View Full Version : Need alignment help

Ron Pfeiffer
07/15/2004, 04:29 AM
I’ve recently developed an alignment problem that is stumping both me and my local mechanic. I have an appointment with Isuzu, but knowing how crappy factory mechanics can be, I’d love some feedback from you guys before I go in . . .

The problem is, my driver’s side wheel appears to sit about 1/2" - 3/4” further forward in its fender-well than does the passenger side front wheel. The difference in distance between the front of the tire and the inner edge of the cladding (where I cut it to fit the Nittos) is clearly visible between one side and the other. The VX also pulls ever-so-slightly to the driver’s side at highway speeds.

I figured this was simply an “offset”: condition caused by caster being out of whack. But my alignment guy couldn’t fix it (incompetence?), and the VX manual says caster isn’t something you can see with the naked eye. The frame is not bent, and all the parts look to be undamaged. Anybody got any idea what the heck I am looking at? What is wrong here?

Help would be greatly (and desperately) appreciated!


07/15/2004, 04:51 AM
... ??? ....
1/2 - 3/4 inch ..... seems to be significant ........

Ron Pfeiffer
07/15/2004, 07:22 AM
Yeah, I sure thought so. What gets me is how something could be so visable and yet the mechanic couldn't find why it was that way. How come I always end up with the WEIRD problems? :confused:


07/15/2004, 10:05 AM
Might try measuring front to rear, hub to hub on both sides to see if they measure the same. If they do then maybe your cladding is the problem. Might need a bit of adjusting or maybe it was just that way from the factory:confused: :confused: :confused:

07/15/2004, 06:18 PM
I agree, it could be the body thats off. Post up a printout of your finished alignment specs, and we can see whats really off.

John C.

07/15/2004, 06:34 PM
Make sure they measure front wheel set back when they do caster.

Plymouth Valiant (http://www.dodge-wiki.com/wiki/Plymouth_Valiant)

07/16/2004, 06:18 PM
Recently developed or noticed?

It's possible the alignment guy goofed.

A good body shop should have frame and body reference dimensions. They can tell you if it's frame, body or a little of both (that's how a shady rebuilder would hide damage) Are you original owner?

Ron Pfeiffer
07/17/2004, 05:52 AM
I talked to my local guy a bit about it yesterday. He said that they measured the setback and a host of other things, including front hubs versus each other and versus frame, etc. All seemed fine - no discrepencies. He also said that he really doesn't think it was ever in an accident. I am the second owner, so of course you can never be sure, but all indications point to it never being wrecked (got a clean carfax sheet too, but that doesn't mean jack).

I measured hub-to-hub on both sides, and they SEEM to be the same. Of course, since its hard to get the front wheels PREFECTLY straight and the driver's front wheel is only 1/4 - 3/8 further forward, that would be easy to miss measuring hub with a tape measure . . .

Mechanic did say that the caster is a tab more positive on the drivers' side, but it was within the factory spec. He is hoping that the Isuzu guys have more experience with their own stuff (not bloody likely . . .) and haver newer, more sensitive equipment.

My appt with Isuzu is on Tuesday - I don't know what else to do but keep my fingers crossed. Its certainly not a major issue - the pull is so minor that you only notice it if the road also tilts that way, but the idea of something even minor being wrong that people can't figure out pisses me off. Any ideas would be great. If not, wish me luck. I'll post the alignment data when I get her back.

07/17/2004, 03:03 PM
I bumped a rock when offroading and it pushed my bumper cladding back to where it was rubbing my tire. I just got out and pulled it back out by hand and forgot all about it until now. I bet you just need to pull your front bumper away from the tire until it's even.

07/18/2004, 02:56 PM
My driver wheel was closer to the cladiding also. I only trimmed the driver side when the l;arger tires where placed on. With a new allignment runs straight as an arrow but still closer on that side.. Orig. owner no wrecks.30,000 miles . The mechanic(not isuzu) did the allignment twice . It was out off allignment before and ate the stock tires up quickly ie. 4500 miles.