View Full Version : You’d buy a SuperCharger if......
Just wondering what the rest of the VX community’s thoughts were on this.
02/02/2003, 07:39 PM
I've seen statements that the SC is soon to be an Isuzu-approved upgrade. I'd like to see that actually happen first.
02/02/2003, 08:40 PM
... developed by an informed and knowledgable person/company, installed like it was developed for the VX, and ran flawlessly, requiring little maintenance and didn't overly put much pressure on the OEM of the VX itself.
That being said... I have one!
military vx'r
02/02/2003, 08:56 PM
please post question on Vmag
02/02/2003, 10:40 PM
I would LOVE to have a SC. Unfortunately...I would LOVE to have all kinds of mods right now but finacially it just ain't gonna happen...yet.
02/02/2003, 11:50 PM
Cheaper price wouldn't hurt.
However, right now the #1 issue for me is really the sorry state of our economy. 3 years ago I bought anything and everything I had ever craved for without blinking... or feeling guilty. Now, ordering pizza is even out of the question. Forget about buying music or watching movies. The thermostat in my apt has been set to 50 degrees for two winters. You get the idea...
With threats of war... world instability (equals economic instability)... I don't see how things can get better anytime soon. At least not for another 2 to 3 years... war or not.
02/03/2003, 03:58 AM
wow Paul, that's a downer. Don't worry, everything is going to be fine.
For me to buy a supercharger I'd have to know that it wouldn't hurt my Truck at all, by making it wear out faster etc, and it would have to be a lot cheaper. I don't see how people can drop $3000 into their cars just to make the chances of a ticket 3 times higher. Oh, and I'd have to know that it's not too much power for the suspension to handle too.... sometimes I feel like it's already powerful enough to flip itself off the road accidently! Where's a good page to read up on them... the official site or something?
02/03/2003, 04:26 AM
I would almost say all the above, but I cant say much about the power since I havent tried it out yet. As for the price, that is actually priced about typical for a S/C. S/C'ers in general are pricey though, so what can ya say. Warranty coverage, well, there is a big one. Having my new VX just about a year now, I wuold hate top lose anything UNcovered while sailing on my excellent plan. It's definately a toss-up.
02/03/2003, 04:40 AM
I'd definitely be suspect of an inexpensive SC. Power-increasing induction systems (turbo, SC etc.) have to be well-designed and well-built to function properly and offer any kind of longevity. My biggest concern would be voiding the OEM warranty since I recently purchased new. Believe me, the SC is very much high on my mod-list and will probably be under the hood within the next year or so. I've just got to build a house first!
02/03/2003, 05:44 AM
Originally posted by military vx'r
please post question on Vmag
haha - my gut reaction too. Not being a goat, I'm harder to herd.
I'm not sure a SC is for me. Power take-offs, showing off, and the zoom-zoom noise are attractions of youth. That appeal, if I ever had it, has long passed me now. On the other hand - I do like to get there fast. If the VX can already hit it's governed(sp?) speed, what more would the SC bring ?
I really got my VX because it Looks Good to ME - all the hardware it came with is just a bonus.
02/03/2003, 06:01 AM
The VX out of the box is no sloutch, it has plenty of off line speed and power. I was pleasantly surprised with the increase in power I achieved by replacing the stock air filter with a simple K&N drop in "filter charger", much better throttle response IMO than stock.
I am happy to see the SC is available, I'd buy one if the VX was more like a Rav4 and really needed a boost :D
The VX comes stock with plenty power to spare, IMO it's as fast as it looks allready :D
02/03/2003, 09:29 AM
I would never purchase a SuperCharger. I personally think the VX has too much power. What I really want is an engine that doesn't rely on fossil fuels or Saddam Hussein...
I bought the VX because of the stylish looks and the TOD system. It is so much fun to drive....
