or not. Details were posted somewhere but so far I haven't found it either.

EDIT: Maybe he'll chime in... looks like he may have been broadsided after all. Or he couldn't help broadsiding something on the side of the road, and it initiated the roll?

04/23/2004, 05:59 PM
He didnt remember what happened...

The officer on the scene told him what happened to the truck during the crash, but no one knew what caused it. Rainy conditions.. single car accident with no witnesses. I think Mike said that there was a hard angle swerve which started the chain of events.

04/23/2004, 06:31 PM
Is what I remember is roughly in line with the officer's account? I remember an account of an accident happening as I described, and I'd swear it was on this board. Hmmm.

04/23/2004, 07:06 PM
wouldn't you like to know;Dp;

04/23/2004, 10:48 PM
So it was a post or something..

I thought SPAZZ was doing some Superman stuff again and right when he was about to make the death defiant conquest the VX slipped and rolled......

I like this story better:D

04/24/2004, 02:21 AM
It was 11-16-03.
I was driving after midnight, weather was raining/misty temp was about 40 F.

A road that I use regularly. I was tired, but not doing the dozing thing. The investigating officer said that I flipped after making a sharp right manuever.

The road was a 2 lane 2 way street. Speed limit 35. I was not speeding. The shoulder is about 2.5-3 feet gravel then dirt/grass/leaves, with a mild decline. At about 5 feet from the road surface is a 4 foot high, chain-link fence and the ground begins a 45 degree decline into a 4 foot deep drainage ditch , and inclines back up about 7 feet to the back of a guardrail for a state highway. The fenceposts are spaced about 10 feet apart and the fence is 20-25 feet from the guardrail.

I did my own investigation of the scene and came up with the following:

I found the first and last fenceposts bent and the 2 in the center flattened, so the entry length was 50 feet maximum. Within that 50 feet, the right front went into the ditch that had water in it and caused the vehicle to flip , i.e., endo. The driver side rear pillar hit a guardrail support beam while sliding backwards, upside-down at approximately a 60 degree angle to the direction of the road. The passenger side roof impacted an overhanging asphalt ledge from the shoulder of the interstate, causing its' collapse. After hitting the support, the vehicle began to spin while inverted and slide about another 40-50 in the ditch.

So, the total distance after leaving the road surface was 80-125 feet and half of that distance was sliding on wet ditch foliage with the roof.

That's the best I can do because I don't remember any of it. I took a nice whack to the head and received 4 staples and 30 stitches to the left eye. Can't say I would have done anything differently.

Funny thing about the road is that before you come to the straight section that I was on, you have to take a hard left off a different highway....immediately hit a hard right............200 feet hard left........... then a sweeping right and left.............1/2 mile down is a bridge (nice little 3 mile frontage road).........another 1/2 mile is where I lost it.

Had under 7k miles on it and the underside looked flawless after the wreck. I offered the ins. buyback here, but no takers. I often wonder where it is now.

Anyhow, I purchased Sugino's VX from a dealer 1 month later. It already has many of the things I wanted to do to my ebony. My insurance almost covered my replacement costs.

The EMT's, tow operator and police said I'm lucky to have survived.

Thank you "old Ebony"; welcome new lifted, sc'ed "PROTON"

P.S. Folks just can't stop looking at the Proton.

04/24/2004, 05:34 AM
Ya know... its funny... I don't think I had realized you had a rollover... I might have seen the pictures before but maybe they didn't register... WOW! You did a good job on that one... no half-a$$ing that one! I would probably agree just from the look of the VX... your lucky to be alive! I'm sure the WHACK to the head is why you don't remember... pretty common in an accident. I have a comment on the following picture...


... and I thought the head-clearence on entering the VX was bad to begin with! lol Good to see you survived that one. Now who had the frontal impact accident... I remember seeing the pictures of it with the roof folded back and the driver door gone... nasty looking one.


Coach... I mean Randy (I often forget who I really am) ;)
http://www.vehicross.info/gallery/data/500/406banner.jpg (http://www.geocities.com/ironmanvx2000)
Undergoing LS1 Conversion as we speak!
Click Image to Visit My Website!

04/24/2004, 07:52 AM
The front impact accident you're describing must be WormGod. As best I recall he broke his nose and had to have plates put in his foot. Something about a guy with a Honda Civic who wasn't supposed to have it (wasn't his, no license, illegal alien... something like that). The guy in the Civic didn't make it. :-( More on that here: http://wormgod.8m.com/crunch.html
There's a pic of the other vehicle too. Ouch.

