View Full Version : Cool VX movies!

05/30/2004, 06:20 AM
I love to see VX's in action or as art. I have a cool VX art-movie that I made posted on my website that is about to come down as I switched servers. Regulars of the old board might have seen it... it's the one seen thru the eyes of the VX 'stalker', but if you haven't this may be your last chance. The link is at the top and bottom of my VX photos webpage....

Anyone have links to other cool VX movies?

05/31/2004, 06:06 PM
WOW! You guys are REALLY into cool VX movies aren't you! Are you freaky truck drivers or film students? ;eekg; ;eeko; ;eekp; ;eekr; ;eeky; ;eekb; ;Do;

05/31/2004, 08:19 PM
Great pics! The Vid made me a bit "car sick", kinda like the blair witch project, but then muchos better!;)

05/31/2004, 08:26 PM
hey mrtew! i have my apple sticker in the exact same spot!

just thought you should know...


06/01/2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by technocoy
hey mrtew! i have my apple sticker in the exact same spot!

Let's see!

06/02/2004, 09:22 AM
yes, i am most definately putting an apple sticker on my VX. i am a big mac supporter. better than windows by FAR!!!

i am assuming you made that movie with imovie or final cut. that explains why it is good.

i use my mac so the same purpose, i make movies all the time. i like the idea of making one on my vx, so ill do it some time and show you all.
