View Full Version : tod????????????????

07/22/2004, 05:37 PM
hey everyone long time no talk been super busy. well im havin TOD troble and can't figure it out. when i start moving it keeps jumping to three bars to one to three to one to three and keeps doing it. any one know what's up w it. thanks

ps. i saw a silver and a proton in hazlet nj anyone own these ladies

07/23/2004, 09:30 AM
Have you checked your tire pressure lately? Its the cheapest thing to start with.

07/24/2004, 11:20 AM
my tires are brand new and i checked em like four times any chance the brakes would do it?

07/24/2004, 03:33 PM
Only way brakes would cause the TOD to go crazy is if they were rubbing(I think). You should be able to hear that though. Could be sensors, computer or a number of other electrical things. Check wiring for anything chaf'd, wires or plugs pulled loose especially in areas of recent work.Have you been driving in water lately (mud, rain, water crossings)?
hopefully someone will chime in who has had other TOD exoeriences!
Does it do it all the time, itermittent, under certain situations only? The more info, the easier it will be for others to help diagnose.

PS if you just had tires put on make sure they didn't pinch or knock any wiring or plugs in that area loose.

07/25/2004, 08:58 AM
Here's a recent thread on the same subject with a possible answer. Do you have big tires on yours too?