Glad you're still with us Sgt. Batguano (where'd you come up with the nick BTW? LOL), and I remember the pics of sugino's proton. Very nice indeed!

04/24/2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Heraclid
...Sgt. Batguano (where'd you come up with the nick BTW? LOL)...

I guess it is better than Chicken Sh*t



(EDIT) ... I hope this is not your real name. If so Please forgive my statement.

04/25/2004, 03:24 AM
The nick is from a character in what is probably the best nuclear-era dark humor, political/military satire movie ever made,"Dr. Strangelove".

It's black and white, so it may not be of interest to the action movie; special-effects remake, gen ??? crowd.

04/25/2004, 06:58 AM
Great film... Stanley Kubrick at his best with Peter Sellers playing multiple roles. There's a great scene with Slim Pickens riding a nuke like a bucking bronco (it was stuck in the bombay doors of a B52 so he climbed aboard to release)! What more could you ask for?

-- Best, John

04/25/2004, 07:11 AM
Ah. I've heard some about it but have never seen it. Didn't Kubrick direct Full Metal Jacket? Hated that one. Not saying I wouldn't take a look at it, though. I'll probably go see the second Kill Bill movie today, and I don't much care for Tarantino either and despised Natural Born Killers and didn't sit through all of Pulp Fiction. But I do like swordplay. :-)

04/25/2004, 06:33 PM
Tarantino didn't do NBK, it was Oliver Stone. Since one of NBK's themes was the parodying of movies like Kill Bill (glorification of violence) it makes sense that you'd like one and not the other. You probably won't like Dr Strangelove for somewhat different reasons.

I think John Carpenter did an homage to Slim riding the nuke in his first(?) movie - Dark Star, anybody else remember an astronaut riding a missile, or something equally deadly, in there?

04/25/2004, 08:00 PM
Yeah... had a guy riding a 'planet killer' like a surf board in Dark Star.

Weird synchronicity happened today - Dr Strangelove was on TV this afternoon, shortly after I read the latest posts on this thread.

-- John

04/26/2004, 05:40 AM
Dr. Stranglove! Wow, we just caught part of that Friday night.

Major T. J. "King" Kong: "Well boys, we got three engines out, we got more holes in us than a horse trader's mule, the radio is gone and we're leaking fuel and if we was flying any lower why we'd need sleigh bells on this thing... but we got one little budge on those Rooskies. At this height why thy might harpoon us but they dang sure ain't gonna spot us on no radar screen!"
And, of course, the famous scene involving the Sgt.'s namesake:

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: "Colonel... that Coca-Cola machine. I want you to shoot the lock off it. There may be some change in there."
Colonel "Bat" Guano: "That's private property."
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: "Colonel! Can you possibly imagine what is going to happen to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, when they learn that you have obstructed a telephone call to the President of the United States? Can you imagine?! Shoot it off! Shoot! With a gun! That's what the bullets are for, you twit!!"
Colonel "Bat" Guano: "Okay. I'm gonna get your money for ya. But if you don't get the President of the United States on that phone, you know what's gonna happen to you?"
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: "What?!"
Colonel "Bat" Guano: "You're gonna have to answer to the Coca-Cola Company."

Then there's Dark Star, which for some reason makes me think of Silent Running too.

04/26/2004, 04:11 PM
My bad... mixed up my directors I guess. Although NBK is a very Tarantino kinda film.

I guess if I didn't like NBK it may actually make more sense if I also disliked Kill Bill. Both have over-the-top violence. Both are frankly quite weird on many levels. I'm not real big on Kill Bill either (especially the second one out right now), but I took a chance because it's a sword movie and I like swordfights. :-) I had to watch NBK as an assignment for a class in college, and it really sucked. I much preferred having to watch Higher Learning as an assignment. Now that was an interesting flick and something everyone should see.

Kill Bill, more particularly the first one, is so extremely over-the-top with the violence that it gets cartoonish. They spout so much blood that you think it would take several bodies to have that much, and it has such a fake quality to it that it becomes funny. It doesn't really gross you out much with the way it was handled. Too cheesy for that.

EDIT: Quentin Tarantino did write the script for NBK but did not direct. I knew it smelled of him. :-)

04/26/2004, 04:20 PM
With all of the Tarantino bashing going on I'd like to state that I like his script writing and directing abilities... very original.

Now, on with the shooooooooo!

04/26/2004, 04:58 PM
Two-thumbs up (and an ear!) for "Resevoir Dogs". Simply the best.