02/03/2003, 10:36 AM
I would love to have a supercharger. Just wish that I had more skill to maintain the VX mechanically or had Tone living down the street. :smack:
Love the power... love my VX!
02/03/2003, 03:15 PM
I would love to have the supercharger on my truck...
#1 reason.. I can't afford it now. I need a house first... the apartment thing is getting old, and I need some equity
#2 wear and tear, I put a lot of miles on this truck and plan on keeping it for as long as I'm around, so until I get another car to put the miles on, I don't want to do yet
#3 I kind of want the rocker bars and other off-road mods first, again so I don't accidentally break something when I'm off road, and those mods are a little cheaper
So I guess I can't afford it really, but I'll eventually buy all this stuff, I just wish I could support them so they don't go away before I can have one. here's an option, I'll just keep sending you payments and then when I get it all to you, you can send it. I'm not a good saver, not having a house displays that. The family/girlfriend is not helping in the car mod thing anyway, they already say I'm obsessed. I have that door popper sitting her and I haven't installed it yet, deciding whether to buy the factory switch or not... it's been too cold to work on it.
#4 I don't trust anyone to install it.. I'd have to buy it and come down for an install.. extra $ again...
02/03/2003, 03:41 PM
Thanks mrtew.
And to add to what I said about "cheaper wouldn't hurt." What I really meant was the price isn't unreasonable for a well developed kit. In fact, the price is very fair considering what you get. The kit appears to be very well thought out and complete. As far as superchargers go, I'd take an Eaton over any Paxtons or Vortechs. It has a long service life. It's proven. And, it works. But, as a consumer, lower prices are always welcome.
Someone said the VXhas too much power? Wow. Never thought I'd be reading that in an auto enthusiast forum. Granted, the stock VX is probably just fine for a lot of people... and I can kind of see that. I am fairly content so far with stock power. But... in my book, there is no such thing as too much power. ;) I guess one needs to spend some time canyon carving with a sports car to know what they've been missing. Some day I'd like to build a 600 HP Mitsubishi 3000GT VR4 and head down to Monterey...
Anyway, in terms of reliability... the Eaton is probably the most reliable means of forced induction available. Unlike other superchargers, the only thing to keep an eye on is really the belt. As for the motor's and the suspension's ability to handle the power increase... no sweat! It's a mere 4 psi boost in intake pressure. By forced induction standards... that's nothing! Not to mention the stock motor's low, boost friendly 9.1:1 compression ratio. That isn't to say everyone should have a smaller pulley machined and jack up the boost. You'll probably want forged pistons and APR Raceware head studs for insurance. Blowing heads and melting pistons are not fun to deal with.
If you've got the moola and don't mind the extra power, I don't see any reason not to take the plunge.
Someone else mentioned something about having a well known company behind the product being an important issue. Alpine is one of the top names when it comes to forced induction for many import sport compacts. Look at the SC kit. The product speaks for itself and if you're familiar to the aftermarket industry (full of snake oil and backyard engineering)... products that can speak for themselves are very rare.
02/03/2003, 04:18 PM
The enjoyment of moving 4K pounds from 0 to 60 in 8 sec??
But doesn't the VX stock have a 0-60 time of 8.5 seconds?
I would hope that a supercharger might give it a second or two better wouldn't?
Just asking I never owned anything with a turbo or super charger before.
02/03/2003, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by paultvx
Someone said the VXhas too much power? Wow. Never thought I'd be reading that in an auto enthusiast forum. Granted, the stock VX is probably just fine for a lot of people... and I can kind of see that. I am fairly content so far with stock power. But... in my book, there is no such thing as too much power. ;) I guess one needs to spend some time canyon carving with a sports car to know what they've been missing.
Well, I agree with you about sports cars, but the VX, while extremely great handling for an SUV, just feels to me like it's a little too tall and trucky for much more power. I just don't feel like it's safe to go much faster than I can already... when I step on the gas my baby scoots! Not like a 911 Turbo, but it's enough for me. If I want to go faster I think I will get something a little lower to the ground. In fact I am starting to get a hankering for that new Civic Si. It would finally make up for the one that got away back in '85.
