View Full Version : Damage to VX

07/20/2004, 07:13 PM
albeit slight...I would not recommend Reindeer Auto Relocation. When I received my VX it was dirty. I washed it the next day and discovered several wear marks from straps as well as 1 place where it was scratched down to the metal. I requested a claim form and when it didn't arrive, I requested another...I was told that I had waited too long. :mad:

07/20/2004, 09:12 PM
Question: Did they have record of you asking for a form the first time? Do you know who you talked to? I wouldnt settle for what they say... find out if you do have rights to recourse.

07/21/2004, 01:58 PM
They have no record (how convienent)...however, when I first called to report the damage, I called my move specialist for the whole shebang. I relocated with my employer and cendant Mobility is the big picture. they farmed out the vehicle move to reindeer. Cendant does have a phone call log and they show that I called the day after I took delivery. During that call they directed me to Reindeer...so, proof does exist that I saw damage early. All I can hope for is that Cendant drops Reindeer. After resigning myself to defeat I washed and waxed VX (yesterday) and lo and behold, most of the rub marks rubbed out. This still leaves me with a small spot of exposed metal. I will repair myself.

Oh well, this was the first time in a long time that someone 'done me wrong' and it is of such a small $ amount, that I shant worry about it any more. FIDO (forget it drive on).

07/21/2004, 02:51 PM
Sorry to hear about this .........
unfortunately, my VX suffers from a number of small nicks ...... a few scratches .... especially near the door lock on the driver side where *for some reason unknown to me* it appears someone was inserting and twisting the key with other keys attached - instead of using the remote to unlock the doors .......... ???
and just recently, a small chip out of the paint on the driver door edge ..... (how in the heck do you chip a door on a VX ..... actually, I have an idea) ........
anyhow - as my friend would say - a blind man would be happy to see that scratch ........... (yes - FIDO) .....
if the scratch is not that significant or noticeable, I would be tempted to leave it alone ....... rather than have someone attempt to spot repair the section or paint the entire section ..... chances are it may look worse when completed ........
you may want to consider some touch-up paint ... probably avail from a dealer .... the stuff in a small bottle ........ use a tiny brush to fill the scratch with paint ..... followed by 'gentle' wet sanding with 600 - 1000 grit paper .... maybe a little compound after that ........