View Full Version : Did The EGR Cleaning Thing

07/16/2004, 09:40 AM

07/16/2004, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by deermagnet
While I was spraying the intake tube at the EGR valve mount with the engine running, the CE light came on for the P0405 code for 'low exhaust gas recirc'. It didn't come back on after I got everything buttoned up.
Mark Griffin

You're not surprised at the code , and its' auto re-setting, were you?

(that's exactly what should've happened)

07/24/2004, 05:22 PM
My Check Engine light has been going on and off for the last week becuase of the EGR. I had the codes checked at Autozone, they were 1404 EGR Close Stuck and 0402 EGR Excessive Flow Detected. A new valve runs about $100 and I remember reading that cleaning the carbon out of the EGR sometimes fixes this problem, so I thought I'd try that first.

I pulled the EGR valve off today and sure enough the pintle was stuck open. A bunch of carb cleaner and 20 minutes later it was moving freely and not sticking at all.

I noticed a difference as soon as I started it, the engine didn't rev high and then settle down like it has been the last two weeks.

The Check Engine light is off for now, I'll have to wait and see if it returns.

02/13/2005, 11:10 AM
I was spraying the intake tube at the EGR valve mount with the engine running

I was under the impression that you NEVER want to spray these parts with the engine running. I just picked up a can of carb cleaner this afternoon with the intention of dealing with the EGR on my VX, and the instructions twice make a point of saying "DO NOT spray while ignition is on". This could be very dangerous.

02/13/2005, 01:09 PM
Yeah, I was a little nervous about doing that too. However, I cleaned the tube with the engine running, carb cleaner causes the idle to increase a little. No other issues though.

BTW, it's been seven months since I did this and it's still running great.

02/13/2005, 02:10 PM
I've read several write-ups about this and several just say to plug the exhaust port (large hole) to avoid the possibility of getting flames shooting out of there. I just didn't want to try it so I just now finished doing this with the engine off and it seems to have worked fine. Plus I took off the intake and did the throttle body too. And checked the PCV while I was at it. I didn't use the whole can of carb cleaner, but I came close. That's A LOT of carb cleaner. The EGR valve wasn't too bad, but it wasn't too good either. I'm not sure if my VX has ever had this done before, but I'm at 69K miles so if it hasn't I guess it looked pretty good for the miles. Like you said, I noticed a difference right away- mine also was idling high and then settling as you described, and that is gone. As is apparently normal, it didn't really want to start after doing this, but pressing the gas pedal while turning the ignition made it start up. The exhaust sounded a bit odd for just a bit, but I slowly revved it up a little and then let off and normal tone resumed from there as I gave it a little pedal. Throttle response seems marginally crisper. Very happy I did this and a big thanks to everyone here whose posts helped on the subject!

02/27/2005, 02:50 PM
I've got a P0401 Error "EGR Flow Insufficient"

What does EGR stand for?
EDIT: Found it! "Exhaust Gas Recirculation" Solenoid Valve

It sounds like a bottle of carb cleaner will fix it, right?

I've never heard of the Sea Foam before. Does anybody know of any potential problems with it?

02/27/2005, 02:58 PM
This is cheap insurance that everyone should be doing for peace of mind. It's quick and easy to do using these instructions-
http://www.geocities.com/endre_rl/isuzufaq.htm#faq1 (http://www.geocities.com/endre_rl/isuzufaq.htm#faq1)

My throttle body area and EGR valve turned out to be surprisingly clean after over 80K miles. While I was spraying the intake tube at the EGR valve mount with the engine running, the CE light came on for the P0405 code for 'low exhaust gas recirc'. I read the code and turned off the light with my code reader. It didn't come back on after I got everything buttoned up. It's too quick 'n easy not to do, just to make sure your EGR system is clean and working right. This is rumored to be a contributing factor to oil burn.

Mark Griffin
Here is an updated link:

03/12/2005, 06:14 AM
This was a great thread guys, I'm goign to clean my EGR!!!

03/12/2005, 04:06 PM
NC_VX: I'm gonna be doing mine again tomorrow. If you want a hands-on demonstration.

04/22/2005, 10:37 AM
My check engine light came on this week and then went off by itself. I was curious, so I took it to my local auto repair place to see what the problem was. They said it was the EGR valve and that it needs to be replaced. The quote was $425 because they said they needed to replace the gasket as well. I chose not to have the operation done. Should I go back or is there something I can do myself? I noticed some RTP people on this thread who have dealt with EGR's before. Any advice?

04/22/2005, 11:31 AM
the check engine light would come on after driving about five minutes and then turn of on its own. just had the 45k service so i took it to the dealer to complain. i suggested that it may be the EGR valve after reading the posts here, but i don't have the technical knowledge to attempt this myself.
the service rep told me not to believe the stuff i read online.

they replaced the EGR valve under warranty. he charged me an hours labor ($100) to clean it out saying it was really gummed up.

i didn't make him eat his words though.

04/22/2005, 03:53 PM
I did a write up not too long ago about how to clean out the EGR. It takes very very little technical knowhow. I would definitely try this before spending any more than the cost of a can of carb cleaner.

See the link to my website below.

04/22/2005, 05:02 PM
Yep, if I can do it, any of you can. :-) Takes 10 minutes and I wish I made $100 a pop for that too. That's like $98 profit. The best thing about this site is that it keeps me away from the dealer. Whew!