02/03/2003, 10:12 PM
If I had the $$$, I'd get it in a second. However, it's only 1 of the mods that are on my wish list.
02/04/2003, 05:27 AM
mr.tew, if you want to feel some scary truck power find a Ford F-250/350 2001 or newer with the V-10. My last truck was a 250 4X4 long-bed crew cab with the V-10 and let me tell you, that thing would scoot! It rode and handled nice, but definitely a truck. With hoards of acceleration! As a former auto/cycle racer the VX handles well which improves stability considerably compared to the variety of Troopers I've owned. What makes extra power dangerous is how you use it. Just because it's there doesn't mean the VX has been suddenly transformed into a Sierra RS or 928, it's still a 4X4. But I can certainly imagine the joy of smokin' little tuner kids in the light to light with something they can't even identify! Of course, that's why my other hobby is the XR4Ti... ;pg;
02/04/2003, 08:47 AM
Holding off on a supercharger for now for the following reasons (ranked in order of importance):
* Warranty - I have 9.5 years and 93K miles before my warranty expires so unless Isuzu approves it, I am out. I am not a supercharger wizard like Tone I would get busted at the dealership because I wouldn't know how to take it out. ;pr;
* Price - saving for a home theater conversion right now
* Afraid I couldn't be a law-abiding citizen and obey all posted speed limits with a spiffy new S/C! ;eekp;
VX crazy
02/04/2003, 09:57 AM
I can't obey the speed limit WITHOUT the S/C!! I think I could kill myself with it!
02/04/2003, 03:51 PM
Warranty schmoranty.
So far I've owned cars from Subaru, Jeep, Volkswagen, and now Isuzu. And, from all the owner's message boards I have participated in, I have seen more cases of dealers and manufacturers refusing warranty work than I care to remember.
Mod away.
Besides, when something goes wrong... the burden of proof is on the dealers and manufacturers. They have to prove the problem is/was precisely caused by your modifcations. had a document on that years ago. Not sure if it's still there. If not, I am sure they'd more than willing to provide you with (or advise you on) all the legal info you need to know to protect yourself.
Car companies use warranty policies to sell cars. When it comes to making good on that warranty, their bottom line comes first (afterall, it IS a business).
01 Dragon
02/04/2003, 08:49 PM
Well I would love to supercharge it, I just dont have the clams.
In my opinion "One can never have enough horsepower"....EVER! You just never know when you might need it. And just because you have it doesnt mean you WILL use it, but if your in a pinch-YOU GOT IT!:yesg:
:sighg: and as for the danger issue, we all adapt to our circumstances, and this would be no different. You would simply have to learn the vehi-cross on steroids.
Wouldnt it be cool to see a VX pull up to a light with some meats on it, and just start baking all four?! YES IT WOULD.:bgwg: :yesg:
Ok im out, take care everyone.....good post Tone
02/06/2003, 09:58 PM
I'll be buying one this next fall!
02/06/2003, 10:04 PM
You guys may say you want a cheaper price, but I think I know what you really want. MORE POWER!!! Nobody wants to spend their hard earned money on something that does not produce. A supercharger is not going to be "cheap". And if it is, then you will most likely be unhappy with its performance. Save your money and get something worth buying. Otherwise, stick to the limited mods such as intakes and mufflers.
Reg Hinnant
02/07/2003, 09:57 AM
I'm not interested in having to buy hi octane gas. Been that route once and it gets expensive on long trips!
Stock VX is pretty sweet for me!
