View Full Version : Tornado?

06/07/2004, 06:43 PM
Saw a informercial the other night on the Tornado....anyone have this and does it work?

military vx'r
06/07/2004, 07:07 PM
the tornado works on some cars. It work wonders on my 89 BMW 525i. I went from 300 mlies per tank to around 450-475 with addition of K&N filter. With this background I decided to buy another for the VX. It didn't change anything.

VX crazy
06/07/2004, 07:10 PM
Hey MilitaryVXer! Are you going to be able to make the Houston Meet?

06/08/2004, 07:39 AM
...The Tornado is HYPE :yes:

Ideal to have the intake air smooth and cool NOT turbulent, or so I've been told.

06/08/2004, 07:46 AM
The Tornado is popular in Kansas ........ and is recommended by both Dorothy and Toto.
Me ? - I recommend the Flux Capacitor.

military vx'r
06/09/2004, 11:10 AM
vx_crazy, I will not be able to attend the houston meet. I live in Hawaii for now and will not be home until probably August

07/27/2004, 08:03 PM
I was spetical and searched the net and all the negative comments I saw came from people who did not even own one. Since I read some old posts here that 2 people reported some good improvement so I gave it a try.

Tornado Air works for me. I saw 0.5mpg improvement after installation and battery re-disconnect. Now I'm getting 380 miles per tank on 21 gallon fill up (18mpg). Was getting 17.5mpg before tornado. Mobile 1 synthetic gear/atx/engine fluid helped it from stock 16mpg to 17.5mpg.

Only mod I have is K&N cone filter. Power mode all the time.

Planning on getting a good muffler but not sure which one..

07/27/2004, 08:08 PM
Probably what helped was the computer reset. Always good to do that at least once a year. If you want to know why things like the tornado are just snake oil take a good look at your intake guts. Especially the MAF. Everything in there is designed to straighten out the airflow.

Does aviation use the tornado and similar devices? How about automotive racing? No, they don't. And when you consider what's at stake in those two fields alone when it comes to power and fuel consumption you'd think they'd be all over something with the claims of such devices.

Whenever you encounter something like that at the future, take a good hard look at an area that could really benefit from such a thing. If they're not using it, then that's a pretty strong clue.

07/27/2004, 09:36 PM
I have the Tornadoe...I installed it at around 12,000 miles and now am at a little over 60,000 miles. I am not sure if it works, but I know for a fact it doesn't hurt any.

I had a little handed person stuff it as for down the intake hose as possible.

09/28/2004, 05:13 PM

After about 1000 miles from the initial installation of Tornado Air now I got 391 miles per 21.2 gallon fillup. This is 18.44 mpg. This is great. It looks like the benfit of the swirl air inside combustion chamber outweighs the air restriction it adds at the intake.

The idea is similar to GM's vortex engine (http://www.gm.com/automotive/gmpowertrain/engines/vortec/about/index.htm)


Search for swirl in auto golssary (http://www.autoglossary.com/term_S.html)

swirl - A cylinder-head design that causes the air/fuel mixture to enter the combustion chamber at a high rate of speed, increasing its atomization.

The new Nissan 350Z also has swirl control valve (http://www.motortrend.com/roadtests/coupe/112_0103nissanz/index.html)

09/28/2004, 05:31 PM
In your face Joe_Black! ;)

Jolly Roger VX'er
09/28/2004, 06:23 PM
This is EXACTLY why I bought a Fantom Fury "Tornado" Vaccuum for the house-cleaning chores!:p

09/28/2004, 07:51 PM
It can not help in any way for power or mileage. right up to the valve seat you want flow as smooth as possible. Turbulence is not flow, its resistance to flow.

Keep drinking your Kool-Aid.

John C.

09/29/2004, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by jayfotos
In your face Joe_Black! ;)

Bah! ;pg; When I see professional race teams and the aviation world using stuff like this, then I'll believe it. Those two areas alone would be all over ANYTHING legitimate. In the meantime, I've got a bridge for sale that'll increase your torque while automatically cleaning the oil filter. :naughty:

09/29/2004, 05:25 AM
sheesh! Just put a supercharger on the darn thing if you want to increase your airflow! :)