View Full Version : Odd Noise - TOD ?

07/02/2004, 03:10 PM
Does anyone else notice a noise that begins when you start to move ..... just as you begin to roll ......... almost immediately ...... (and before the TOD front light display illuminates) .....
the noise I am referring to sounds like an 'odd' click or clunk ....... maybe a servo/motor actuated by the computer ??? ........ and is followed by another 'odd' noise .......... I do not notice it - or any other noise after this initial movement ..............

07/02/2004, 04:22 PM
I get a little "clunk" when the tod kicks the front wheels in at 5mph. Other then that I dont notice anything, but then again my pv2 makes hearing little noises almost impossible.

07/06/2004, 08:29 AM
..... yep ..... that must be it ......
although, the front wheels on the 'TOD display' do not illuminate until 10 or 15mph ...............