02/08/2003, 05:03 AM
Yikes Reg, If you are going to spend the money to increase the power of a VX with the supercharger I can't imagine why you would be overly concerned about dropping an extra buck or two on a tank of gas. The addition of a supercharger improves the performance of the stock VX markedly. I hope that someday you have the chance to drive one (I think you once witnessed an installation...did you have the chance to take it out for a test drive?) Now if Isuzu would standby the warrantee after adding the supercharger I would be in VX heaven! In the meantime, I'm a very happy camper with the supercharger addition.
Reg Hinnant
02/17/2003, 02:57 PM
If its only a couple of bucks per tank, why do we have guys trying to add Toluene to regular gas to keep from buying 97 octane?
The S/C is great and a great addition to the VX.
But not for everyone.
02/21/2003, 11:09 AM
Ehhh... you tell me where I can buy 97 octane for a couple bucks extra a tank, and I will definitely keep off of the toluene!! ;)
02/22/2003, 05:10 AM
Originally posted by Dallas4u
Ehhh... you tell me where I can buy 97 octane for a couple bucks extra a tank, and I will definitely keep off of the toluene!! ;)
No kidding. Here in Portland Oregon, super is on average $2.00 a gallon. Regular has climbed from $1.35 a gallon to $1.79 a gallon. Being a port city, one would think price hikes to be less likely since we're close to a distribution point. NOT.
Such the case in San Francisco two years ago. A major refinery (one of the largest if not the largest on the west coast) was just due east across the bay and super in the city was as high as $2.45 a gallon. Good thing I had a decent job then... not the case now. How things have changed... yet not really.
Never thought I'd say gasoline smells fishy.
02/22/2003, 09:08 AM
I know... I think the higher prices have to do with a little "somethin' somethin'" added on to our full service only stations. Oregon and, I believe, New Jersey are the only full service only states in the country... please correct me if I'm wrong. The whole state is nothing but full service gas stations... no self serve what so ever.
I think they put a little boost in the price to help with the attendants salaries. The good thing is you don't have to tip!
02/23/2003, 01:13 PM
Oregon has never had self-service stations. Except if you belong to one of those Pacific Pride co-ops. Every time the state votes to change it, it gets shot down. Look around... it's been a retirement state for a long time. My guess is the seniors would rather not pump their own gas. After having spent two years in California, I think self-serve is the better way to go. It is much more efficient (don't have to sit around and wait for the attendant to feel like working) and when you travel late at night, you don't have to worry about running out of gas. Couple years ago on a return visit from CA, a friend and I ended up coasting through Ashland, OR at 3 am... running on vapors looking for a place to crash because not of the gas stations were open.
02/26/2003, 09:29 AM
If Oregon got rid of full-service, think how many people would be out of a job! Seriously... Oregon has way too many things to worry about right now... Teachers striking, shortest school year in the nation, highest unemployment rate, how in the hell to bring more money into the state to pay for everything we need (taxes, taxes, TAXES!!!).
02/26/2003, 01:05 PM
I didn't think you could have too much power?:confused:
I guess some people are happy to just settle instead of improve. Oh well, I will be getting a sc as soon as the wife to be stops checking the bank account......;Dp;
02/26/2003, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Dallas4u
If Oregon got rid of full-service, think how many people would be out of a job! Seriously... Oregon has way too many things to worry about right now... Teachers striking, shortest school year in the nation, highest unemployment rate, how in the hell to bring more money into the state to pay for everything we need (taxes, taxes, TAXES!!!).
You're right. A lot of people would lose their one of at least two jobs. That's precisely the problem. Majority of jobs in the state are not living wage jobs. They're right around or slightly above the minimum of $5.15 (or something like that). That's exactly why more taxes won't do it.
02/26/2003, 02:41 PM
Check this out...
Minimum Wage Rates (
This states that Oregon minimum wage is above the Federal minimum rates at $6.90/hr. Texas is the same as the Federal rate at $5.15/hr.
I always thought Texas minimum wage was $6.25, but damn... $6.90? Is that true?
02/26/2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Dallas4u
Check this out...
