View Full Version : P0302- Cylinder #2 misfire

07/23/2004, 06:56 PM
I had my VX scaned today and it came up with cylinder #2 misfire. Which bank is cylinder # 2 on? Sorry for the noob question.


08/20/2004, 10:33 AM
I believe it on the left facing the engine. Left is 2,4,6, right is 1,3,5.

08/20/2004, 01:37 PM
it helps to describe sides of the vehicle as "drivers" or "passengers" side.

Just so perspective don't matter a hill a beans.

08/20/2004, 02:06 PM
On THIS forum we actually try to keep it light and positive and constructive?! If you have owned so many isuzu's and are such an authority how about some objective input instead of capping on everyone, their opinions, their ricers vx's, etc... here's a thought, maybe you could help the guy out instead of JUST correcting me. What I meant OLSUNJUS, facing looking at the engine bay from the front of your vx.

08/20/2004, 02:32 PM
wow, so ok, that was a little over the top.
i think maugan has a good point, i do the same thing, i don't think he was talking smack or anything, your post was a bit confusing when i read it. settle down... it's OK:)

08/20/2004, 02:33 PM
facing looking at the engine bay from the front of your vx.

I mean, wouldn't it just be easier to say "drivers side"? :P

08/20/2004, 02:37 PM
If you don't got nothing good to say don't say it... Guy has capped on all of us on another forum; played down the fact that some are have engine issues, claiming we are dramatizing it.... My bad for not being clear in MY help to other but it seems this guy is always correcting everyone through his opinion. No need to be holier then thou.
I'm done.

08/20/2004, 04:36 PM
i was one of the first ones to get pissed over the posts, but he has offered an olive branch, and everyone deserves a second chance, right? what i meant in my previous post, was that i believe that he WAS trying to be helpful. anyway, no harm intended.

peas out,