Minimum Wage Rates (
This states that Oregon minimum wage is above the Federal minimum rates at $6.90/hr. Texas is the same as the Federal rate at $5.15/hr.
I always thought Texas minimum wage was $6.25, but damn... $6.90? Is that true?
Heh. Show me a person who can live on 6.90 an hour. :) Wouldn't even pay for gas for the thirsty VX.
02/26/2003, 03:25 PM
I think my wife would be happy enough with me making $6.90 an hour right now... as opposed to nothing an hour.
For some reason... I just can't make myself work for minimum wage yet. I guess I haven't come to that as of right now, but you never know!
02/26/2003, 04:17 PM
You could come to San Diego where minmum wage is like $7, but a 1 br 1 ba condo at 600 square feet cost $189,000(but, the weather is nice they say)......It's all about....sacrofice:confused:
05/24/2003, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Dallas4u
I know... ... Oregon and, I believe, New Jersey are the only full service only states in the country... please correct me if I'm wrong. The whole state is nothing but full service gas stations... no self serve what so ever.
I think they put a little boost in the price to help with the attendants salaries. The good thing is you don't have to tip!
Actually, I am living about 30 miles west of Philadelpiha (and the New Jersey border).
Pennsylvania is a self-serve state, but gas prices within about a 40 minute driving radius of me is still about 10-20 cents more expensive than if I hop a bridge over to New Jersey and have the attendant pump it. Even if I head 20 minutes south, into Wilmington Delaware, they are self serve as well, but still cheaper than the Philadelphia regional prices.
Oh, and we have a bunch of refineries in NJ, PA and DE, right next to and even in the cities. Go figure.
05/25/2003, 05:55 AM
God you guys must be laughing all the way to the gasstand...
I`m left crying....$4.90 a gallon high octane and $4.50 a gallon for regular. :(
05/25/2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by dutchie
God you guys must be laughing all the way to the gasstand...
I`m left crying....$4.90 a gallon high octane and $4.50 a gallon for regular. :(
Yeah our gas is cheaper, but what do you pay for income tax and health care in Japan? What about cost of living? Average income levels? Comparing gas prices around the globe is like comparing apples to oranges when you don't look at the whole picture.
Here in the states if you don't have health insurance and find out that you are ill, then you might as well shoot yourself because that's what the hosptial bills would tend to drive you to think. A friend just had some procautionary x-rays taken for a mysterious chest pain. One of the doctors charged over $300 for 15 minutes of examining the x-rays and that's only the lesser of over two dozen bills for various tests and "professional consultation".
05/25/2003, 05:53 PM
You can blame the outrageous medical costs in America on socialization. With employers of a certain size (like 50 employees or so) mandated to provide health insurance to the employees, something like 90% of the people with insurance have it paid through their employer and are thus insulated, to varying degrees, from the actual costs.
If we totally decoupled health insurance from employer benefits and instead made 100% of the individuals who receive the care also directly responsible for paying the bills, you can bet we'd see prices plummet like rocks. People would start making spending decisions based on value and we'd see competition to provide more value for less money.
But, as it is now, especially with exclusionary clauses for pre-existing medical conditions, the corporate employers like the current system because it gives them more control over employees and most of the population is so brain-washed into thinking they are getting "something for nothing" with health insurance based on dollars spent rather than value received, that there is probably no chance in hell of getting real free-market reforms applied to medicine in the USA.
PS - we may not pay $4.50 at the pump, but we sure pay for it in other ways - increased pollution, tax-payer paid subsidizes for the oil & gas business, etc. Just like with medicine, this country would be better off if we paid the real cost up front where everybody could see it and make rational value-based decisions instead of hiding the costs in places were we either don't see it, or can't do anything about it...
05/25/2003, 06:48 PM
Well guys, I never thought of it that way, here in Japan and in Europe we always look with great envy at the US gas prices.
I still do:D , but I can put things in the right perspective now.
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